After a discussion with Perroy on discord I will take back and apologise for what I’ve said about the PCU as a community as well as for derailing this thread and for making it about things which were untrue and unnecessary.
This is an important issue and I shouldn’t have attempted to detract from it by getting sucked into trivial online politics. I also want to apologise to Zagkush, Tehya, Morsteth and Krasarang for the snipes I’ve made at them and the accusations I’ve made about them alongside anyone else I’ve caused issue with or offended.
I’ve only really just returned to the game properly after completing university and have received a lot of misinformation and was told a lot of things about certain posters on the forums and the PCU which caused me to have a chip on my shoulder and to then post in the way I did, which was unfair and spiteful. I can only admit that I was wrong and say that I don’t want to have any problems with anyone on the thread.
With that said, I can also completely understand if people don’t want to be involved with me or my characters because of what I’ve said and the trouble I have stirred up in the thread. I just want to enjoy RP to be honest and I know that you all do too and that you’re trying to make RP better for the community and I’m truly sorry.