Gnomophobia does exist to some degree in another form. Particular in on non-RP servers, there is this weird “hahaha gnomes are so funny and weird, lets bully people who play them hahaha” kinda joke. Which some people take way too serious & far.
Which is bad!
Also because it’s a fun topic to discuss(Since it is more on lore), while specism is perfectly valid and does exist, I’ve always found it really weird with the particularly human rpers who dunk on dwarves & gnomes for being “Sub-human filth”.
Gnomes are generally(this isnt univeral for every individual though) some of the most beloved allies of the Alliance, and have very close friendly ties with most races, particularly those of the old Alliance!
I’ll post my other comment on this for refference!
But in seriousness though, specism in general is perfectly fine since its valid in the setting.
Also have a on your post & everyone else too still before I dissapear for the day!
Ah, to wake up to Homophobia in RP needs to cease: Electric Boogaloo part 2934
I wonder now, if people who think banning homophobia in RP is a slippery slope to banning all other forms of RP, or saying that ‘uhmmm what about gore/torture/racism?’ are the same people also doing highly gory and maybe racist RP?
But here’s one more time for the people in the back: RPing out racism/homophobia/gore/torture does not make your story/roleplay interesting, mature, clever, or intelligent. It makes you seem like a racist/homophobe/gore & torture fetishist, and makes your RP highly immature, offensive and off-putting, on top of already being bad RP as the first two don’t even exist in the setting.
IDK why ERP was brought up, but there’s really no distinction between cybersex and ERP. RPing out romance is not ERP, but the game is not the fitting place for writing out all of its details. We know Thrall and Aggra love eachother (right?) and had a child, but I don’t recall reading about a certain Doomhammer anywhere in the official stories or in-game text. Follow the same principles, keep everything else out of the game.
Not sure why people think maturity is all about excessive violence/-phobias/erp/being a .
I don’t think ERP really belongs in the conversation tbqh, because it begins to imply that LGBT people/characters are purely vehicles for sexual gratification (this isn’t targeted at what you said, but at the people who bring it into the discussion).
If your character’s only defining trait is that you’ve imported real world intolerences e.g. homophobia, racism, etc then you are not a very good roleplayer and should probably rethink your character.
Calling people homophobic or racist slurs in game like some pre-teen in a CoD lobby who’s just found out what they mean is a massive crutch; there’s no need for it.
But it does appear there and it is one of two examples of priests / paladins distrusting arcane magic.
There are two sources that state they are not friendly towards those that practise arcane magic. There not being a single chapel in Dalaran proves nothing, otherwise you end up in a situation wherein all of the more pious human nations are lacking sorely in churches. As do the dwarves and Quel’Thalas.
But they didn’t like mages because they were “rivals in magical prestige”, they didn’t like mages because they were practising the arcane arts. And again, if you pissed the key point as to why - they didn’t like magi for practising the arcane arts because when this lore was written, fel and necromancy were both arcane magic. That’s why paladins believed mages would end up in hell with demons upon their death.
‘beginning seemingly with Warcraft 3’ - a reference to how paladins aren’t walking about and going “gosh darn these magi, we’d do so well without 'em. Fellers just gonna end up in hell anyway when they die, can’t see why anyone would like to doom themselves by cavorting with demonic magic so.”
It is mentioned nowhere else, before or after these two circumstances and again; both of these stories were written before the Three Virtues were. Two of whom are overly progressive and just fly in face of these supposed more ‘regressive’ elements of the Church of the Holy Light.
And don’t mention Scarlets. They were led and corrupted by a Dreadlord and the fall of Lordaeron had an overly destructive effect on the minds of many of its survivors, hence why Benedictus and so many others joined the Twilight’s Hammer.
The only pieces of lore you have for any ‘regressive’ elements is two, at this point, antique stories. One a book, the other a short story. And what do you mean “they fought alongside other humans”? The Northshire Brotherhood didn’t fight, they went into battle purely to heal both the soldiers of Stormwind and their enemies.
That’s why they were decimated during the First War; when they had previously healed trolls, the trolls were usually stunned by that gift of mercy and promptly fled, whereas the orcs got up and slaughtered them.
Now, to be fair. Andorhal and Southshore are both in Lordaeron, and while neither of them have any chapels, you do have ((had)) a chapel in Tarren Mill, one in Pyrewood, one in Deathknell and then you have the Scarlet Monastery itself. In Hearthglen there’s no outright chapel, but the townhall seems to sorta-kinda function as one, as High Cleric Alphus does seem to take confessions there.
To the east you have Light’s Hope, in Stratholme you have Alonsus Chapel and technically the Bastion of the Silver Hand, and then in Tyr’s Hand you have one chapel, one abbey and one cathedral. In the lore Tyr’s Hand also have so many churches as to be called the “City of Churches”. And then finally there is the Chapel of the Crimson Flame in New Avalon.
Sorry but this is your headcanon. Maybe it’s a plausible interpretation but it doesn’t mean that it is the only one out there or Blizz’s interpretation.
What we know is that they didn’t like the arcane, saw arcanists as heretics and nothing has retconned it so far.
The book made fun of that idea because it highlighted religious prejudice against a certain form of rationality.
Two sources and a coherent representation in-game implies coherence between these two sources and the world in which we play.
You stated that the two sources were contradicted by “other sources” - but this statement of yours is simply false. A contradiction is a huge deal in terms of proof. It means atleast that you have opposite evidence. But if anything, the other depiction that came to my mind (representation in-game) supports the idea in the short-stories. Do you have any proof, or it’s just your personal headcanon contraddicting established lore?
That’s a bit of a leap for me.
Another “???” moment. No one has mentioned them but they are proof that the Church had some highly conservative elements. That these elements would end up being exploited by a demon doesn’t mean that they weren’t there in the first place.
Imho, it’s two plus in-game representation. And it’s better than zero sources - which is what your posts are doing so far.
It’s a bit of a derailment from the original topic yes. I think there are parallels between the Warcraft’s Church and our Church’s dislike of science/modern rationality. That, to me, is a regressive element. It’s not related to LGBT or sexism; but it’s some sort of flaw of the Church.
Mage-priests were essentially priests + high elves of Quel’Thalas, who weren’t tied to the Church of the Holy Light’s authority in a strict way (or any way at all)
In fact, they were sent to Arthas from Quel’Thalas to help him. I don’t think they had any ties with the humans’s church
I don’t think them being an off realmer even matters - they’re still from a RP realm, so the topic itself involves them as well. Maybe in general the topic should’ve been posted on RP subforum, but I also feel like AD forums are more active than the RP subforums?