Homophobia in rp needs to cease

Because there are no greenskinned orcs IRL beyond people cosplaying.

It doesn’t necessarily indicate that somebody is, the two views can be different, but I would find it very questionable if someone were to walk around in a universe that doesn’t portray a gender divide saying that women are beneath men, or that men are beneath women. The rationale to inserting that into WoW RP is something I’d love to find out.

Again, that genocide is (presumably) put towards a group of fictional entities. It’s seperated enough from reality.

And while, yes:

This is true, I still think that deciding to:

is something which is in very poor taste, isn’t shown in-game or in-lore, isn’t necessary to show in roleplay and regardless of if you are gay, straight, bi, ace, trans, or otherwise - it doesn’t give a free pass to depict something which people are looking to find an escape from.


Can you call it that, if its never been considered a deviation from the norm in that reality?


Analogies to other ethnic groups though.

The Horde pre-Thrall was less free for females. Dwarves have misconceptions about females (especially in regards to reigning), Troll tribes have been shown in places to be against female involvement in certain matters.
The ENTIRE Night Elf society was gender segregated until circa 12-15 years ago for 10,000 years.

Please, if you’re going to pick apart an argument, at least do so in less absolutist terms.

And yet the logic I am seeing touted here is that if you like roleplaying something, you have to agree and support that thing in real life.

Unfortunately you are not the sole arbiter of taste.

And regardless of someone’s personal political convictions, allowing themselves get affected by fictional, fantasy depictions of characters (remember, not people) to such a point they find it offensive I would strongly suggest stepping back for a moment and addressing why.

A persons norms are not just based on society, but their own personal experiences, upbringing and own variation in beliefs and thought patterns. Someone is allowed to believe the sky is orange, doesn’t mean they’re right.
These things are called character flaws, the more people accept flaws in characters the better roleplay will be for everyone.


And in turn, I would suggest asking yourself why you are advocating so hard for something, which as a gay male, you should be able to acknowledge why it is offensive.

Just don’t roleplay homophobes dude. It’s really not that hard.


It’s sad seeing people cycle the same debunked “it’s a character flaw”, “ToS also doesn’t allow violence”, “it’s just pretend”, without the old thread to refer to in order to know that their arguments are deeply flawed and already been crushed before.


I thought this in particular was part of the non-canon RPG lore that was also in hindsight absolutley ram-packed with…let’s call it “neckbeardy” stuff?

Neither are you though? You’re kinda wielding the “im gay too so everything I say is correct while everyone else is wrong” pretty wildly.

But Homophobia isnt existant in WoW.

0/10 roleplayer if the best flaw you can come up with is “I hate the gays”

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Apparantly, merely suggesting this means we are part of some evil conspiracy to control people’s thoughts & ruin civilisation.


You’re a warlock, you’re supposed to want to control people’s thoughts and ruin civilisation!


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I like to work in more subtle ways!

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So you’re disputing the other points I made too? Okay nice cherrypick. So we’re ignoring night elf society was a heavily segregated society? Nice.

Thankfully i avoid gnomes for the lol zane plague.

See, spite isn’t a nice look.


You are in no place to say what anyone can and cannot roleplay. There’s this trend to sanitise and sterilise all “uncomfortable” things, yet we’re playing a game where atrocities, race wars and acts of mass murder are common place.

Your assumption is I don’t see it as offensive, I own that offence, I don’t let it own me, and I don’t let things such as that hinder my own creativity. Once you start putting self-censorship barriers up you will inevitably find yourself essentially roleplaying in a watered down Second Life tier setting.

Curate your own experience, don’t mandate others.


Yes, that’s what the report button is for when people RP homophobia.

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Alot of night elf lore is being rectonned/have already been. It also doesnt invalidate that the point I did choose to focus on being wrong.

If serious, my statement is still accurate.

Homophobia isnt a nice look. And as said, it’s both not a thing in the lore, generally not approved of by most of the community, and most important: not allowed by the rules you agreed too in order to play the game.

If it’s specifically stated in the rules of the game that it isnt allowed, we got full right to tell people that it isnt.

See above.

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I wonder why it’s such a legitimate difficult thing for people to grasp when it’s brought up that it’s fact on fact on paper: “It’s not accepted by the rules you agreed to in order to play.”

The discussion about whatifs end there. If you dissaprove of it, play a game where it is allowed.

Since you seems to have missed it btw, allow me:

“Blizzard games offer a fun and safe place to interact with one another across various game worlds. We encourage our players to cooperate and compete in our games, but crossing the line into abuse is never acceptable. If you come across a player violating the policies below, you should report them.”

" Communication

When participating in communication of any kind (chat, voice communication, group finder), you are responsible for how you express yourself. You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.

Hate speech and discriminatory language is inappropriate, as is any obscene or disruptive language. Threatening or harassing another player is always unacceptable, regardless of language used. Violating any of these expectations will result in account restrictions. More serious and repeated violations will result in greater restrictions."

" If you’re unsure if your actions violate this code of conduct, reconsider them. We reserve the right to restrict offending accounts as much as necessary to keep Blizzard games a fun experience for all players."

Edit: When you first boot up any blizzard game, you have to legally sign that you agree and accept these conditions in order to play the games. You have ZERO rule lawyering around this.

By all means, report things you deem a breach of the ToS. I for example report people I deem excessively fetishizing totalitarian and genocidal ideologies.

Yet you’re not disputing the fact there was a gender segregated society where the military and the clergy was a female dominated area and the Druids were a male dominated area.

You are not Blizzard, you do not have that authority. If you think there is an issue you use the report function.

this can also be applied to things like gore, violence and other heavily fetishized components in roleplay, but if you want to continually neuter roleplay down to the point we’ll be having friendly tavern roleplay and nothing else.

By all means.

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I see few persistent ones are still spamming forum in desperate hope of trying to change something.

Too bad


Hey dude spare yourself some time, arguing with the forum bridge will get you nowhere.

Most of them are clowns anyways.

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Too bad indeed


Guess you cannot count sweetie, let me help you with summing up the number of posts made by each player xDDDD