Homophobia in rp needs to cease

jfc I don’t know what was wrong with that guy but he started on me in the Duskwood discord not too long ago, apparently still mad i kicked him from Bane years ago when I gave him a chance to clean up his act. He failed, got kicked, and then started saying I’d abused him :roll_eyes:

Something was seriously wrong with him.

Edit: There was a reason he’s been banned. Y’know, just casually spamming a sexually abusive emote at people in Stormwind.

Some of these are incredibly dominant in lore, however. The entire Moknathal clan came to being due to “selective breeding between ogres and enslaved orcs”. Garona is also the product of orcs forcing themselves upon draenei captives.
The Thunderlord clan and the Dragonmaw Clan are infamous for their cruel treatment of animals, ruthlessly having both established a might makes right attitude towards the animals they subjugate. Oh, and gnomes more or less lobotmize and install a shock collar on a sentient monkey. But in the gnomes’ defense, the monkey gave consent.

NecrophiIia, well, a bit tongue in cheek with the ravenous masses of Sylvanas’ fanbase, but there are also some disturbing implications with Abercrombie in Duskwood.

EDIT: And the steamy romance novels, of course.

Rightly said, the best solution is to report any seen incident and don’t give them the wriggle room.

Considering by the prevailing logic that the ToS applies in roleplay then we cannot under any circumstances write anything that breaches it, which would involve characters insulting one another, depictions and threats of violence, discrimination and sexually explicit content.

As you say.

We might as well play Second Life in that case.

I will say, you do forsaken roleplay quite well, Amdusias. Every time your contributions die within this thread, you rise up from the grave once again to stink the place up with your rot.

If you’re still intent on representing the intentions of this thread as sanding down RP until no conflict remains, then from this point on I’ll keep clear in my intent to disregard all that you say.

Don’t. Rp. A homophobe.

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Interesting take from this. Considering Forsaken should be the one race where sexuality should matter nothing, considering they cannot reproduce.

THis isn’t forsaken rp, it’s rping a stinky corpse whose to dumb to know it’s place, like that one undead in hillsbrad, guess he tries to rp someone like him?

Lukas my man

Who hurt you?

Genuine question


“Well if I cant rp a homophobe, then we might as well not RP AT ALL!”



Tbh, if being a homophobe is the only bad trait you can atribute to a character, then you are indeed better of not rping or just stop rping, you will be doing everyone a favor, including yourself.

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I’m trying to relay how dumbass these comments sound, is it working?

“WeLl iF i CaNt Rp a HoMoPhObe, tHeN wE MiGhT aS wEll NoT Rp aT aLL”


More in the lines, “If one can’t rp homophobia, gore or even erp, what can one rp as?” And this has been answered many times to no avail.

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“Hm, you know what this setting filled with magic, dragons and high fantasy with civilisations that are only vaguely based on anything from real life and otherwise shows basically no inward discrimination or bigotry whatsoever? A homophobe! Yeah that’ll shake the RP scene up! If anyone gets mad about it I’ll just say it’s ‘realistic’ for the ‘time period’ because apparently medieval Europe had space ships, aliens, magic and what not.”

How was that?


I am slightly miffed that my voicing PCU dislike followed by a 90-degree turn towards ambiguity hasn’t given me a feature in COAD.

Not only didn’t I get my PCU shill pay, I didn’t even get my 15 minutes of fame on the blog version of livestreaming a mental breakdown.



you also have to shill the pcu on the ad discord
note: the actual AD discord, not the shams and wannabes that popup once in a blue moon

I’ll just do it the easy way.
Have an naked char from an alt account sit on my naked character next to a lake and afk till they write about me… then phase 2 starts where i report them for slander.

It’s more fun when they get impatient and go “I’ll just do it myself then!” and makes alts on another server to get their pictures.

amusing as it is to poke fun at the bigots over at COAD, it’s not exactly on-topic.

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Well we covered all points regarding homophobia had to explain those points multiple times, so i guess we are waiting for the next guy to repeat an already discussed argument?

Perhaps OP could make a little F.A.Q. summarising it?

Just passing time until someone else flies in with an absolute zinger on how if we say homophobia in RP is no go impedes on their creative freedoms, or freedom of speech, or in fact how homophobia is the source of all conflict in Warcraft setting.


I am waiting for the “what about a blood elf who wants their people to reproduce after we lost 90% of them???” argument to pop up again.

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