Homophobia in rp needs to cease

I can see that having kinda worked ,but I also understand why they decided to recton it as well. Especially when they fleshed out the history of the world with older species, such as the elves in all their diffrent kinds.

Alot of Warcraft 1/the very earliest had very little of it’s own thing. It was very bogged down in either things from D&D in its earliest, or alot of Middle Ages inspiration with some generic fantasy. It was problematic to build from without making some changes.

And because it is not established, it is not even considered in Azeroth’s, philosophies, religion, laws, culture etc.


Exactly! And thus, it’s non-existant as talked about in the threads! Plus that they’ve out of character also said that it isnt a thing.

These viewpoints arent just a natural default thing that pops up just because people exist. In our world, they have grown from all of these you mentioned above, religious ideas, politics etc. And have from there grown and spread in diffrent ways.

Absolutely. It wasn’t about homophobia but rather about the portrayal of WoW’s religion as this absolutely inclusive group.

They don’t seem to hold anything against sexes/LGBTQ but they still have their prejudices.


Yeah, long before the Church of the Holy Light as we know it today and the Three Virtues were written as lore. But we know this isn’t a regressive or conservative element, it was outright retconned. Especially in Chronicle 2, where we are told the clerics of Northshire would often follow Stormwind’s army into battle and heal enemy and friend alike in the middle of the battle.

But for an example of how archaic the lore from Day of the Dragon is, here’s an exact quote of when paladins in the book first encounter Rhonin.

Rhonin leaned back again. So much for their latest conversation, only the second of today. The only thing possibly worse than riding with an elf would have been traveling with one of the dour Knights of the Silver Hand. Despite their ever-present courtesy, the paladins generally made it clear that they considered magic an occasional, necessary evil, one with which they would do without at all other times. The last one that Rhonin had encountered had quite clearly indicated that he believed that, after death, the mage’s soul would be condemned to the same pit of darkness shared by the mythical demons of old. This no matter how pure Rhonin’s soul might have been otherwise.

Dour knights that thought magic was an at times necessary evil they’d rather do without, and who firmly believed the souls of mages would be condemned to the pits of hell where demons dwell. That’s the issue with using it as an example here; it was released a year before Warcraft 3, wherein we see little to no prejudices against mages and their magical arts from anyone, which is a theme that has only grown from there.

Which is again limited to this short story and appears nowhere else, and it’s contradicted by the lore of the Church of the Holy Light in just about every other situation. And again, a direct quote.

Modera added, “You know that we have always walked a fine line in order to protect our people without becoming a danger ourselves. We dare not sacrifice our humanity- not in appearance, and certainly not in truth. At best, your methods would see us condemned as heretics.”
It was too much. “We’ve been called heretics for centuries. The church has never been fond of our methods. Such sentiments notwithstanding, we are still here.”
She nodded. “Because we avoid dark magic, which leads to corruption and catastrophe.”

Magic is very volatile, in older lore it was something the clergy distrusted. They called mages heretics, but it was only Kel’thuzad’s studying of necromancers that threatened to see them actually condemned. But again, it’s antique lore at this point and contradicts the very heart and soul of the modern day ((and back then too, because retcons)) Church of the Holy Light.

Scarlets, sure. But the rest of the Church got hit hard with the retcon hammer and those regressive / conservative elements were removed in favour of the more inclusive church, beginning seemingly with Warcraft 3.

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I could be wrong here, but I feel another considerable factor is that everyone that plays wow wears a metaphorical mask. What they say (unless they’re known in a Discord by their own name e.c.t.) won’t carry any sort of repercussions unless they’ve been reported “x” amount of times.

It’s almost a free reign to say what they want, regardless of whether it would or wouldn’t be said in the wow universe.

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There´s also that whole thing with entire magic system changing. Back in the old days when Chronicle was canon and Daelin Proudmoore had half-elven daughter, Fel was just an aspect of the Arcane.
That´s no longer a thing, so stuff like Arcane magic corrupting your soul and turning you evil or being magic of the demons doesn´t apply.
That also means we should take stuff about mages being hated for their demonic magics, teaching other mages how Arcane can corrupt them, or warlocks warning you about dangers of the Arcane magic with a grain of salt because even though these tiny snipets of the lore have not been retconned, they were clearly meant to be part of universe that no longer exists.

You people are the reason “Homophobia” is a thing. This is coming from someone who you decided to be bigoted towards just because I don’t agree with your viewpoint (Which goes to show that people seem to like gays and bisexuals just fine, so long as they don’t go against the status quo)

And no one is convinced by your insincere “Support for LGBT”, so take your rainbows out of here.

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thank you for letting us know that you think it’s the fault of the gays that homophobia exists.

:rainbow: please vacate the thread classic alt :rainbow:


Personally, I think anyone unironically saying this is probably a reason for it.

Let’s clarify something here. There’s a vast diffrence between disagreeing with a “viewpoint” to jumping into a thread about a legitimate problem and throw out insults and call everyone soft-skinned crybabies etc etc. Your earlier posts on the topic were not simply you posting a diffrent viewpoint, but activly mocking everyone you disagreed with and belittleling both concerns and those people.

How can you tell someone is being “insincere” when they just say that homophobia is bad and LGBTQ+ people are okay to exist?

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:


don’t forget that they also felt the need to drop in a homophobic slur for good measure

:rainbow_flag: Aibury is truly a champion of the LGBT


Imagine writing this unironically and posting it.




Nah, I’ll think you’ll find that the only reason homophobia exists is due to bigoted people.
Have a rainbow hun :rainbow:


Are you putting homophobia in quotation as to imply it’s not a real thing?

That’s some Infowars level of delusion right there.


Why do you people keep coming in here and loudly exclaiming how small your peepees are


Aibury denying that homophobia/homophobes is real, therefore denying their own existence.


I love it that whenever the thread begins to settle down, a new/old challenger enters the ring with some wildly inaccurate take and we all come charging back in.


Only thing I disagree on with this, is that they’re hardly even a challenger.

Lvl.1 homophobe in starting gear trying to fight a bunch of lvl 50+ cool people.


I love watching bigots that are absolutely malding. Stay mad, eternally :rainbow_flag: