Homophobia in rp needs to cease

Yeah true it doesnt inherently but once you start crazily championing breaking the ToS under some guise of freedom of speech it undeniably gets a bit :thinking:


I have every right to tell you that things are a violation of the rules we all agreed upon in order to play. That isn’t authority, that is stating factually, that you’re in the wrong.

Heavy gore, excessive violence & other things that are iffy territory or can be upsetting shouldn’t be used. That’s the point.

Not allowing homophobia is hardly “neutering roleplay”.

Again, what Obahar said though:

Why is this such an alien concept? Just don’t do it.


Teary eyes

Sweaty fingers

Thats you


Friendly reminder again too that Blizzard as a company does not fall under the “Freedom of Speech”. The whole point about that specifically, is that you have every right to voice your opinions without being opressed by the goverment(& then depending on the nation, there are exceptions such as things falling into hate speech).

It doesn’t however mean you have right to do so on any platform or even the right to have a platform. It also doesnt apply to forums, games or any platform created by a person or company. Instead they have full rights on deciding what is and isnt allowed on this platform.

In Blizzard’s case, no homophobia!


That’s not what I’ve been seeing said here. Certain “offensive” things are given a pass while others are deemed completely irredeemable. You can’t apply the hammer in one way and again in another. That would be double standards.

Less championing rule breaking and more supporting people getting less knotted over a cluster of pixels being insulted by another cluster of pixels.


You presented me with no facts, what are you on about

Can you tell what offensive things are given a pass though? So far from what I’ve seen, everyone who’s agreed with me on following the ToS also agreed on that it should be followed entierly.

If you’re refer to regular violence, such as what we see in WoW, yes, you could spin that it’s potentially offensive, and if you think so you have a right to report it and Blizzard will then make a judgement on it.

I’m all for it being followed to it’s full entierty.

This is very inconsiderate of you considering this topic is specifically about people not enjoying facing the same prejudice they do IRL in a game they have to relax on.

Yeah, true. I guess the people involved find the topic at hand worth discussing at length.

But I noticed one poster just chatting into the wind not noticing they are hardly getting any feedback, huh

Please don’t engage with it and simply flag & ignore it like everyone else is doing.

A circus isnt funny when it’s just a crazy person.

RP characters still do not transcend the ToS, dunno what part of this concept is hard to people.

3 hidden replies below in a row, lmao what is happening to our local baitboy


It’s sad to see lillynore’s alt account is showing his true colors once again, spamming threads, posting crazy homophobia, despite sitting around all day ERPing women with extra equipment to the point of even making a guild around it.

I do hope you seek and get the proffessional help you desperately need.


I am not Liliynore hun.

Local Clown must yonk his nose at any given opportunity, hopely this account gets suspended too.


Just because they have red paint on the nose doesnt make them a clown.

Clowns are funny.

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Depends on the clown.

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I guess gnome didn’t run out of daily reports just yet.

Tell me how long does it take to hide one post? How many alts you have to go thru?

I can’t even read the most recent post, N’zoth’s corruption has seeded itself deeply as they are going into the craziest levels of insanity.


Now now little clown, I know you have many faces (accounts) but Im not one of them.

At the end of the day, is the real insult being called Lilynore, or the fact that there’s no discernable difference?


I see you play a lot soulburn, with that amount of time on your hands one would think you are better than parsing grey? xD

But guess not, getting past binding keybindings and stopping clicking is difficult :disappointed_relieved: