One guild in particular was outed as being very sexual in nature and had underage members. Since that got out they went on full damage control except they just looked like an idiot every time and believe everybody who hates them is part of the PCU. Even guilds that are well known as not being PCU. They’ve been caught several times using alts to try and slander people.
Only other instance I can think of was a few years ago with a pandaren RP community where things went that way too before it got outed and the people involved vanished from the face of the server.
I’d like to know if there has been any positive results from this thread in game and obviously RP. But I guess with the forum community being only a small part of the AD population, the message may not be getting through.
I haven’t seen anything negative in RP, but, there are a few OOC players that use the word gay frequently in say as an insult. Anyone had any experiences recently? I know quite a few are not subbed right now while we all wait for pre-patch etc.
I remember at the start of the bigger protests at this end of the year both seeing and reading about the incident where a neutral journalist reporter who was there to do a piece on the protests & the escalating police brutality/army-send ins, was deliberately shot with rubber pullets/pepper by the law enforcement.
AS in, she was literally just standing there and they singled her out and fired. She lost permanent vision in the eye she was shot in.
I think we should keep this thread about the LGBT+. BLM and antifa should be discussed somewhere else or the thread will be derailed (and potentially locked).
That i know about, but that isn’t ‘child grooming’. There’s a big difference between what happened with the whole guild of Goldshire origin, and actual grooming of minors for the purposes of virtual sexual behavior. Which is why i was wondering if there were genuine cases of it.
I mean we’re collectively at over 5000 posts (mostly) about LGBTQ+ topics, both related to roleplay, Argent Dawn, and unrelated to the server and game. The only “new” takes on the LGBTQ+ community are old rhetorics, contrarianism for the sake of contrarianism, or outright trolling. I think these threads have become more about inclusivity as a whole in a sense and not just the LGBT+ playerbase.
Sadly you still see the odd human RPer acting as if darker skinned humans are somehow different to the other shades of titan-turned-fleshling people of Azeroth, and often that incorporates false and blatantly harmful stereotypes and discriminations brought in from the real world. It’s rare, but boy is it infuriating to see.
The way I see it is that bumping the thread keeps awareness around the LGBT+ issues and, more importantly, proves that Argent Dawn cares about these minorities. I think it’s a nice touch to see this thread alive after all this time (personally I’d rather not see it derailed).
Imo, inclusivity as a whole is a bit of another topic, which is also different from specific movements that support inclusivity in their own way.
The people who make whacky homophobic comments in RP - and those who hold those beliefs OOC - aren’t the people this thread is going to convince. They’re not going to care or listen.
Hopefully what the thread has achieved, at least to some small extent, is that it’s helped allies to know what to look out for with harmful behaviour.
For the most part, yeah. But people will go stupidly far out of their way to deny their own insecurities on their sexuality. They’ll push away and belittle and mock those who have the same sexuality they fear they might have.
To those people I hope this thread’s shown that there’s nothing to fear. Not on Argent Dawn at least.
This doesn’t work and is a position that only enables the likes of people who would dishonestly sway public opinion so as to use freedom of speech and democracy to abolish them. Some ideas have no place in a post enlightenment society.
This sort of absolutism does more harm than good and plays into the hands of the worst people.
No one should take him seriously.
This has been a huge problem for a while. The basic premise is that the social capital of the dominant demographic gives them a disproportionate amount of power over others and so, their prejudices aren’t challenged.
It often gets crudely boiled down to “the oppressed cannot oppress”, uselessly by its advocates, which is incorrect by the definition used for the oppression in question and someone lower in an artificial hierarchy can still trample others.
If you say X people are Y in this context, you’re probably racist having nothing to do with your hue and one minority is perfectly capable of discrimination against another.
Accurate, and that’s a problem when selling the BLM point to people outside the fundamentally racist superstructure of american society.
This argument relies on the sole idea that the police brutality and “provocations” are entirely uncalled for. It is essentially an egg vs chicken argument, who started it first- And while you could make a valid argument for both sides, that doesn’t really matter to me. I don’t care who threw the first punch, I see the wrong both of them do and condemn both for it. The side that picks itself up and genuinely starts to improve itself in the eyes of the society gets my vote/support.
