Homophobia in rp needs to cease

Slow days at the COAD news network maybe. Gotta stir up some crap to get content for their 100% true articles before it stagnates.

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Haven’t checked it since they wildly misrepresented my boy Obahar to fuel their cringey vendetta.


Imagine being so hateful you go after innocent people just to continiue to live in your own delusional fantasies.


They still haven´t realized that by demonizing anyone who agrees with their opponents as alt/vile monster/brainwashed by Perroy, they just drive people to be more sympathetic towards PCU.


I hope the Obahar post shows people how disingenuous and unhinged that blog really is.


Not to mention delusional, spiteful, hypocritical… And loads of other things.


Bros please dont say these mean things about my favourite PR department
I love the free advertisement


Also just curious what is your main today

Tumblr comedy skit at it again with the falseflags and dilusional posts explaining how we’re all just -60 members on alt accounts…

me over here can barely load into stormwind with 1 account


Just here to voice my support for the OP. Homophobia almost made me give up on MMOs 15 years ago. Even though I was never singled out as a target myself, reading hateful and ignorant messages in trade chat etc. can really bring you down sometimes. Things have at least improved somewhat since then, but nowhere near enough.


Gotta love when they branded every LGBTQ+ supporter(& basically everyone who disagrees with them) as “facists”.

Also when am I getting my COAD piece? I don’t know if it’s a good or bad thing? Or if I will just be labelled as another one of those in the masses that’s been brainwashed.

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Yeah, on that not, totally spying on you guys. Seriously. :clown_face:

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Okay Carvian. Post on your main :clown_face:


Kaisteele is Tehya’s main, clearly.


you either die an unfortunate user or live long enough to see yourself become the Supreme Token Gay


Atleast you got some acknowledgement finally though?

All the years you’ve waited for this.

It´s as low as 30 at this point.
I guess there being 30 people with enough money to pay for 7 subscriptions while having computers that can run up to 7 WoW clients just so they can RP on 5-7 characters every evening just to get numbers of a community in videogame articially up makes much more sense than RPers joining community with wide range of guilds that use actual NPCs (instead of markers) and often RP together.

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They tell me that as soon as I’m not useful to the community I’ll be cast aside.

Bruh I helped form the Rotgarde, I’ve been here for over a decade when do you think my usefulness will wear out exactly


Alot of MMO’s in it’s early days(Still does sometimes), WoW in particular, attracted alot of the “locker room” mentality. It’s very lovley that it’s a trend that’s going away to be generally more nicer and inclusive!

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Of course, my boy. My nose can sniff out spies from miles away and you don’t smell like one. Such nice non-spies like you will always be welcome in my heart :sparkling_heart:

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