Homophobia in rp needs to cease

Okay i see this topic is on the rail still, which is good but…for what i have seen been added here…

I gotta say big YIKES.

Making a homophobic character is just bad RP and just promotes Homophobia.
Which certainly could make people uncomfortable, like why would someone do that…??

I like how some individuals just dodging the bullets of facts - and very delusional when it comes too the TOS.

There is no word for me to describe how much i cringe after read trough such comments.

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I don’t know who came up with that slang, but can they take it back?

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Why should they thou?

Thanks glad to hear it.

Always happy to see Blizzard handling people who insist on defending ToS breaches.

PS: flags do nothing without a human moderator actively applying a sanction to them + 0 of their posts got hidden as far as i know

Calling it mass flagging is major cope from a local homophobe


I sincerely recommend you go and look up the Paradox of Tolerance :slight_smile:

Tbqh, it really does apply to this thread too; in-game there is no example of homophobic behaviour. If you (this is aimed at the floor, not the quoted person in particular FYI) are introducing that to RP, regardless of how valid you think the reasoning is, and knowing full well it could be upsetting to people who have to suffer that [Nonsense] irl? Yeah, that’s not cool. In fact, if you are that incapable of empathising and putting yourself in someone else’s shoes, you probably need to have that looked into.

tl;dr If your first reaction to someone going “Yeah, could we not? That kind of sucks in my day to day life” is ‘But muh RPs’, then you may not be a very nice person :slight_smile:


We were talking about the blood elf, who apparently got suspended and their guildmate was blaming us for it (even though you don´t get suspended after getting flagged too many times, only forum moderators can do it as far as I know).

This is correct, the forums doesnt even have a temporary squelch system like ingame. Litterally the only thing that happens is that the post is hidden so people manually need to open it.

Any kind of suspension or silence was done by human hands for violating the posting rules(And many of their comments were pretty inflammatory)

I was referring to the person in whose stead you spoke, didn’t mean you :slight_smile:
Apologies for the misunderstanding.


What does…this contribute to anything?

Your tone was entierly otherwise until you were proven wrong. This feels a bit coping(Being really mad and furious at your friend getting suspended, only to go “psh idc” when proven wrong in your claims)

Tehya was talking about your friend.

Enjoy your own forum vacation I guess? Nice person you are.

And I was refering to the lvl cringe poster who keeps showing up on different accounts.
As for the bloof elf, well, she kinda had it coming tbh, not sure how someone can be so stuck up on their nose that she can’t see other might not like her attittude and for good reason in this case.


Ahh a shame 2 see that one flagged tbh, man was just riled because he thought i was sniping him in a major way, totally understandable.

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He did misread you quite heavily, but I personally atleast flagged it once for being inappropriate primarily due to the last part of the post, which was entierly uncalled for & also generally not accepted here.

But it needs more than 1 person to hide it.

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I can see wrong on both sides over here, throwing around the word ‘homophobe’ a little carelessly, and contrary opinions getting punched down :frowning:, Keep it respectful ladies and gents and other.


Enlightened centrism on homophobia truly is something.


Imagine caring about the population estimates for a race that will have as many living, able-bodied citizens as the plot demands. This ain’t EU4.

For the records there were like five Wandering Isle pandaren coming with me on that hot air balloon. And void elves are like, what, a few dozen?


“But what about their rights to express their hatred? It’s unfair to tell them they are wrong!”

Maybe you missed why this thread is here, Homophobic is against the rules and defending it all because “Don’t tell me how to rp.” knowing full well others might get upset for it, is pretty scummy to me. So yeah, she had it coming.


There is a difference between actual hatred and a different opinion on the subject, the way the conversation’s have been conducted have been more than a little inflammatory, it’d be unfair and biased to say you’ve said ‘nothing’ with the intent of riling up the opposing points.


I found it particularly laughable when she pulled the “I’ve Rped for several years now, so it makes me correct in rping a homophobe simply due to passing the arbitrary time limit!”

In this particular case, it’s not really though. This is litterally about people adamantly wanting to rp something both not existing in the lore, but also not allowed in the game & also generally very demeaning towards a large portion of the other players.

With their only excuse being “I can do w/e I want!”


Tell me why should I accept someone inventing something for their char based on irl and not game lore and is a breach of ToS again? If this wasn’t the case, I could let it slide buddy.