Racism is racism. It is or it isn’t- It’s quite black and white as the definition goes.
As I said, I am dismissive of the lot because of their absurd straw-man mental gymnastics where they dehumanize the supposed opposition whilst at the same time groveling and/or asking for their understanding because they are being dehumanized.
Whether they are treated more unfairly than others doesn’t matter at all for the argument. They obviously bring up the problems of racism, but are perfectly fine to use it on the very people they want acceptance from.
Obviously they are, though I disagree on how much. In many cases I have seen they have frankly brought the problems onto themselves, rather than being systematically abused by the state. Asian minorities for example, having been subjected to equally reprehensible racist actions in both past and the present, have had no trouble improving their state in the US and other places.
As I said, I agree the unfair treatment is there. I don’t think anybody can disagree with that. What I disagree with is the mental gymnastics of having this arbitrary pool of wrongdoings from the past and the present to which you can tap to to bash down any opposing arguments and/or legitimate criticism of a movement, instead of actually making good and solid arguments and/or trying to improve the situation genuinely.
…The person who said that wasn’t even black (though there was an equally crazy black person sharing her views in the same program)- Looks like you have a bit of prejudices too there.
Anyway, I decided that it is not worth my time or the effort to care/listen to these people where they essentially demand that a) I have done something fundamentally wrong by just existing, b) I am automatically in the wrong because of my skin color and c) if I don’t support them then I am against them. That’s all markers of crazy by the book that I’d associate with far-right groups like the Scandinavian resistance group or other similars.
Her comment, in my view, perfectly summarizes the reason why so many people (myself included) feel so alienated and opposed/indifferent to the movement, because in many cases they are blaming complete strangers for problems they themselves caused, have been inciting as far back as I can remember, and even when they have legitimate concerns everybody can agree with they choose to bite the hands that want to help them by rioting, committing crime and talking down on them.
The reason I say “I think they deserve eachother” is because I think both the BLM and the Police unions are so crazy and bad in their own way that they unironically make for good opponents for one another. Both have committed horrible acts and refuse to back down or improve themselves in the eyes of the larger society, so as far as I am concerned they can clash as much as they want, and I won’t bat an eye.
I have/had considered this and as I said, I support equal rights for everyone and obviously there are problems that need/should be fixed. But when the supposedly downtrodden group constantly bites the hand you try to offer to help them at some point you just abandon them to their blight and let them screech away as much as they want, not caring.
I’ve seen the exact opposite happen actually- There was a media called MV here in Finland that essentially kept publishing antisemite and herbal remedy treatments etc, and people legitimately took it seriously under it caught wind in the media and people heard of it, at which point it quickly lost support and even got shut down for the obvious criminal actions (which is a++).
Equally when party leaders from a few really radical far-right and left parties are given an opportunity to speak during elections in TV, people can rightly so cringe-away from them and not support them- Hence why they still remain so little they can’t even muster a single seat in the Finnish parliament.
Nobody plays people better than themselves. By having strong, objective institutions that can call you out for lies in public TV and make you reveal all your cards, people can easily distinguish the good from the bad.
I think everybody should take the words of the guy that not only commands the largest and most powerful military on this world, runs a country with one of the largest single markets in the world, and generally has great influence on how things in the world turn out at least a bit seriously- Regardless of whether they agree or disagree with his policies.
This is something that has been bothering me aswell. Being from the Netherlands myself, I can only roll my eyes when certain figures try to make it out as if things are as bad here as they are in the US.
In reality these things have shown me that, although both the Netherlands and the US are western countries, we are -so- different when it comes to culture and alot of other things.
So, how about keeping the thread to LGBTQ+ issues and NOT derail it into liberal vs conservative vs radical takes on BLM or antifa and the need thereof in Europe?
Y’know, just to actually keep the thread alive and unlocked.
Seconding this. Nothing turns my delicate Sunday morning stomach more than logging on to see a bunch of white dude western Euro WoW players making proclamations on police brutality and international racial politics…