Homophobia in rp needs to cease

No. This is a discussion thread as far as I’m aware and so created a discussion with my own views as people tend to do.

But if you’re so adamant I’m trying to be about me…

… I don’t like cheese.

To be fair, as I already pointed out to Vixi earlier:

What if your character’s love interest/partner turned out to be gay, and as a result turned your character down, or left them for somebody else?

You all know this kind of stuff happens IRL too. And the hate behind that can be very real. People go mad for far smaller things every day.

Anyway the point is that you can build a perfectly tasteful reason for your character to be biased or dislike something- Even if the setting is inclusive.

Whether you should do it is a whole another topic though.


I don’t see his post as justifying it in the slightest, especially given that they’ve said they would be wrong to do it, just that they can see where they’re coming from even if they’re in the wrong, and WoW RP is a form of fiction, so that’s why they brought up the term.

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I guess asking nicely to for you to stop running your little ego doesn’t work. Folk, do not reply to Vaxir., she will leave eventually.

I reply to silliness with silliness is all. I’m just discussing views here and you’re trying to make it about me, which this is a… homophobia thread. So I’ll stop replying to you after this and get back to said discussion that was and still is happening.

Edit: But yea, Kufell nailed it. While I’m not too great with explaining things it seems, I really don’t agree with homophobia in WoW but can see where someone is coming from. But that doesn’t make them right. Someone having an opinion that is wrong doesn’t mean we should demonise them and go nuts etc. Discussions are open for… discussing.


Who are we talking about? Vaxir here was being a contrarian as always, Bertel on the other hand was justifying homophobia in WoW setting bringing up fiction (in general) as an argument, which would be fine and indeed - WoW is also a form of fiction, only one in which homophobia does not exist.

There’s no sides to see for Vaxir. Bertel kept on defending his point after being repeatedly told WoW as an universe has no basis for homophobia, and instead went on weird tangents about censorship.

Yes, I can also see where homophobic people are coming from - what’s the point of announcing it? They are not valid, they’re also not being demonised so I’m not sure why one would want to speak up about it. It’s such a weird take.


My bad, I hadn’t kept up to date on reading the now closed post, and only caught mention of fiction in this newer topic from Vaxir.

To play devil’s advocate for someone playing devil’s advocate, I can maybe understand the perspective that us being so anti-homophobic is somewhat detrimental as it lessens the likelihood of discussion. But to some extent I feel like there needs to be something of a wake-up call for people who’d advocate for homophobia in roleplay. At this point, between the points outlined in this thread and the last, the reasons why homophobia is bad for roleplay is quite clearly outlined.

Now it’s more convincing people to keep IRL bigotry from making it’s way into roleplay.


I will ask folk here to https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/677961171411664919/736002225549344808/unknown.png And leave the contrarians and those that can bother to get serious to speak in the void.

In truth, the discussion has been had in the previous thread already and the same points have been brought up over and over. I do not really find anything new said in this thread, so which is why people may be a bit more curt with the responses.

We should not discourage (civilised) discussion, but people not reading the other thread and bringing up the same points has become a little tiresome to the point where I just wish we could have pinned posts or w/e without actually bookmarking specific posts on the forums.

However, on a sadder note, I have a worry that the usual homophobes probably don’t even read the forums, so the message is lost on them anyway.

Then they will be cast to the ignore realm if they can’t be bother to learn.

Guys don’t derail this thread as well. :rainbow_flag: Just smile and wave.


Agreed, let us spread the message.

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And yeah - perhaps a hopeful message to others, while the idea of turning the other thread into random talks of pizza and whatnot because everything had been exhausted, it would’ve been great to keep it still open and not derail it.

Perhaps the OP can link to some specific posts that answer most of the opposing viewpoints so we can stop having cyclic arguments again? :smiley:


Ofc, will get on it tomorrow thou, its pretty late for me to be doing that now.

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Imagine being homophobic in 21st century.


I believe this is could be relevant when refering to ficition in general perhaps. But when you are RPing in the WoW universe, you’re working based on the universe blizzard has set up.

You can RP racism (as in hating an actual race not skin color of another human), as this is a thing shown in lore, several times on many occasions. You can RP general bigotry and sterotyping, as lore characters are shown to do that as well.

But in blizzard’s canon there’s very few examples of Homosexuality in general, mostly because they mentioned in an interview recently https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2020-07-09-world-of-warcraft-will-drop-the-fee-for-changing-gender-in-shadowlands they prefer to keep it subtle and not have a sexual focus within the game.

And as for homophobia there is no actual in lore example that anyone within this thread or the previous has been able to come up with, thus it’s ridiculous to assume it’s a thing that exists in the wow universe, as there’s been no religious or socieital movements in-universe pushing homophobia. I believe the only reasonable way to RP is under the assumption that it’s just accepted and no one in lore has any bias either way.


In short:

  1. Never stop playing queer characters.
  2. Be proud.


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So where are some posts I think may be worth discussing from the locked thread.
Homophobia in roleplay needs to cease - #5 by Vixí-argent-dawn Homophobia in roleplay needs to cease - #11 by Maviell-argent-dawn Homophobia in roleplay needs to cease - #22 by Quizley-argent-dawn Homophobia in roleplay needs to cease - #65 by Perroy-argent-dawn

Edit: Will add more, once I have the time.