Homophobia in rp needs to cease

The blade in this case being a star constallation?


But the priests by and large love and adore the magi and the powers they wield. It’s nothing political - how and why would it even be? And yes, it’s ((was)) because of arcane’s connection to both fel magic and necromancy when this lore was written. Why else would they assume magi were doomed to the where demons are spawned from?

The absence of evidence isn’t evidence in and of itself, as the world is both far smaller than shown in game and greatly lacking in many a thing. Especially chapels for the far more religious nations.

How do they not contradict the short story or Day of the Dragon? Both are extreme opposites to how the Church of the Holy Light is shown to act in both Warcraft 3 and the lore written after those two stories.

Which was then codified into the church’s main teachings via the Three Virtues.

Which is usually what they are with a few notable exceptions usually birthed from outside influences - like Balnazzar and the Scarlet Crusade.

And where are these people holding these prejudices outside of Day of the Dragon and these short stories?

The examples I gave took place before the Third War, not modern day Azeroth. Or are you to claim the Church of the Holy Light’s ((supposed)) extremely regressive and conservative members changed their mind in the few years between the Second War and the Third War? Because as Telaryn said, the clergy is shown to love magi and adore Jaina.

The Church of the Holy Light doesn’t even think of them as allies, let alone members of the church. Their mindset and atrocities are born from a broken people led further astray by a Dreadlord.

I was referring to the Church of the Holy Light. Not the Catholic Church. Because, and I quote, your claim that there were parallels between Warcraft’s Church and “our” Church’s dislike of science/modern rationality. I was asking where the Church of the Holy Light is shown to dislike science and rationality.

hey now, the last time we fought a star constellation it nearly reoriginated the whole azeroth

nerds are powerful on azeroth

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some say stars are lingo for hardcore erp, many people are saying it

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Then we slammed him into a locker so hard he decided math was for dweebs

So… how do we get featured on COAD?

Bash on homophobes and groomers long enough and they’ll scramble to protect their own


By doing stargazing IC.

Even the actual titans realised that being a bulky jock is way cooler.

Also can I point out that COAD apparantly believes that green grass and a big tree is “Orgrimmar”?

They need to study their WoW geography.

That shouldn’t be hard.

If i only had a telescope ic.

just use a spyglass or hope some hero summons yet another planet in our sky ezpz

I actually just figured out what vixi means…

Yeah is more fitting.

Vixi has a meaning?


But i just checked our lil gossip site.

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Oh, now I understand what you meant!

(I’m still not PCU btw)

We are all part of the hivemind, and must do as Dear Leader commands. (even thou it was folk like CoAD that drove me into the Venturers in the first place.)

How old is that blog even?

Two years I think.
Edit: They bragged about it recently.