Homophobia in rp needs to cease

Gnomophobia does exist to some degree in another form. Particular in on non-RP servers, there is this weird “hahaha gnomes are so funny and weird, lets bully people who play them hahaha” kinda joke. Which some people take way too serious & far.

Which is bad!

Also because it’s a fun topic to discuss(Since it is more on lore), while specism is perfectly valid and does exist, I’ve always found it really weird with the particularly human rpers who dunk on dwarves & gnomes for being “Sub-human filth”.

Gnomes are generally(this isnt univeral for every individual though) some of the most beloved allies of the Alliance, and have very close friendly ties with most races, particularly those of the old Alliance!

I’ll post my other comment on this for refference!

But in seriousness though, specism in general is perfectly fine since its valid in the setting.

Also have a :blue_heart: on your post & everyone else too still before I dissapear for the day!

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