yeah instead of asking for proof what you said is “balls to any personal experience uttered in this thread surely child groomers are incapable of launching WoW on the AD realm”
and i’m like 5% sure your english is sufficient to understand exactly what you said
Caught somebody trying it on with my IRL friend (who was under age at the time), when she told them that she was underage, they continutes to try and ERP with her.
i got her to report them, didn’t see them again after that.
Also, there have been a few times where somebody has tried it on with me in /w and didn’t back off when I told them I was a 12 year old boy.
Hi I got groomed into ERP when I was 14 a whole decade ago, guy in question never saw it as a problem rather the opposite so get of your high horse with “lol no groomers in RP”.
For my part, I have had a friend leave the game due to extended grooming. When the creep in question then turned their attention on me in much the same way, I was locked into a lovely little game of “block the alt” whenever the person felt they had worked out a new angle to try and maintain contact.
Said player was married IRL and more than a decade older than both my friend and I. Thankfully they have (as far as I know) since left the game themselves.
Hey uhhhhhhh why are we talking about child grooming on a thread about homophobia? Child grooming is evil but idk if I like the implied take here that its related to gays somehow.
Calling it “hearsay and assumptions” when I have PERSONALLY had experience with it (as well as a fair few people in this thread, including Aldru themselves) is quite a bad take.
Generally I agree with people in this thread, irl bigotries have no place in a fantasy setting and ergo roleplay. Having been in this dumb nerd hobby for a while, experience has taught me that more often than not, people love to hide behind “it’s what my character is like/does” as a cover for their irl bigotries.
I can also see the value in Bish’s take that such conflict can make for rewarding and engaging storylines, but with the caveat that such heavy and potentially harmful topics take place with consenting partners.
Honestly, I feels like a concept of consent needs to be discussed more in the realm of roleplay. It rather feels like people have this conception that by roleplaying in WoW at any level, you automatically consent to be subjected to whatever spews out of their head at any given moment. Whether it be some jumped up Elf roleplayer calling your Orc character fantasy slurs, or a horny rando sliding into your /w unprompted. Just a moment of thought on the part of the instigator to ask for permission, and be able to take being told to go away with grace is all it needs.
I think this is what I was (clumsily) trying to explain. Thank you for making it clear.
Absolutely all of this. I feel like there should be a difference between RP you do in casual settings like Orgrimmar or whatever, and RP you do between friends who all know the deal. I think this is a really good point.
And so we end up with oddities like the fandom in one country insisting a canon couple are just sisters.
It’s also a feature of conservative figures co-opting rationality, logic and reason to shut down opposition to their refusal to accept reality. The popularity of such arguments isn’t helping and so you get thousands upon thousands of people becoming really transphobic just because they’re into science and facts, considering themselves apolitical which is its own can of worms.
Sometimes, people are the most ignorant when they think they know it all.
And if you do end up arguing with those people and show actual factual evidence of whatever the topic, they’ll just say the evidence/facts are biased and dismiss it completely while oblivious to the state of their own thoughts coming from Infowars.
It’s like Annlively said before, if you don’t become somewhat of a specialist in 17 different medical fields and can’t recite scientific facts/research/evidence/proof by heart immediately in any of your arguments, you’re immediately losing against one of the conservative bigots.
feels like being born into LGBTQ+ identities should immediately offer you a degree in those fields tbh rly
Are we being aware here that different countries and cultures are shaped by the traditions that they’ve been following for years and centuries? I don’t understand what are you trying to achieve with that comment.
Blizzard is not forced to do those changes, they do it willingly to be able to sell the game in those countries.