Homophobia in rp needs to cease

Bring up intersex people and watch them shift the goalposts and scramble for a new dog whistle


Oh don’t worry people have brought that up and seen them scramble at that.
It’s hillarious to watch unfold.

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Just use the correct models to represent your character.

Annoyingly, two of the new hairstyles for human females suit my bard perfectly (curly bun and fro), unlike the new hair options for human males (dreadlocks or short curls). Really highlights that Blizz dropped a ball on a few things here.

For reference:

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N o. You cannot make me.

bigots screeching about homosexuality not being natural, while

what isn’t natural: marriages, clothes, cars, guns, etc
what is natural: sexual and gender fluidity :flushed:

bigots owned with facts and logic if i do say so myself hehe


I thought both of these were natural resources grown from trees?


nono, you’re mixing up the sandbox tree (which has its fruits explode and shoot its seeds at 70 metres per second around) with cars that drive 70 metres per second and explode (and guns)!!!

also i dont know cars so idk how fast cars can go, conversion says 252 km/h, surely that’s a car right?

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I do. With my super effeminate void elf boi Vyrien, for example, I use the female void elf model.
With my AMAB transgender auchenai draenei, I use the female model.

It would be fantastic if Blizzard would catch up with the last 10+years of gaming development and give us more body types other than girl or MAN.

The annoying thing is that some races have some really nice body types that could work for both in-game genders across all races, but is instead locked to that specific race and that specific gender.


I wanna play a Velf female but the body type irks me.
Same with NElf female.
And human males.

I just ugghh. Give us TYPES. Buff females and slender males pls. PLS.


The Thalassian elf models are one of the best though :frowning:

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Swtor has a pretty nice range of bodtypes despite being only 4.

Basically “petite” “default” “Hunky” and “Large”. For both male and female characters.


It isn’t too bad I mean but… It’s not for what I wanna RP :joy:

kul tirans should’ve been a human customization


It’s because all SWTOR races are pretty much just reskins.

Blizzard prefers adding more races over adding more nuance to existing races. They might add stuff like hairstyles but I don’t think we will ever see things like different body shapes - at best they will become a separate race instead (see Kul Tirans).

This lack of nuance really peeves me at times. WoW seriously lacks options in between walking fridge and barbie doll for some races.

It’s one of the reasons I really love pandaren, btw, at least the female ones (the males are a bit scuffed). They are tanky. I’ve seen nothing like them in WoW before. Even f-orcs look suspiciously human if you ask me.


Yeah, I see precisely zero issue with this. The in-game models aren’t exactly fantastic, so we have to use the closest approximation available. Sometimes the presence of breasts is still more aesthetically accurate than being this absolutely jacked beefcake.

The people who conflate the actions of a few fetishised ‘trap’ characters with every gender neutral or non-conforming character (or anything else for that matter) are just revealing to me some inherent distaste towards anything reminiscent of being trans.


Yeah… That community is not being treated well. They are attacked by both bigots and fetishists from both sides at once.

It’s part of why I wouldn’t dare try it. I run into enough stupidity every time I dare mention my feminism activism online.


That or a certain level of “doth protest too much.”


I honestly prefer it over the alternative, games like SWTOR, ESO, BDO where all races are “Human but X”. They’re incredibly uninspired.