Homophobia in rp needs to cease

Just don’t take IC interactions so seriously, its bad more for your mental health, on a serious note. If you let it get to you that much you’ll never be comfortable in roleplay, because trying to police everyone just doesn’t work. And the smallest comfort of knowing blizz ‘might’ think about doing something about it won’t be enough. But hey, I could be wrong, maybe blizzard will start policing RP somehow and you’ll get your wish, but I have my doubts. : / But hey, I don’t have any homophobic characters so rooting for you to get your wish I guess.

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Are you also going to blacklist the members of your own community who have made homophobic comments? Or is it alright because they’re part of your community?

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I gave my examples over and over and you kept asking for a citation, so I gave you the lore I was basing it on.

It’s just other opinions. Nobody here supports the mistreatment of gays. They just don’t want RP to be bloated by enforcers of purity.


Give exemple pls.

You are not allowed to speak about that Zebanji!

Point of focus is Irelia and co, not reputable members of his community.

he was suggesting blacklisting people for bad rp.

it’s always cool to read a post before you reply to it.

Whilst it’s not portrayed ICly, it has definitely been expressed OOC on several community channels. I’m referring to both Krasarang and Morsteth. I can provide screenshots if you’d like them. Homophobia has no place in the AD community, so what do you say about these two individuals who are part of your RP community. Will they be blacklisted too, will you help to try educate them to not promote such views?

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The only things I want policed are IRL viewpoints seeping into the game, namely discrimination based on gender, sexuality, and real-life racial prejudices, though NOT in-game ones. Those are valid.

I understand that it can seem like I’m advocating for some movement that results in a slippery slope where nobody is ever allowed to roleplay anything which people could possibly ever take offense to, but I’m not about that. I’m for in-character conflict. I’m for war and violence, I’m for adhering to the often cruel setting of this fantasy universe. But that’s what it is, a fantasy universe. A method of escapism. It’s not fair to bring that reality back to people who just want to get away from it and enjoy their time in this world of fiction.

And I’m glad you don’t have any homophobic characters, I mean that.

Can you say the same thing about me? :smiley:

oh my god you’re one of those erp-addled weirdos who’s chronically preoccupied with sniping at the PCU and adopting the most embarrassing positions possible for the sake of opposing whatever it is you think they believe

suddenly your clumsy syntax and weird arguments all make sense


I’m simply saying that a few people here seem incredibly vested in their right to have a character-trait that is not supported in lore, adds very little positive to an RP interaction and is generally in bad taste.

I suppose “Illdanz”, son of Ilidan, also fully believes in his decision to RP out his character concept and we can’t do a thing about that. Apart from call out that it’s a bad concept (which I suppose, according to you, would make someone an ‘enforcer of purity’, which I think I’d be fine with).


I do not take part in your twisted ERP games linrick, sorry if I disappointed you.

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Then I see no relevance of it in rp.

I believe I did ask, will have to be in private thou.

If it’s was just a joke I won’t do a thing.

Real talk, I’m not one for playing devil’s advocate unless I don’t have any strong feelings one way or the other. But I dislike the idea of policing RP because something hurts your feelings. Its true, its a slippery slope. I get not wanting to come into contact with things that bother you IRL in a game you use for escape and enjoyment. But is it really right to try to force other people to stop doing what they might enjoy on those characters, even if they don’t have actual homophobic ties? I mean that seems to be the point of argument at the moment, that 1. they’re likely homophobic irl, and 2. it doesn’t ‘exist’ in game, of course, you could make the same argument for a lot of things people use in RP. Its hard to deal with. If it was up to me? I’d rely less on the more public routes of RP and work on my own group of friends I can enjoy myself with, or - simply ask the person in question irritating you if they could divert their characters attention elsewhere, as it bothers you.

Alright, so homophobia is alright if it’s OOC? That doesn’t make sense. If you truly want to tackle this problem on AD, we need to focus on OOC community channels as well.

More than happy to provide them.

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Because something breaks the ToS*

It would be the same result without breaking the ToS, my point still stands I think.

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Nobody wants to be policed. Some people arguing on the side of purging have made an uncomfortable environment for people to want to accept the point as a whole.
Accusing somebody of being a bad person because their character said something bad purely in IC context is wrong.
And there is always evil. A race has a description of what it should be, then you see some in cultists.
There has been a lot to say that it is all a very inclusive world. But there will always be outliers that a born out of bad experiences or have reason for it.

If same sex couples could reproduce then all of my characters probably wouldn’t care about them.

They do not dislike them because they are gay, they do not like the nature of them not reproducing.

This isn’t be trying to forcefully inject homophobia into WoW so I can get a kick targetting gay people. It is just a logical conclusion to draw for how some of those characters will think in the situation they are in.


If you apply irl logic maybe. But again, it’s a different universe with different written and unwritten rules.

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If it makes you feel better Obahar i’d happily roleplay with ya ^^ Ya seem like an alright dude, not sure why the gay thing would be an issue, as long as you’re not walking around ICly ripping off people’s trousers.

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