Homophobia in rp needs to cease

Talking in general. I RP with whatever comes before me.
I RP quite a strict and high standards set of Blood Elves and follow their backstory as closely as I can. Sometimes people would just be acting really weird as a blood elf.
I don’t whisper them and tell them to change however. I just react as my character would and move on.
The only times I have ever whispered anyone to correct them on something is people using made up titles for Blood Knights or people who appear new and might not understand what their title means.


There isn’t. Because they weren’t at fault based on what was said. And I am only talking about what I have seen said.

“Pushy” from someone calling me unironically 0/10 because i have a character who doesn’t like PDA, het or gay aside. Despite never actually having roleplayed with me.

Which I do, its just a shame so many don’t.


Lets change attitudes that have been in place for thousands of years over night. Okay.

Which is what a person should do, not jump into whispers/dms and start spouting insults and isms at the other.

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Either way, it’s incredibly embarrassing. And I understand why they feel the need to post on a level 10 alt.

He is also the panda while at it.

You contracted abit of lilynoia.

That everyone already knew.

I’m gonna quite frank here Amdusias, you might just be doing a poor job speaking your side of the story. But my interpretation so far is that you are fighting way too hard for the right to talk bag to 2 characters kissing. And you keep doing posts like:

Which is just sounds weird, for you to say all the time. Every time someone mentions TOS.

Surely disliking characters kissing in public isn’t so incredibly core to your character that it’s worth fighting in whispers for every time someone percives it as hateful conduct.

Citation needed.

Here you’re contradicting yourself and saying your character just actually dislikes same-sex couples and not sexual behavior in general.

I’m sorry Amdusias, I’m trying to understand you here, but why do you need to hate gay characters when RPing?


The big question is, why must anyone do when there is no basis for it in lore? And please, leave dumb “headcannon” out of it, it’s not relevent.

Correction, I said 0/10 if you specifically can only think of “not liking gays” as a defining character flaw.

And for also being one of those people who “dont rp with gnomes”.

Am I not allowed multiple characters? The one I referred to is different to the one you are referring to. It shouldn’t need to be so explained out. Ironically it’s the one who isn’t even against same-sex relationships with whom i was being accused of being homophobic.

Why do men play female characters? Why do we want to play orcs and elves? Also its but one flaw to their character, and yet we have someone in this thread homing in on it as if i’m playing a member of some religious fundamentalist group.

Because people throw the holy ToS around like a sword often enough as some sort of justification to muzzle people when I have seen plenty of people who claim to uphold the ToS when they are engaging in behaviours that I have mentioned as well.

Do unto others.


Are you seriously comparing me not thinking you shouldnt rp homophobia to blanket ignoring an entire wow race?


He’s actually right, it’s referenced by the questgiver for the hunter quests in the crossroads

The leader of the dwarves yeah lol ie. their central figure + the heart of their society at the time

I think you’re right in this one though yeah not 100% sure I’m not a trollhead

I’m saying if you throw shade, prepare to stand under a tree.

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For the one reason that the lore does support… some people just want to be jerks.

I’m still not following your logic though?

How is “I dont rp with gnomes at all x33 lolol rofl” throwing shade at me?

For saying “Dont be homophobbic in rp”

Wasn’t bias against women an RPG lore? at least with trolls

RPG lore was canon for a long time, sure parts of it might have been changed so its altered dynamics but people still made characters and had interactions when it was still around.
More of a Blizzard issue than a player issue in my opinion. The Zandalari have been shown to have far more “modern” opinions on things than say the Amani or Drakkari.

Which character it is, is completely irelevant to my argument.
You are basically saying “Yea I’m obeying the lore, this character is not homophobic”. But then you go and say you have characters that clearly are? So you are injecting homophobia into the RP scene, by your own words.

Because female charcters, orcs, and elves exist within the lore with plenty of examples of said races and genders existing. While homophobia, does not.

Again, irelevant to the thread or current discussion, using the implication that you are right in stopping a gay couple kissing because they might ERP which yea, breaks TOS. And using this as some kind of twisted justification to, what exactly? I honestly can’t even tell what your point is here.

Here I’m going out on a limb and label you as homophobic and I’ve made it pretty clear as to why I think that’s the case. Now I think what’s constructive is for you to reflect on why you feel the need to make sexuality and your character’s opinions on sexuality such a core part of your character, that you’ll get into arguments OOC over it, post on the forums for your right to be homophobic.

You claimed yourself to be a gay man IRL, you can’t see how this behavior is potentially harmful?


In general, I think the argument being used against a few claims here of “There’s no canon example of it, so keep it out of Role-play” and “keep your head-canon out of RP” is a pretty poor argument in itself. Like I get it, some things are bad and you don’t want to see them in RP for fear it justifies the belief, but aren’t your characters and the RP guilds they may be in, in their entirety head-canon? Unless of course you’re going around role-playing canon characters.

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So again, no different to the people who slandered me in game. My character does not = me. Is an author their creation? No.
Focusing in on an element of a character I have and declaring because it is part of their person I am now somehow a monster.

So now you throwing doubt on my sexuality. Tell me didn’t you make a rant post about certain people doing the same?
Physician, heal thyself.