Homophobia in rp needs to cease

Oh okay fine. You can have your talking card back.
Also I am doubling your allowance for doing good work. <3

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I intend to immediately exploit this with even worse puns

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Sweet merciless Slaanesh what have I wrought

Heard this before. Itā€™s utterly ridiculous.

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I was on the receiving end of this a lot as I was an officer in the Rotgarde at the time and let me tell you as an avowed antifascist it gets really old

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Sorry to hear that :I But Iā€™ve also been there if anybody remembers the stupidity in recent. Hopefully nobody does but still. Images and role play =/= support of something. People need to separate fact from fiction, IRL from IC.

No sorry, I mean, oh me gerd u support killing!!!

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The line between IC views and OOC views can blur sometimes depending on what, or more specifically how something is depicted.

Forsaken screaming death to the living and then abiding by that mantra? Itā€™s logical from an in-character standpoint, itā€™s detached from reality, people acting vengefully towards those who they believe wronged them is pretty much villain-writing 101 and Iā€™m all for it.

Stormwind humans acting dodgy towards night elf refugees because they percieve them as dangerous, and untrustworthy? That starts to look a little bit like OOC views being taken IC.

And not stuff like ā€œwe canā€™t afford to keep this many people hereā€ which is a possibly valid angle to take, but ā€œThese people didnā€™t live here before and now they do and they have magic and itā€™s scary.ā€

Coming from the people who reside in a city with a quarter dedicated to mages.

I canā€™t admittedly think of many other examples where itā€™s felt like OOC views have seeped in, barring the whole Tanaris/Uldum human thing and the backlash that people bring to that IC. Both of which are equally ugly.


Will have to make a thread about the doā€™s and donā€™t in rp, and what rp really means wonā€™t I?

ā€œBut we canā€™t afford them and their magic is so very scary!ā€

ā€œSo send them off to Westfall where they can earn a living restoring the land, which is what their magic excels at, so that we can finally restore the kingdomā€™s breadbasket and afford to feed them.ā€

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There are definitely some conversations to be had, particularly with the species in WoW which are pretty transparently coded to be certain IRL ethnicities, or call upon problematic language.

I was talking in broad strokes because people generally know where the line is.

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but the night elf camps still on the streets is proof nobody wants them with the human households!!!

(despite like, stories showing how human families open their doors and smth smth if im not wrong?)

in general, arenā€™t most humans a whole lot more accepting of ppl anyway than what the general stormwindian RPer is like lmao

now that would just be a logical thing to do and we canā€™t have that in WoW

Probably just because so many buildings in Stormwind donā€™t actually have interiors, and they gotta show the big change of night elves coming in somehow!

Although the two in the Old Town saying they canā€™t afford food is pretty sad.

I really hope come Shadowlands or w/e the camps get cleared out or we get an actual portrayal of humans living with the night elven refugees or w/e.

Or maybe maybe show them in Hyjal while removing the camps.

cmon blizz, thereā€™s towns-in-boxes in WoW, thereā€™s literally 0 excuse to not set up at least some kinda boarding houses for the elves in stormwind lmao

Humans in Stormwind:
ā€œWell, you used to live outside in a big tree, right? So here you go - hereā€™s more outside for you!ā€

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If they make elves refurnish the trees in Elwynn/Stormwind and shape them to their houses or w/e thatā€™d be actually cool too.

but no, big pumpkins instead :upside_down_face:

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Fewer ā€œstormwind is full/theyā€™re taking our jobsā€ darnassus refugee stories

more ā€œwell-meaning but completely clueless humans build treehouses for baffled elvesā€ stories


oh my god yes
come on blizz this is your time to be comical & whimsical, you donā€™t need :poop:quests

Yes. Virtually all of them did. Because so many of them know the pain of losing your home - be it Stormwind itself during the First War or refugees from any fallen nation that later settled in Stormwind.

It varies from kingdom to kingdom, but Lordaeronians ((except for the scarlets for obvious reasons)) and Stromwindians are very accepting and very diplomatic by and large. Because both are / were some of the most pious human nations.

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Odds of this happening is unlikely, although Iā€™m basing this on the treatment of zones from past expansions being left to rot essentially. This was also during Legion, so could be a different story.
Although I wouldnā€™t bet on it, sadly.

A park revamp would be neat however. We may have our chance for that making a spiritual return.

No me? I responded with one reasonable post.

Before I took a nap.