Homophobia in rp needs to cease

What’s this weird snide tone for, when you’ve done basically nothing but meme and offer nothing of substance anyway?

We are more hostile because after 5k posts you still echo the same boring points already made without listening to the same points made to rebuke whatever you said.


Projection much? Because that’s the exact same attitude I’ve been met with.

Also, 5k posts? Mind elaborating on that for me?

Yes, exactly like that :slight_smile:

Well, entirely my bad then. I’ll own up to that. Apologies.

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If you actually had read the thread, you’d know there were two threads, the previous one with ~2k posts.

And yeah, when you come to meme, don’t expect people to actually seriously respond to you, knowing you bring no new points to the table. You were dismissed.


I take the piss when I’m confident someone else is doing the exact same thing. I’ve no issue responding with a more serious answer, but if it won’t get taken seriously, why even try to get a point across?

I’ve not read the other thread myself though, I presumed it was locked or unavailable. I don’t use forums often in truth. Was about to say, how the hell did I make 5k posts now?
Thanks for clarifying there at least.

Time for a white moderate checklist:

“But I have a gay friend” [x]

“I’m not a homophobe but…” [x]

“As long as it isn’t shoved in my face” [x]

“What’s the big deal? Its current year” [x]

Am I missing any more?


Fourth one doesn’t really apply here, honestly. Never brought up year. Close though.

Yes, and when one (1) person takes the piss out of you while three (3) respond to you in mildly good faith, you choose to respond to all by memeing? :woozy_face:

So for the specifics of RPing something like that, there’s a common instinct in roleplay to try out things that you don’t get to explore in real life. For example, I’ve set out on occasion to roleplay extroverted, larger-than-life characters - when I’m very shy IRL.

I’ve roleplayed a bunch of religious zealots, despite not being able to understand the instinct in real life.

Some people, who haven’t experienced oppression in any real sense - or, at least, not based on aspects of their life they have zero control over like their gender - think that ‘trying on’ oppression in roleplay like this is equivalent, forgetting that although characters don’t have feelings that need to be kept in mind, they are universally (in this context) played by a real-life human being who do have feelings we need to keep in mind.

Even though my character is talking to your character, I am writing words and intending for you to view them. That’s why we need to be very cautious when exploring these themes in roleplay, avoiding some entirely and only exploring others with explicit consent of all parties.


Trying to defend something that is lore breaking…

From what I was reading, hardly seemed like replies in good faith. It started off as a good debate, but obviously that didn’t last.

I had no desire to goof off here, but at this point, it’s now becoming a lot more amusing and productive, simply because despite how ‘insignificant’ my input is, you feel the need to reply. And for some, try to make it personal by taking jabs at me directly.

Just point it this out again, and folk, please at least read the summary of the whole thread instead of coming here to make a fool of yourselves.


Koiffen, Obahar, a human warlock whose name I forgot because god scrolling up either way in these forums is a pain, even me started off with reasonable posts, but you only responded to Zarental or someone actually memeing.


Because somehow you’ve actually shown you can be reasoned with when you talked with Obahar, perhaps you can also see why defending homophobic RP is bad, and why this thread exists in the first place.

p.s. don’t say you’ve read the thread when it becomes apparent you haven’t :confused:

I wished that was the response you followed up with on my end, rather than the petty remarks. Because that makes me think on the matter a lot more over “hurr, opinion bad.”
Sort of what I was trying to convey, but probably failed miserably, in truth.

I’m going to think on that in particular.

I didn’t really expect to get a real answer to that, thanks :slight_smile: one would think people would think more about that there is a player behind the character that can have lived trough things you have no clue about.


Obviously not all of it. But I have enough of an idea by now.

I owe you somewhat of an apology here as well, actually. Given my own past experiences with people in general, let alone these forums here, it’s difficult to assume folk are going to be sincere, or want to listen.

So yeah, gonna be up front and apologise there.

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There’s a common RP thing about separating out IC and OOC. The intention of it is to avoid characters that are just a direct copy of your IRL self - so-called ‘Second-Life RPers’ who ignore the setting they’re playing in entirely.

To give an example, we had a Whole Thing back in the day where people who roleplayed as characters who supported Sylvanas back before she went full evil were characterised as supporting IRL genocides - which is obviously ridiculous.

Unfortunately, the ‘separate IC and OOC’ argument doesn’t work when it comes to IRL bigotries. If my character hates the Horde, that doesn’t hurt anyone - because the Horde isn’t real. If he begins speaking in sexist slurs, real-life women are hurt and marginalised by that.


Starshade, didn’t I revoke your talking card?

but moooooOOOooooooOOOooom