Yes the second one, the first one is an example but it’s specific to Orcs and Orcs alone, and seems to be reversed by the time Garrosh has been about a while, so it doesn’t really justify why green skin and brown skin rocs would to this day still be being racist to each other by skin colour alone.
It seemed to be a short-lived “that’s wierd” that quickly faded once Azeroth Orcs became aware by and large their ancestry was brown-skinned.
" In the story, Garrosh recalled the events of his first visit to Orgrimmar. Being the first Mag’har to set foot on Orgrimmar, many observed him with curiosity and some with awe."
" Yet not all were happy to see Grom’s legacy and heir. An orc woman named Krenna wasn’t impressed with his lineage, as she saw Grom as the one who instilled the blood curse on her people in the first place. Nor was she impressed with Garrosh for that matter."
He stood out because he was the first mag’har most orcs had seen, a relic from their past, uncorrupted. He was also dissliked by some due to Grom having initially led their race’s downfall and also tried to do it again a second time. Garrosh himself at this time was unsure about himself and not the big boy he later became.
That you choose to imply that it was due to his skin-colour is on you and headcanon.
Can your character just be interesting without the “I AM THIS SEXUALITY” thing?
Every time I read in someones TRP that they are “Sexuality: Straight/lesbian/gay” I think to myself why would I care? IC and OOC wise?
If your character thinks gay/lesbian/straight people are weird then so be it. If you are offended because there’s a gay/lesbian/straight character infront of you then you got some real issues my guy.
Goes in the reverse too. Don’t make your characters sexual orientation the point of his/her existence.
I wanted to make a deer lady joke here but I just noticed there’s people on AD who roleplay as actual animals and now I don’t know how to handle that.
It doesnt matter, there are rules against anti LGBT behaviour in world of warcraft.
Theres legitimately a collumn that exists in the rules of the game itself that state very adamantly that people that spout hate speech, racism, anti religious or anti LGBT ideologies are breaking the games ToS.
In short, it does not matter what you beleive, or what you want to believe, it doesnt matter if your RP demands your char act X or Y way.
You must adapt, and your character must to the OOC conventions of the law itself, if you cant, then dont rp, because acting against the LGBT community is legitimately asking for a ban even if one says “Its all IC im not like that OOC” if your character is saying it, you, by extention are saying it.
Best argument so far tbh. For the same reason why we don’t do ERP/sexual narratives because it’s against the terms of service, same applies to homophobia.
Agreed. This has, and always will be, a bad excuse too.
Characters aren’t autonomous beings. They were made, and they’re played by the people who made them (most of the time). Every RP decision is a player decision. The unspoken suffix to “My character would act this way” is always “because I made them act this way.”
It was bad enough when dealing with dumb paladin alignment arguments.
Absolutely. Everything a straight character can be, an LGBT+ character can be too. When I have roleplayed gay characters, I personally believe I’ve given them more reason to exist than their orientation.
Honestly, I think that’s what most LGBT+ roleplayers are aiming for. We’re not looking for rapturous appluase for our homosexual, bisexual, asexual etc. characters, we just simply wish for them to exist without the hateful language and mentalities of real life seeping in to the virtual world.
That argument only works in medieval settings based on Earth, where homophobia was common place due to it being considered ‘not normal’. In a fantasy world where we have giant bull-men, wizards that can control time and space, a giant sword sticking out the side of the planet, and a load of other weird and wonderful things, being gay wouldn’t be considered any more out-of-the-ordinary than a night elf wearing a blindfold fighting a literal god. It’s a bad excuse for a bad attitude and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.
Be a character without sexuality in TRP then! That’s most of the straight characters anyways. I still do not understand what point there is to put it in TRP and not make it a character reveal / character trait found out IC.
Then again, a straight character with an at-glance “Heterosexual - Into dark haired ladies” would be even more wacky.
When the character’s sexuality is a defining part of their story: “Can’t you write a character where their sexuality is not a big deal? Why are you shoving this in my face?”
When it is an incidental fact of the character: “Why even mention it when it isn’t a big deal? Who cares?”
The only acceptable response to this rhetoric is if people who aren’t considered the default are just not written about, as though they don’t exist.
[EDIT: to be clear on this, I do not necessarily believe that you think this. I am informing you of where that argument leads, so that you stop using it.]
Blizzard tries to placate it by having zero queer main characters - the token representation that they have offered are in minor characters which can be safely ignored.
Make Matthias Shaw and Tyrande gay is my point basically
Okay but if they are gonna make Shaw gay can it not be with Flynn Rider? It seems super forced and Shaw honestly seems irritated by him constantly. Needs a better boyfriend.
Personally I refrain from doing so. You can’t really suss out somoene’s orientation at a glance, so it doesn’t tend to go in the first glances. That being said, if someone does want to put their character’s sexuality in their TRP, I don’t see it as being harmful. Maybe a tad redundant and unneeded in a lot of situations, but there’s no harm in it.
Edit: I also have my character’s birthdays listed in their TRP, those birthdays being the day I created the character OOC. It’s not something that I think has ever popped up in RP, but it just kind of makes me feel better for having put it there, and I could see someone putting their orientation in there for a similar reason.
Thank you and keep it up then! TRP sexuality doesn’t create “negative feelings” for me, more so avoidance due to all the you-know-whos who are similarly straightforward with such details.