Homophobia in rp needs to cease

I will write them just as bad rpers and put them in the void.

In regards to single player games, books, films, and other media that doesn’t involve player collaboration containing homophobic universes, I think it can be okay depending on the author’s intent. Showing a futuristic setting for example where anti-LGBTQ+ sentiments are still present could be a valid thing if the author’s intent was to show something along the lines of “technological advancements don’t matter if society refuses to move forwards”, or similar ethoses.

Similarly people will write albums or draw art based on traumatic experiences that might or might not be as a result of prejudice, and in those cases them exploring such subjects isn’t to glorify them but to perhaps deal with the experience through a creative means because moving past it internally might not be something they feel they can do.

But yeah in a multiplayer medium it’s preferable to have open-minded universes in my opinion.

Unfortunately that seems not to work as it went on for 200 posts.

Almost as if bigots lack reading comprehension and while the 2k posts from last thread may seem gargantuan, you got all the points covered pretty early on (the Danuser statement is in the middle, but is linked to by Tehya as well).

After all, the key arguers (for homophobia) here seemed to conveniently ignore the mounds of evidence against homophobia in WoW and continue pretending they are right.

Futuristic settings are often still rooted in the real world (eg, Earth in 3k years or w/e) and thus the anti-LGBTQ+ sentiments have had a chance to spawn through religion or whatnot. Fantasy settings need to have those written in to begin with, which might smell a little off depending on how it’s written overall.

Exploring those topics in fiction can be done tastefully, but I’d feel a little weird if it’s a completely different fantasy setting and the author just decides to throw in IRL bigotry for the sake of it.

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I think it would come down to authorial intent at that point. If the author themselves was LGBTQ+ or an LGBTQ+ activist then I could believe it as a legitimate means of expression moreso than someone who’s shown no prior interest in the LGBTQ+ community. But yeah, for the most part, it’d probably be a bit of a “why did you feel this was necessary?” moment.

By your logic, every character ever created that is transgender, is bad RP. Since, in Shadowlands for the first time it will have some basis in lore. Which means currently, it has no basis, yet.

Just because there is no lore written ALREADY, doesn’t mean anything about the subject is bad. Isn’t RP and stuff about writing your own stories?

In my opinion, the inexistance of example and the fact that is against ToS is proof enough that it doesnt take place in the lore and folk headcannon is meaning less argument.

If we are being technical, neither do women who have fewer than 2 children (as replacement rate for population is 2,1 children per woman).
Now, given that population of blood elves is less than 9% of original population of Quel´Thalas, you would need twenty children per woman to get it close to its original numbers in span of few decades.

I mean, I get why blood elf (or even more, a high elf) would want to see their people go full baby boom and even frown on those who don´t want to take part in that baby boom, but it makes no sense to go “well, you had a kid, you´re cool”, because that doesn´t solve the problem.

So focusing visible expressions that IC conviction on same-sex couples because they are the only ones visible (as you said in previous reply to my comment) is really weird, since any couple (or single woman for that matter) who is accompanied by only one child falls into “not aiding with increasing our numbers tenfold” category.


You write your characters story based on events and elements from the game, not from something you make up, that is bad rp.

Edit: If are adding elemets that just have no proof of existing, then complain “I rp as I want, shut up.” expect to get the cold shoulder and be treated as a troll.

Viceroy, I do not want this cringe in my sight again.

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" Does this mean there were already trans characters in the game?

Knowing some of our designers and having conversations with them, I’m sure that was the intent, but we like to keep things subtle."

And this is also how you should approach it in RP.


I think the following quote sums up the attitude of those arguing for homophobia to be a thing IC, is as follows:

There is no lore to support their position, what lore we have strongly suggests that homophobia is -not- a thing, and the Danuser interview confirms this. This isn’t some sort of low fantasy medieval setting, we’ve got magic space goats and flying inter-dimensional zealot windchimes for Elune’s sake, this is high-sci-fi-fantasy.

It always seems to come down to “But I wanna do it my way”, ignoring the lore and the ToS along the way, and comes across as intensely self-centered headcanon, or at worst suggests some rather questionable beliefs on the part of the person trying to justify it.

tl;dr: trying to justifty IC homophobia is pure cope


The closest thing Elder Scrolls has to this is Altmeri looking down on everyone who hasn’t procured an heir yet to advance their divine bloodline, no matter what orientation you come in. They also look down on everyone who has procured an heir, but the child is deformed.

Anything short of creating a perfect specimen of their divine lineage is looked down upon so much so that they have state-mandated sex positions believed to conceive the perfect child. After you’ve performed your duty, they don’t care what you do with whom as long as it doesn’t break other societal norms (which revolve around classism, and have nothing what so ever to do with sexism).

LGBT Altmer people usually marry someone for optics, do their duty, then live their life pursuing happiness with someone they love.

Not sure about that one, but the rest is pretty accurate :ok_hand:

I was being very generic when talking about it as going into it didn’t really do much to further the point I was making at the time.
But yes, to get that population back is going to take a lot of time and work.
There is no specific focus in this matter on same-sex couples either. I can’t remember where I mentioned it, but my more judgemental characters won’t ignore other people doing the same thing just to target homosexuals.
If a straight couple is doing it, my judgemental characters would judge them too.
It really just depends. There is no focus specifically on homosexuals, it’s just a factor in the whole “regrow the population.”

It’s the closest to what WoW’s setting is I could think of. Whatever it is (high steampunkish-techno-Renaissance-space-fantasy?), it would be quite hard to translate irl attitudes/beliefs across to it.

This seems a little different from the focus of your previous posts - but in that case, your character isn’t homophobic but population-focused (which is an entirely different topic as mentioned above) and what have you even been arguing for in this thread then?

PS: Also, the focus on gay couples not being able to reproduce is honestly real annoying. You can’t look at a person and see if they’re sterile and/or monogamous.


I changed the focus because I am no longer discussing the thread as a whole. I was just responding to something directed at me.

I would still consider this homophobia personally to a certain extent, even if it isn’t simply hating the gays for being gay. And if I consider it homophobia and I RP it, I will come out on the defense when people accuse me by the association of being an alt-right homophobic bigot who is bad at RP.

I never said I agree with this way of thinking. I am not so judgemental in real life. But the whole idea of RP is to explore the perspectives of different people. Even if I do think their judgment is quick to condemn and less than sensical at times.

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Makes me wonder if you even read the thread or knew what you were arguing against, thou the answer seems pretty clear to me.

Considering I have been called a bigot, had it suggested I lack reading comprehension and had my RP capabilities called into question when none of you have ever RPed with me, I would say I was arguing on good faith against something very real.


I never rped with you that is true, and I never will, because folk who claim headcannon without no proof of actaully be a thing is crappy rp in the same lvl of void elves using light magic, if you can’t be bothered to make something with the elements that already exist and must invent something, then to the void with you, is that simple.