Homophobia in rp needs to cease

No worries! I’m not good at explaining things anyway. Words to text can be hard >:I

But it’s pretty much saying that RP and general writing are different - RP is live time and you can’t ignore something until it’s too late. Fiction writing you generally have warnings if not in the book or whatever then by internet reviews so you can avoid it if needs be.

Yeah, no dice. Homophobia in RP is objectively wrong and bannable, and it has absolutely zero place in this setting what so ever.

None of this matters because this setting is not made for it. Any attempts at RPing it is the player deliberately injecting bigotry into a setting it does not belong in at all. Don’t really care if you’ve got another setting for it, but this isn’t it

so please sit down vaxir, your hot takes are not as eloquent as you think +


I might even go as far to say that the terms “gay” and “lesbian” etc don’t even exist in any known language in WoW because I doubt anyone in that universe feels the need to categorise people or label them based on their sexuality.

It’s all just the norm right?


I get where you’re coming from and as I stated I don’t think, due to obvious reasons and lore, that it should be in WoW’s RP.

But, as said again, I just see both sides. And yet again - One side can be wrong and you still see where they’re coming from. Doesn’t mean I support it.

So chill.

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You don’t have to keep roosting on the fence. You can just come down and say “bigotry bad”. We don’t bite.


I already said that, dw. I’m just looking at two opposing sides and saying “Hey, I get where you’re coming from but it’s wrong”.

I’ve never ever experienced hate towards who I am with so much freaking luck and I don’t ever want to. I see it’s very, very iffy for some people to think about it and to see it in RP would be devastating to them. Another reason why I know it can’t be in this setting for people would get hurt.

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For those in the back:

There is no fence sitting on bigotry.


Potentially, although when it comes to things like language in Warcraft, it’s a bit of an iffy thing. Both roleplayers and Blizzard are ‘guilty’ of taking real-world phrases that would have no basis in WoW and putting them into the game.

For example, the Kul Tiran /whoa of COR BLIMEY which I’ve personally used IC on some of my characters is derivative of the phrase “God blind me”, an exclamation said when seeing something shocking. “God” in this context wouldn’t have a basis in Azeroth, when most phrases with “God” in them have the word substituted with “Light”.

An interesting thought experiment to consider what would and wouldn’t exist in-game, but I think ultimately there’s gonna be some bleed from IRL languages that’s always going to leak into the game in some capacity.

Edit: It’s also probably still useful to have those terms as a shorthand for declining certain people.
“Would you care to marry me?”
“No, I’m gay.”

Cor blimey, mate! What are ye doin’ in me pockets?

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Same as everyone else, Telaryn. Trying to get gold for the Brutosaur.

you loot 1 x potato Seed


I can understand looking at two opposing sides and you would be right saying that it can have a place in fiction. Homophobia can exist in many different, both real and fantasy settings, and can be completely valid to have characters in those settings.

WoW is not such a setting though. This is not advocating for censorship in fiction, this is advocating for stopping homophobia in RP, because it has no place in WoW’s setting and lore (see: other thread where it has been routinely brought forwards and explained and pretty sure you also saw it).

Telaryn/other people are not in the wrong here, because you’re under a disillusioned view of where people are coming from.


I specifically said I know for a fact it isn’t for WoW. I’ve only said I see both points of view and one is wrong, aka the homophobia route. So my point in longer is what you said in paragraph two.

Plus I never said they were wrong.

I could be wrong but I think Vaxir’s message just got a bit muddled through text. I don’t think the intention was to stand in opposition to an LGBTQ+ friendly RP environment or to allow bigotry a chance.

Either way I’m glad to see the anti-homophobic sentiments still going strong.



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No, it wasn’t you I was on about. It’s what I’ve been saying all along:

“It’s wrong to put it into WoW”.

I’m sorry you thought that though.

For clarification:

Telaryn when are we having our sith master/apprentice lesbian plotline?

I’m still waiting…

okay lets look at the not tl;dr

The argument currently was homophobia in WoW RP, and people (eg Bertel) justifying for its existence by bringing up fiction. The side is still wrong, and there is not much to see there, because it’s a completely useless point. We’re not arguing about fiction, we’re arguing about WoW RP.

I’m not sure why you keep saying ‘i see both sides of the argument!!!’ when one side is flawed, nobody was arguing against homophobia’s existence in fiction. That was not a side in the argument.

I know it has no place as I’ve said lots of times. But I can just see why people would argue it as I explained along the lines of fiction being fiction and reality being reality. That’s all there is to it. I don’t agree with it being in lore for various reasons. Merely spoke up in hopes of one side not being demonised as they shouldn’t for (if wrong) opinions.

Here what I see Vaxir, those who stand against homophobia, the one who tries to justify it, and you whose only goal in this thread is “Hey I think you are right, please give me recognition.” So stop this, and don’t make this about you. (again)