Homophobia in rp needs to cease

Fair enough.
zips lips
NOW to find out what this “COAD” thing is.

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Turn back, mortal. Death and darkness are all that await you in that forsaken tumblr.

3 posts in
sweet jesus on a stick what have i stumbled into

No… trying to protect you… from it.

(this is an extended Frostmourne gag)

You can have an opinion without doing the [turns to the camera] Just to clarify, I hate the PCU. This bi-partisan online video game politics stuff is super important to my identity - I think I might cease to be if I don't inform you the audience which side I'm on before making my point

Tell me about it

What was your poor experience to the point that this is an important conflict for you?



man in green, lovers of the colour scarlet, fel-infused breeding bull and female blood elf who likes the word endowed spring to mind

Weird obsessives with a three year long hate-blog and no ability to self-analyse, otherwise they’d realise that running a three year long weird obsessive hate-blog is actually also bullying and harassment.


That sounds entirely disturbing and not a little scary. I hope you are okay.

You wouldn’t get it

Sounds like I am lucky that I don’t.

Sure, let’s go

After a discussion with Perroy on discord I will take back and apologise for what I’ve said about the PCU as a community as well as for derailing this thread and for making it about things which were untrue and unnecessary.

This is an important issue and I shouldn’t have attempted to detract from it by getting sucked into trivial online politics. I also want to apologise to Zagkush, Tehya, Morsteth and Krasarang for the snipes I’ve made at them and the accusations I’ve made about them alongside anyone else I’ve caused issue with or offended.

I’ve only really just returned to the game properly after completing university and have received a lot of misinformation and was told a lot of things about certain posters on the forums and the PCU which caused me to have a chip on my shoulder and to then post in the way I did, which was unfair and spiteful. I can only admit that I was wrong and say that I don’t want to have any problems with anyone on the thread.

With that said, I can also completely understand if people don’t want to be involved with me or my characters because of what I’ve said and the trouble I have stirred up in the thread. I just want to enjoy RP to be honest and I know that you all do too and that you’re trying to make RP better for the community and I’m truly sorry.


Hey King… don’t forget your crown :crown:


all fine mate don’t worry about it, soz about any countersnipes i threw in


A good number of people in the PCU were also once similarly firm believers of the rumour and hearsay that has surrounded Perroy, Rotgarde and friends. It’s not always easy to tell who is simply feeding you bogus information in bad faith, or with intent on turning you against someone that you realise (as you have now) you didn’t really know from Adam.

It’s cool, buddy.


Takes a lot to admit fault and apologise. Kudos on that.




Kudos for the apology and Sorry for the funny snide remark and insults mate.
And I dont care who comes to interact with old Zag, haters or not, thou I keep ooc contact to a bare minimum with those if none at all.

Edit: Unless its on the forums.


I was one of the ''PCU man bad" people about a year and a half / a year ago, too. I’ve met a lot of people on Discord that did nothing but talk trash about the PCU and tell all kinds of things about the community, and, of course, none of them could provide any concrete proof. At the time, I didn’t realize they were a large community with 100+ (now 200+ if the federation of evil is to be believed…). According to all the anti PCU fanatics it was just the evil wanna be Kim Jong-un dictators Perroy and Morsteth who ran their evil guilds. I guess now and especially after I had some brief interactions with guilds like Assemblage of Uld and that one Dwarf from League of Modimus I realize that they’re just normal people who just want to RP instead of le ebil facists.

I had some disagreements a long time ago with some of their members and I do regret some of the things that happened, there was some regrettable drama at that time, but it is what it is. I too wish that I didn’t say some of the things I said, but it is what it is and it was what it was.

Only true champions realize their own mistakes and will admit when they’re wrong, though some of AD’s playerbase will sadly never change their minds about the

evil music starts

Federation of Evil

edit: sorry for calling you a random altposter that came out of the woodwork, my own experience with these forums is that there’s far too many alts and new characters that constantly want to stir stuff up, but welcome back to the game dude


I see that you later apologized, dismiss this post.