Homophobia in rp needs to cease

The Huojin Apocalypse…

Sometimes the screams keep me awake at night. But I did what I had to.


I think the key point (and the general opinion in this thread) is not to act homophobic/transphobic to other player characters, and not to assume in your RP that it’s a systemic issue present in Azeroth.

I think it’s perfectly possible to somehow write that theme into your character’s backstory - maybe metaphorically? Maybe the bigotry was coming from a particular person, for some extremely rare and specific reason, instead of the society at large?

How I envy you that uncertainty.

Yeah that’s fair. As I said, I didn’t read the whole thread so I absolutely could have missed some pretty important things.

Anyway this definitely isn’t the hill I want to die on. It sucks but honestly I don’t trust Online People enough to not just bring their homophobia into RP for there to be much room for nuance here.

And uncertain it shall remain without some proof.

To some. To others, personal experience fills the niche perfectly fine.

I feel like if those stories exist in a vacuum of AUs, they’re fine, but as characters who live and breathe, having those stories also sort of force other players to accept the existence of homophobia in the world which I’d be very careful of.

I think there’s many a universe where writing these stories and playing these characters are possible, so in this one world (no doubt there’s more, I just haven’t read many different universes lmao) I’d be happy with homophobia/transphobia simply not existing.


I think that’s fair. I’m sorry for stirring unnecessary drama.


Disclaimer: I’m not trans myself so I can’t claim to be an authority, but based on my own opinion and those of trans players/writers I’ve spoken to, I believe this to be the case…

ESO’s Summerset expansion has a storyline involving a trans character that, in my opinion at least, was done really well. Don’t want to spoil it, but it goes into the character’s feelings on their identity etc., and also has some minor commentary on the whole aspect of just using magic to transition which, going on conversations I’ve had from people I know irl, seems to correspond well enough with people’s feelings on GRS/SRS (apologies, I’m not sure which is the more appropriate term), and I thought it was just all in all a nice storyline. But do bear the above disclaimer in mind!


Yeah, I was really foolish to not catalogue the distressing and uncomfortable experience in my teens of a player 10+ years my senior attempting to groom me so that I could provide evidence on the forums. Silly me.


emmm exCUSE me where’s the factual PROOF that shows child groomers have internet access? source? proofs?

come off it LOL what’s wrong with you

literally a dumber version of nelox trying to spew his hot takes in every thread imaginable fishing for replies

I wouldnt look into the matter any further than that tbh


Online games are and (probably) always will be vulnerable to internet predators on the prowl for younger, vulnerable players. Argent Dawn has thousands of players – it simply doesn’t need ‘proving’, and expecting people to provide evidence of a highly distressing experience is just callous.

Talking about having a certain experience without naming anyone involved or levelling any personal accusations shouldn’t carry the expectation of providing evidence.

Can find/link dozens of articles about online grooming though. Takes a quick Google search.


This is me when I encounter unverified claims about history on Twitter.

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I often wonder the same about you, i ask about actual articles documenting incidents of child grooming in WoW and your response is, what exactly? Child groomers have internet therefore they occupy every online space there is?

Well, there was the jade witch around. So people like that do exist on WoW.

Every large online space, yes. That’s a safe assumption to make.


as someone who has spent the past the past 16 years online (which is probably close to your RL age) I can safely state:



Yeah, but like, where’s the proof?!

It’s an asinine question really. But, there’s always one.

It kinda feels like the same kind of person who goes “trans is fake lol learn to biology”.
It’s just sealioning, really. Pretending to care about evidence when all they’re really doing is disingenuously trying to frustrate and exhaust whoever they are talking to under the pretense of doing due diligence.