Homophobia in roleplay needs to cease

As I explained, I find romance / erotic / sexually loaded RP repulsive in general. A mention in TRP merely shows to me a higher chance of the topic coming up.

That is, once again, the point. You cannot give an “at glance” to describe a gay man because you’d either oversexualise him or just define a man in general. It is something to be learned IC; if you explicitly highlight it it means you give the characteristic some unusually high significance. Which draws into the above issue.

Except that will remain the baseline assumption. But I like how you took that example and not the “revealed lover” part.

At glance slot used for a mention, or the lustbar-esque optional TRP field added.

me, i asked


At long last, I’ve found you


if u aren’t out to ERP on this (my) server then u can honestly be as gay as u please in my mind


Nah, for you maybe. Not this guy.

This, pretty much.

But if homophobia did exist in WoW, or was prevalent, systematic or institution, there should be no problem with someone wanting to role-play as a homophobe.

Not everyone wants to pick paragon choices or be perfect idealized versions of themselves.

‘LGBTQ+’ isn’t an organization that exists in WoW either so that never really comes to mind when I’m role-playing. Sexuality generally doesn’t. When my character encounters behavior that they find problematic, they deal with it, because it’s their issue and not mine.

I understand some people like role-playing like second life avatars but I’m just not one of those people.

tl’dr: I don’t really care about homophobic characters (though they don’t make a lot of sense in the context of this universe), and I more hate homophobic people.


That’s fair - I personally view it as just one piece of information eg birthplace or w/e. I do not really think of anything else. I understand why someone is cautious due to characters written for ERP - but again, this really shouldn’t be so.

I didn’t speak about RP profiles to begin with. You’re defining a man if you’re visually describing the person anyway. You can leave stereotypical clues, but they don’t inherently mean sexuality either - flamboyancy/femininity for men happen all the time.

That’s still not really the point. I feel like in your case, if someone makes a mention of their sexuality, it’s already sexually loaded for you and you’d be repulsed. Because, for example - if they mention their IC partner or w/e, wouldn’t that be talks about romance?

While technically yes, I also don’t think the game would have much in the way of an LGBTQ+ playerbase, because video games are generally entertainment, and things which hit close to home aren’t what most people expect to find in a game that follows conventions. Some obscure indie steam title exploring darker aspects of the human condition perhaps, but certainly not the most popular game of a given genre.

Nobody is arguing this. There is nothing wrong with playing a villainous character, however the problem with roleplaying homophobic characters is that it, again, can hit very close to home for people who experience that in their day-to-day life. Imagine yourself in a country where religious prejudice against LGBT people is commonplace. You can never be yourself, not in private, not in public. The only way you can do so is to go online - and even then, it starts to creep in. Imagine never being able to escape the horror that you live in. Which brings me to:

You don’t need to be that person. Nor are gay people roleplaying gay characters that person. One can roleplay a character who shares their sexuality but differs in numerous other ways. A gay character isn’t a self-insert just because the player is gay, in the same way that a straight character isn’t a self-insert just because the player is straight.


I get you, it’s just a case of preference / pattern recognition for me - but my problem is with the “sexuality:” part rather than what the sexuality actually is. I tend to think stuff like birthplace might be useful to have on-sight because of accents / dialects / certain tell-tale signs you may recognise

Of course in a perfect world where you know 100% nobody’s out to ERP at you stuff like lust bars / sexuality fields etc would be pretty benign, I agree



Just don’t roleplay a homophobe.

Dunno how many times I have to tell you. It’s a game about pew pew wizards, and little tinker gnomes, and big green dudes.

You can be anyone and anything. Get a grip on yourself and get the plop out of here with that crap.


Well rounded arguments.

I don’t disagree.

I agree on this.
Probably because the whole thing about sexuality makes your head fill with romance and other unholy things. Probably because of the wording.

But if you just include “Wife/Husband” in the marriage custom slot, its more cute and direct. You get the entire picture with it.

So, well said.

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What is this post


Sexuality in the +12 setting that is WOW should never enter the conversation, in my honest opinion. Whilst some people have been caught expressing homophobic views, I don’t think this is some broader issue.

Happy pride month, and remember to report your local ERPer.


I do apologise if I’m misinterpreting this quote, but I think there’s no harm in it ultimately. Most people agree that it’s okay for a man to love a man, a man to love a woman, a woman to love a man and a woman to love a woman, and I don’t think it’s a problem to show that gay and bisexual people exist within the medium of roleplay, assuming that those depictions are held to the same standards we hold straight IC couples to, of course.

If you meant sexuality as in characters acting sexually, then obviously I agree. There’s no need to have that exist within roleplay.


I have encountered both type of ‘‘non-heterosexual’’ type of characters.

Those who RP it as natural part of their character.

And those who spent 90% of their TRP flexing how lesbian, gay and bi their character is.

In the end majority of issues comes when people try to shove things down and build something on a foundation that comes off as attention seeking and that goes in many different directions such as being LGBT, overly racist, overly sexual and so on.

I honestly not encountered any homophobia both IC and OOC so far and I have had few characters that RP’ed as homosexual in my guild over the past 2 years but I understand that my experience is not the entire truth as there are likely those who have encountered terrible things.

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I feel like a character can stand up on its own as a character without being homophobic. It doesn’t enhance the character at all, it’s not the spice that’ll make them stand out in a good way.

That’d be my question. What the heck does it add to one’s character to apply this? Especially when there’s no precedent for it in any culture on Azeroth that we know?

People are overthinking it! Bigots tend to dislike / belittle everything that is different from themselves! It’s not like this particular bigotry has to be the entire personality trait a character revolves around! It could be one of many negatives!

It’s entirely reasonable someone would want to completely avoid RPing with a character like that, but I don’t really see it any different than other questionable character concepts!

Is this still a thing on AD? Can’t believe it.

On every character, both IC and OOC I come out as gay to my fellow RPers and never have I ever been met with homophobia.

I think that whatever LGBTQ+ person that is faced with homophobia in-game should simply avoid those people.

It’s complete and utter headcannon, as there is no based reason for homophobia. Heck, in some cases it even makes more sense for a character to be gay than heterosexual, for example: Night Elf females that lived through the Long Vigil, or you know, every other sex of every other race, because it happens and is natural.

Being homosexual IC or OOC doesn’t mean that you pursue those sexual goals in-game. It makes little appearances throughout RP to add nuance to your character like say; eating, sleeping, happiness or grief. As a matter of fact, I encourage our fellow heterosexuals to create and play a homosexual character too! Light knows how many GoT fans our realm knows and loves, so it should feel quite familiar too.

Pride rant sequence; ended.