I mean, fair and all but I still disagree that it’s far from that simple, as has been discussed loads previous to this.
I don’t know if they mind or not, but the fact is , they made a choice. If one makes a choice, one ought to live with the consequences of it.
Absolutely agreed. I’m not saying it is a good idea, but I think it’s not the kind of thing that one should pursue to ban or anything like that. If they are harassing other players of course ban them, but I think that should be because they are harassing and not because of the kind of character they choose to play.
People do have reasons, but such reasons don’t, and often aren’t, grounded in continuous reality. It may be grounded on misconceptions they have, on fear, or on a previous trauma for instance. However, these are all things which happen at a personal level, they don’t need to have a widespread basis as you appeared to assume was required.
Lord Takkihira speaks harshly, but truly
I think that is fine honestly. People fear and/or dislike what they do not understand- And for somebody that has never seen it and sees it for the first time, they might find it weird and or outright wrong- That’s how it works IRL too, after all.
My Pandaren for example has a very easy rule of thumb that if he finds it weird it’s probably somehow wrong so he just automatically dislikes it.
Telaryn is an eromenos though.
I don’t think anywhere is necessarily arguing that they should be banned, but discussing whether it’s something that we should accept as players in our communities.
But then, even homophobia portrayed totally in-character can be deeply uncomfortable to someone who has more than enough experience with it in their real life. Should their enjoyment be shoved in the bin for the sake of being able to hate the gays in Stormwind?
The question that I would ask then, is why would a character have never seen it? If it’s not frowned upon by society, then one can make the assumption that people who wish to love who they want would simply do so, and the act would be commonplace enough to where all but the most sheltered of characters would be privy of it.
silence, bottom
This is a fair point.
Which is a fine sense of morality to have, but it’s you as the player who would be giving the character a belief that is homophobic. I just don’t see how that can enhance a scene/character, especially when we aren’t even in a setting where LGBT people are oppressed (probably. I doubt Blizz will touch the topic).
If your character is a bigot (regarding anything) then it’s up to you how you want to RP that character trait!
I don’t think “people don’t want it cause it makes them uncomfortable OOC” is a good argument! RP contains many negative concepts, like murder! Picking and choosing is up to all of us on a personal level! If you don’t like it, avoid that kind of RP!
You could argue that a type of bigotry does not fit the setting or game of Warcraft, and that would be a fair argument! In this particular case, there are no examples of it within WoW! But there are examples of misogyny so it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch! If you want to RP it, it’s up to you! I wouldn’t do it!
I personally don’t care much for sexual orientation in characters, seeing as it’s ultimately redundant to my RP. However, I feel that in a world where population upkeep and heritage are both very real concerns, there would be some people who’d realistically harbour negative views on homosexuality. I also feel it could be done in a tasteful manner.
As an example: a disapproving Gnomish parent wants their surviving, homosexual heir to carry on the family name, after losing the rest of the family during the fall of Gnomeregan. It’s a classic narrative where there’s a lot of room for growth and depth in the parent character. No, their heir doesn’t need to be homosexual, they could just as well be asexual, or simply uninterested in romance altogether, but in that we’ve reached the point where it equally doesn’t matter what the parent character has built prejudice for. What matters is their opposing motives, and how they deal with that. That makes it acceptable for me, personally.
But all of that should be a personal narrative for the characters involved, and not public random RP. Honestly, in public RP, I agree that homophobia just shouldn’t be part. Only because it’s impossible to know a stranger’s boundaries, and RP is, ultimately, meant to be fun for everyone involved.
Blizzard invented a society where the men slept for nearly 10k years underground all together.
I think on both sides of the fence, there would be quite alot of same-sex interaction during all that time(granted one group was asleep 90% of the time though)
I don’t think either’s enjoyment should be “shoved in the bin” as you put it. I think the two players should avoid interacting. There may be situations in which they are stuck together, however, and those are more complicated, but I would argue it would be up to the individuals or the host to resolve the issue in a civil way fitting their specific situation.
I know this isn’t necessarily your point, but if someone needs their character to be a homophobe in order to enjoy their roleplay, then I’m gonna seriously question their intentions.
This is kinda it for me as well. As much as we talk about acting like our characters and IC and OOC seperation, it is still ultimatly you the player who decides how the characters are.
And I don’t really understand the logic of "Hey, Im deciding that Im going to roleplay a massive homophobe, it sounds super fun! "
Not sure I agree! Most people roleplay murderers! I don’t think negative traits of characters really reflect their players in most cases!
Some people approach RP as if they’re writing a book! There’s room for all sorts of scum of the earth characters!
You don’t need to conform to society for you to dislike something- It can be completely irrational. Maybe you have some really bad unconscious memory attached to it. Maybe you just don’t understand it.
Another point is that LGBT stuff is, evidently, not very commonplace in WoW- As it isn’t in IRL. And by common I do not mean it doesn’t exist- It certainly does, but compared to the median population it certainly is much rarer. Even moreso in WoW, though most of this can be attributed to the fact that Blizzard doesn’t dare to try and write something good out of it.
Of course this comes down to ultimately whether you believe that people conform and or/accept behaviour purely by social constructs which I personally find to be rubbish for the most part, though that’s another topic entirely.
I think rather than “intentions” I would argue one might question their “motives”, as wouldn’t be looking into questioning what they are trying to do, as much as why they want to do it (implication being they are homophobes in real life I assume).
And you may be right. Honestly I don’t know, and I don’t like to ascribe motives, nor intentions, without much harder evidence. Still, even if they ARE homophobic IRL and are trying to live that through wow, I say let them. One less sshle doing it in real life. Exception being, again, if they are going after someone or a group of people and actively harassing them, rather than their character responding homophobically when the topic is brought to them. In that case, the problem is beyond just the in-game homophobia, and goes into the player actually harassing others, which open should act upon and against.
So, if it’s complete irrational, why would you want to make the direct effort to include it as a part of your character, with the knowledge it makes people uncomfortable on a personal/OOC level? What does it add to your RP?