Homophobia in rp needs to cease

While browsing youtube, I came across a really good video on the whole JK Rowling situation if anyone wants to give it a watch:

Also, if anyone’s got any hot recommends for internet historian youtubers to watch, please hook me up. The guy who actually goes by the Internet Historian isn’t for me, as I find his voice very grating.


Fredrik Knudsen is pretty good, check him out, I’d say (if you haven’t already, he is pretty big I’m quite sure).

But yeah, on the topic of people using another sex’s model for their character, I really don’t mind at all - just make sure you mention what your character should be addressed with so I don’t make any mistakes! Between “hourglass figure gf that uses /smirk too much” and “return to monke muscle man” for most of the races there’s really not a lot of body type variation to go by in WoW so just use what you think works best for your character, innit

Rewatching Knudsen’s stuff is what’s gotten me craving more, alas. :frowning:


Not gonna lie, I sometimes wish one of my male tauren had a body type closer to female tauren. Broader waist and shoulders, no breasts, more masculine face, perfect. And no chestburster head coming out of his ribcage. But I stick with the male tauren model because the female model is still too feminine for the guy to use as is.

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I really dislike the male tauren model. It looks malformed, like the limbs don’t all work together.

Go to hell! They’re perfect.


Its indeed a shame we can’t have a bit more feminine, teen calf-like Tauren heros
Just bodybuilder like old morose and chewy old bulls and cows :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
The time you need to cook them properly take hours… :sob:
Even for a dish of Rocky Mountain oysters they are almost useless…

If you want to spend an ungodly amount delving into the history of Chris Chan, there is an ongoing, at the moment 40+ episode deep dive into that whole rigamarole simply called Chris Chan: A Comprehensive History. Fair warning, you will be fundamentally anxious.

Lindsey Ellis’ take on the Hobbit Trilogy is also a wortwhile timesink with less psychological trauma.

The descend into psychological madness that is yet to reach its peak.


I watched this recently and it’s fantastic!

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I shouldn’t but I shall:

Biology is not something you ‘believe’ in. You accept the scientific consensus which says trans people are valid and stay open to new discoveries in the field. Dogmatically digging one’s heels into old dogma isn’t scientific.


It even crosses into multiple scientific fields notably neuroscience, neuropsychology and psychology.

It does, and the people who go “wrong, I believe in biology”, dismissing all the science to prop up their politics and dismiss the entire LGBT+ umbrella really press my cider.

My only shred of mercy is reserved for those who might’ve spent their entire formative years growing an identity through the struggles of their time. They’re wrong, and they cling to what their own political identity tells them to be right but giving ground is to abandon decades of validation and ideological security.

It doesn’t make it right, but I understand why they’re wrong. The reactionary mutilation of science and human progress to justify regression and the perpetuation of stubborn ignorance is a different matter.

I’m not sure in which box Rowling fits, but she’s wrong either way.


Biology, sexology, neurology, endocrinology, sociology, history, psychology, neuropsychology and genetics are the fields where there is general consensus that gender ≠ sex, that both sex and gender are spectrums, that trans people are and have always been valid and so on and so forth.

Unfortunately, today, being trans means having to develop a working knowledge of, or at the very least be conversational in the abovementioned fields of study (or at the VERY least psychology, genetics, endocrinology and sociology) in order to personally justify our right to exist to literally every new person we meet.


Rowling is 55. She’s Gen X. She’s not an ossified boomer who grew up in ye olden times of wattle and daub huts. She’s decently educated and has internet access.
She doesn’t get the “helpless senior” excuse.

I get what you mean with regards to the ossified boomer generation though. I can kinda excuse them. I don’t -forgive- them, because growing old is no reason to stop taking in information. But I can understand them.

Younger, reactionary muppets who think personal conviction is a fully legit substitute for knowledge and understanding, though? They need to jump into an active volcano, legs first.

Muppets who think asserting opinion as science wins the argument because learning new things is icky. Simple gordian knot solutions that only enable abuse.

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Why couldn’t Rowling have kept silent and she would’ve gone into history as more fondly remembered. Just rake in that money and live your life for eternity due to her IPs. and let society advance rather then raving against a minority that has so little power in comparison, couldn’t she have found some venture in Africa or Asia for the benefit of people? Apparently not.

Is it bad to say I’ve developed a futaphobia due to how bad they are on WoW? And fully endorse actual transgender characters as to opposed to the 8’5 feet hors-…let’s not go there. c :


We got the infamous " source? " for that

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More or less. There are also those who had the women’s/gay/whichever right’s struggle as their big thing in life and refuse to recognise the value of an intersectional perspective and think that the likes of trans people are invading their space and hijacking The Movement.

In turn, some of these unfortunately go full reactionary in response to this and buy into all sorts of wild myths that perpetuate phobic policy.

See mr K’s post re. Biology.

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The answer is “No, because she is human garbage.”

I get you 100%. For several years I -dreaded- making a trans character because I figured literally everyone would assume the character is a futa and a fetish doll.
I recently made a couple of them, because I can do all things through spite, which strengthens me.

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