Homophobia in rp needs to cease

You don’t need to be a bigot to RP a villain. Gul’dan was interesting without ranting about transgender people and gay rights. Hatespeech and discriminatory language are the last things to make a villain interesting, and falling back on those traits is a failure on your part as a quote unquote author.

You might want to have a chat with Irelia about that in private, since they’re the one failing to grasp it.


Oh no you called it copelight for the Nth time. What will I do now. Listen, idk what your thing is here but you shouldn’t use words you don’t understand, or be so trigger-happy with applying that label.

How am I homophobic? please provide any semblance of proof. I hope any of my reports will go through, because you’ve earned plenty. This is not okay.

Horde is different to Alliance and yea, hard to start on a different side of the game. But I’m sure you can do it if you want :> It is nice to have a change after all and gosh, Belves are mmm.

There are children’s action figures that repeat themselves less than you and offer more entertainment value because of it.


yeah i read it again, still a IC interaction.

when i come back - bladewing’s christian gym will accept only males, but aerilen just doesnt know that yet

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Wishful thinking doesn’t make it real.

Tricky one, that.

Keep going, you’re nearly there

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Remember guys, disagreeing with The Dawnlight means you are an uncivil derranged mob. More news coming soon.

As an aside, I have a question for you guys:

How do we feel about trans characters being portrayed in roleplay? Do you think it would be an appropriate medium for someone going through that in their own lives to reflect it in roleplay? Do you think it would be okay for someone not trans to do this?

I’ve only very occasionally seen the topic come up (on the forums or otherwise), and the reaction I’ve always seen is people believing it isn’t an suitable narrative to play out on WoW. That response has always felt slightly weird to me, personally.

I don’t wish for homophobia. I wish for a world where people view gay people as they view straight people. Azeroth offers that world, and your guild members (and possibly yourself, at this point I don’t care to track through all of your drivel) would advocate against that by saying it’s a justifiable aspect of roleplaying and that it’s just in-character.

The only wish I have is that you leave this thread with what little dignity you’ve allowed yourself to save.

continue to cope, I suppose.

t. man who spend 2 days with his guild mate arguing why homophobia in WoW is poggers

God, absolutely not.

Not really, since you didn’t include any word from what “the conversation” might’ve been about.

You’re not fooling anyone with your pseudo-intellectual tactics, and everyone outside these 10-12 hounds pretty much sees through the BS.

My posts are on display, just as yours, difference is anyone spectating can see how pernicious and misleading your efforts are. So much so that you labelled me, someone who wasn’t even part of that conversation, as homophobic. Your ban was deserved, as most of what you write is in bad faith.

yeah gotta agree here, seen time and time again that people who aren’t trans can’t do it justice, be they RPers or professional writers.

I asked a GM further up in the thread and it seems this is more a case by case basis rather than a full stop as they will not make a blanket interpretation of that kind for all instances where this would pop up. If it shows up, the best you can do is report it and hope for a good outcome (this also goes for any kind of vulgar language, sorry Shady Lady roleplayers). As for discrimination based on sex it is unclear if they have retconned it entirely from ever being present on Azeroth or if it simply doesn’t exist in its present time. There have been multiple instances where Blizzard has adhered to older, more stereotypical instances of fantasy, ranging from Jaina Proudmoore being ogled and talked down to by a group of male nobles despite her being one of the the most powerful sorceresses in the world, to Thrall assaulting a keep and ordering his troops to “kill the guards and spare the women” and so forth. I hope they will clarify that part at some point.

As long as it has a shrine to Hathelios with a plaque which says “more plates more dates”

So was your friend… wait… if it happens to your buddies it isn’t fair, what am I saying.

I’ve actually seen somebody role play a trans character recently, specifically the character was female to male, and everything seemed to be done tastefully, the character seemed to be well thought out, and it didn’t feel like it was some huge deal, it was simply a part of the character, and a character who existed in Warcraft.

As for non-trans people, I think there are ways of doing it, namely with undead, forsaken and worgen. Gender dysphoria is at least in part about feeling like you belong in a different body than the one you inhabit, and that is absolutely a theme you can explore with the worgen curse or being raised from death. It’s not a one-to-one comparison, of course, but I think there’s an arguement to be made that there’s some overlap.

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Why not? Just as some dudes horribly portray a female IC (and vice versa) - people should be allowed to horribly portray trans.