Homophobia in rp needs to cease

The takeaway from this is that Starshade is the ultimate centrist clearly.

It’s a genuine problem in selling leftism that lefties will talk about means of production and ‘um actually there’s a distinction between public and private property uwu’ and then conservatives will be like “THE LEFT IS COMING TO aBOLISH BORDERS” and make us sound incredibly cool

how dare you


People probably think I’m mad in many cases(especially with this), but I’m a believer in that in the future we shouldn’t have borders at all. Not in the sense we got today, since it just breeds contempt & problems and conflict.

Just one big open world for everyone to live in.

I feel bad for it now, I’m sorry :frowning:

It’s all good, not actually offended. <3

I’m usually of the ‘I believe what I believe and if it fits a label so be it’ sort of thinking since I haven’t done much in-depth reading into politics and mostly only use Soviet aesthetic as a meme

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I’ve self-classified myself before as a socialist feminist or general leftist in believer of things politically.

Nowdays I just prefer to not label things, since there is such a weird fixation on it that it takes away from discussions. It’s easier, nicer & generally more open to discussions to just talk about my believes & opinions on diffrent topics :3 Even if I basically still hold most of the same values I always have.

Most of my values though can be summarized in: Treat people good & equal, regardless of gender, sexual identity, skin-colour, religious believes etc. We’re all people.


I just believe in general decency and recognise that marginalised groups are most in need of that decency because they have been historically denied it – and many are still denied it today.


To quote the Boondock Saints: “These are principles that every man of every faith can embrace!”

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Yes, I have 1 on one account and the other on another account.


sit this one out Kalgert

UhM, ackshually (but unironically), it’s because homosexuality(and bi and so forth) isn’t normalised yet as Mr Mutago displayed further up in the thread and so long as people continue to treat it as different to heterosexuality.

Not gamers who disagree with u



There’s one person I remember using this combination of emojis… William is that you?!


Honestly I’m not sure I have much more to add to this beyond what others have already posted. But I still believe that this merits a proper response, so here goes.

We are not the reason homophobia is a thing. Within many societies and cultures, homophobia is deeply rooted as a result of ideals regarding masculinity, and religious views that look down upon homosexual and bisexual individuals.

Disagreeing with a viewpoint and growing frustrated at a somebody who refuses to change that viewpoint despite offering plenty to the contrary is not bigotry and the fact that you would try to claim victimhood in such a manner is melodramatic at best and insulting at worst. If saying “don’t roleplay homophobic characters because doing so comes at the expense of the less priveledged members of the LGBTQ+ community” makes me a bigot (It doesn’t) then so very well be it.

Gay men, lesbian women, bisexual people, transgender individuals, and anyone with a gender or sexuality beyond the societal ‘default’ are free to choose any path they want. Be masculine, be feminine. Be strong, be smart. The only requirement I have of a gay man is that they are man who likes men. Beyond that, there is no status quo for me.

But if a gay man is going to act in a way that is inconsiderate of other gay men and the rest of the LGBTQ+ community then that absolutely deserves to be called out and I’m glad that time and again it has been called out.

Taking a stand against such individuals isn’t bigotry. It’s criticism. And it’s rightfully deserved.


Damn i decided to open this CoaD, laughed my rear off…
That guy has a hard on for Tehya.

Also refering to people as “biological dead-end”… looks familiar.


Christ I have 2 years of catching up to do with coad

I hope they’ve mentioned me since then, I need the validation

It was someone in this thread who did it before, right? I don’t remember. D:

It was Augustforge in the previous thread.

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Ah, thanks. That’s the dwarf, yes?

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That’s the one, yeah. In all seriousness, it was probably somebody trolling just to get a rise out of people, but at the same time, it’s quite sad that somebody would seek negative attention when the people around them are happy.

So over the past two years coad has basically has it out for the belf community over super old drama and tries gotchas towards the PCU. My favourite part is this snippet:

“The minority of non-PCU members promoting them are either totalitarian fascist fetishists who like the dog whistles and signals being given off or fewer still, those unfortunate individuals who find themselves as useful idiots for Dear Leader and furthering his agenda.”

Lmfao wack

Trans rights

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I’ve been rumbled

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