I was operating as my character would react. Why would -I- personally as a gay man have an issue with two men kissing? It’s part of playing a role after all.
Well this is a 12+ game, if we let some seep out we are running the risk of Goldshire spreading are we not?
And I did, yet neither wanted to see reason. I’ve found increasingly more and more these days players are blinded to reason and will only see what their narrow world view allows. It’s actually really saddening that people cannot empathise with another perspective.
It’s damaging in the long term for roleplay if people cannot imaging things outside of their own restricted bubble.
I’m using this as an example because it was the most baffling thing I have heard and been accused of being recently in years.
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There’s nothing wrong with this – many of my own characters support that idea too, because frankly it’s a bit awkward to have people watching while you’re having a heart to heart with someone, regardless of orientation.
But like Soulburn said, one’s kneejerk reaction can sometimes be what it was in your case because they’ve heard what you’re trying to say backed up from a homophobic angle time and time again. A completely innocent thing starts to sting once you’ve heard the not-so-innocent version of it one time too many and you start to assume the worst.
All the more reason to stop being homophobic in RP so assumptions like that can be laid to rest, don’t you agree?
You were not the first one calling me beautiful but im taken babe sorry 
Anyways see you around boys, stay safe.
Giving eachother a kiss is not really Goldshire. It’s fairly easy to tell what is raunchy and not fine in WoW.
My personal view is people shouldn’t jump to conclusions and take IC, OOC.
It is indecent and makes for a hostile roleplay environment when you are being accused of things OOC for things your character did.
There are some people who if you give an inch will take a mile.
Exactly, couldn’t put it better myself.
I don’t think we’ll get anywhere arguing over anecdotal evidence, mentioning seeing things seen from anothers perspective, we’re only really hearing your side after all.
This is a seperate issue and I think taking something like a kiss (while i personally find that kind of rp kinda cringe) to it’s logical extreme is harmful, and you’re basically doing the same thing you are crying about the couple doing. By assuming the worst intentions.
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To quote a wise man for the Nth time:
If someone breaks the TOS, report them.
Then you report it. You don’t need to start getting pushy against anyone showing someone else affection however.
oh hello hunter from fruitbasket.
Wrong person. They are from Goldshire.
Yeah agree strongly but also ppl should own up to mistakes and adjust when told they’re messing up.
Can’t have 1 or the other.
The example that was given by Amdusias showed no fault on the part of the person being accused. They would have had nothing to own up for because they did nothing wrong.
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Working under your logic of: “There are some people who if you give an inch will take a mile.”
If you allow characters who without homophobic intent OOC to be homophobic, or exert behavior which could be easily translated into being homophobic. You create an ecosystem where homophobia is widely accepted and actual completely unironic homophobia becomes common place and you have a sizable chunk of the playerbase feeling unsafe and ‘hunted’. Despite there being no actual lore examples to support the behavior.
It’s also against TOS just like ERP.
trust me, i know that is lattespiceraviolli grande €4.55 at starbucks haarlem from fruitbasket
I’m aware, I was more speaking in a general sense on the topic as a whole.
Time to avoid cherry-picking. No, it wasn’t. If it was, do you have any sources of this?
That was Magni alone, not dwarven society. And he learnt it was wrong; if you hadn’t been cherry-picking, you’d know Dagran’s treatment of Moira compared to Magni’s treatment of her is what made her fall in love with him to begin with.
RPG lore and thus non-canon; it is also another case of cherry-picking, as we’ve seen many tribes with women in high ranking roles, including the Darkspear and Revantusk Tribes. And then we have the Blood Trolls, an explicitly matriarchal society.
Yes, and they moved away from it.
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This isn’t a court case, the event Amdusias could be twisted in his favor, biased by him, or completely made up for the sake of argument. There’s no point in talking about who’s at fault.
Alright then, kinda makes sense.