yeah over petty squabbles it’s pretty bad.
Blacklisting RPers because they wanna force wacky homophobic worldviews into WoW is instead rad rather than bad.
you thinking you’re on reddit explains enough tbh
if someone in my community does wacky homophobic RP I will also talk to them about it and, if they insist on continuing, avoid interacting with them
u can rest assured that i don’t give 1x hoot about what people do off WoW.
So. Lemme get this straight, in this very high fantasy, very magical world your characters are mad at people for not producing children? Adopting orphans isn’t cutting it? Well, lucky for you, there’s a solution!
Boom, homophobia on the basis of “BUT MUH BLOODLINE!” defeated with facts and logic.
Nobody is able to police (or ‘purge’, whatever you mean by that) anybody outside of calling attention on the forums and ignoring/bubble-rp’ing in game. At most there can be slightly more focus on someone going ‘hang on a minute, why do you think that?’ at a homophobic character, and hopefully that might add some RP or make someone reflect on where that trait comes from.
It’s already been pointed out that, even IF we’re talking about strictly monogamous and/or sterile characters, there are plenty of options for same sex couples to have kids (just to follow the logic here). Unless your character goes around asking each and every same sex couple if they are monogamous/sterile (edit: which would honestly just be kinda sad and weird).
Yes. It is. But it is still a conclusion I can see being drawn in the Warcraft universe. Or any universe.
Populations need to grow. Same sex couples do not grow them. So some might look down on that. Others might not. I’m not saying anyone is wrong.
No. Adoption is selecting from an existing population. You don’t get new elves by adopting.
And why would a gay couple want one of them to drink a potion and turn into the opposite sex? That is the last thing they would want.
Now this child gets to grow up in a loving home instead of the orphanage.
For a wide plethora of reasons ranging from wanting to have a child of their own simply because they want a child to helping repopulate the elven race.
I take situations as they come IC. I mentioned before about one of my homosexual characters having a child. That was an interesting plotline that continues now by the fact the child is with them.
That isn’t relevant to the point I am making. I am talking strictly numbers. An orphan has already been produced and part of the population pool. Adopting doesn’t fix a population crisis. It has the potential to make it worse.
Yes but same sex couples don’t produce offspring.
I have repeated myself enough on this point. I am not addressing it anymore.
Then everyone should just RP nice characters who don’t say mean things.
The terms of service talk about abusing players, not fictional characters in the context of RP.
If this isn’t the case, blizzard need to come out and say “you will be banned if you RP a character who says offensive things”.
Somebody else gave birth to that child. If you adopt, you are probably not going to have a child of your own so the population doesn’t grow.
It’s maths.
It makes you look like the opposite sex. There is nothing to say that you would be fertile like that.
My characters see such as beneath them anyway.
I have supported myself with lore.
Then everyone should just not RP with people they don’t know under fear of they will get banned because they hurt that person’s feelings because their character said something mean to the other person’s character.
And this thread doesn’t speak on behalf of the entire community.
Hurting someone’s feelings is not the same as acting against the ToS lol. One is subjective and up for debate, the other is the written rules you’re agreed to when joining in.
You have supported yourself with an interpretation of the lore you’re basing on irl logic.
Based on what, exactly? The sole lore for it states it turns the drinker into the opposite gender, why would they not be viable to reproduce? 'sides, you’re using headcanon to justify homophobia, so in my headcanon it’s a very useful means of solving this crisis. And unlike yours, that’s actually supported in the lore based on what the tincture is said to do.