Homophobia in rp needs to cease

You don’t need to do the ` thing with links to official blizz stuff. Only links to external platforms aren’t postable without TL3.

I can imagine exactly one instance in WoW-Roleplay where I would say: “Okay, pro-heterosexuality and anty-homosexuality makes kind of sense”

And that would be a draenei or Night elf, saying: “our people are dying out, we need more children and cannot afford to put personal happiness before our survival as a race/species”. And a character with that mindset wouldn’t go actively around attacking/hating others but just think/feel that way and bring it up in specific conversations. So it shoudln’t/wouldn’t be an actively dusturbing homophobic hater.

In no other instance i can imagine homophobia being “Good, lore-wise roleplay” in WoW.


I agree with this.

I mainly RP as Blood Elves and they have been dying out for years as far as the lore is concerned. 90%+ dead with a few percent on the side defecting combined with a rational elven mindset will likely, in my eyes, generate a productive view on the need to reproduce.

And elves being not so friendly when it comes to things they don’t like, likely in some cases judge of frown upon those who seem unwilling to solve this race-wide problem.

How far they take this judgment being down to the individual character.

To me, this is reasonable. Calling somebody a bad person because of this, isn’t.


That’s not homophobic also… you can still reproduce with women as a homosexual, this was actually a thing in greece where they often had well… a side chick.

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I know. I just wanted to create an instance, where i could imagine that mindset and have also already seen it. Where it should be “ok to have/playe”. But never was it agressively intruding in other/homosexual relationship RP. It was “just” a character trait that came up, if this topic was specifically brought up or with very close IC-friends

Nah, homophobia is a thing that came with certain religions/cultures around a time also known as the dark ages not present in WoW/lore

Fair. It wouldn’t be homophobia. It just would be “I think, we should lead procreating heterosexual relationships”, not actively phobia/hate against those who live otherwise. And as I said, that is an instance (or…the only one), where I personally wouldn’t judge the player for having it in a character.

But just for clarification: homophobia doesn’t originate in the Dark Ages, the term was already used in ancient greece (but we, of course, don’t have that either in WoW, I know. I just had to correct you there for smartassery, sorry)

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thats oke, but it became more prevalent during that period if i recall.

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TL;DR at the bottom!

I’d like to react to this, as some one conforms to one of the letters within the rainbow spectrum (as in, I am LGBT+). I do RP, a decent amount in D&D, but I don’t do it in WoW. Although I honestly do not see how that would matter in any form or way.

I personally think any form of Homophobia from the player, is utterly unacceptable. However when it comes to characters, things get a bit more complicated. I don’t think it should be a standard or ‘ok’. But there are some interesting story plots to play around with when one plays a homophobic character.
Human beings in RL, can be homophobic, as such I think that occasionally, this should be, in a minor way, acceptable for characters.

To enhance this point, let me tell you lot a story.
I used to play a lot of D&D with a lovely group of friends who always been supportive and acceptable of my sexuality. I get jokes on a regular basis, and dish them out just as hard, but I have never been offended, insulted or disrespected by them. To tease me a bit, one of them straighties, made a gay char that was catered to what would be my type in real life, knowing that I put something of myself, into all my chars to more easily relate to my chars.
Of course, this meant very quickly that those two chars started hitting off a close friendship and grew into a couple. Nothing overboard, we always agreed to never ERP at the table. About 4 months in, my char died and I was creating a new one. He got integrated with the group and very quickly, started being snarky and slightly mean to the char that was my old chars lover.
About 3-4 sessions after I was reintegrated with my new char, they realized I made a slightly homophobic character. And it literally confused the HELL out of them.
However, it has been one of my most fun chars to play, in all my years of D&D. RPing the issues of committing to a group, but being against one of its members. The struggles my char had of being touched by a healer that was gay. The conversations that followed from those heals or snarky comments, were extremely interesting.
There are of course wrong ways to do it. It should never be pushed to boundaries where people are uncomfortable. However I also think as the LGBT+ community we should at least accept a bit of it, if it is for story reasons.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am not saying every one should go and make a homophobic character. Absolutely not. But there absolutely IS an interesting story plot there, that, as long as it isn’t overly done and done by a player who respects the other players and is solely into it FOR that story plot, should be allowed to play it out.

If we are going to take away things like this from character creation, because some people might get insulted or feel uncomfortable, then nothing will be left for flaws. We will soon be only allowed to create perfectly unflawed characters.
People might not be comfortable by evil chars. People might not be comfortable by any form of discrimination. People might not be comfortable by characters that just don’t care about others. People might not be comfortable by characters that don’t have the same values as them. There is no ending this is we allow more and more to be taken away from it.
And TBH, overcoming flaws is still, what a lot of people, enjoy RP.

As some one who is LGBT+ and actually played a homophobic character myself (in D&D, but that shouldn’t matter much) I think it would be better to force the people who want to play a slightly homophobic character, to come with a proper, story-heavy explanation and potential progression through that negative attitude and how the player thinks the character will overcome said attitude. Removing a flaw, is probably not the way to go and will just make the people hate us more, because we take away something they might actually enjoy.

Just to be sure, a lil disclaimer. I do not intend to offend or insult anyone. Just giving my 50c into the conversation as I think I might have a unique perspective on the matter. :slight_smile:


If people want their character to have interesting negative traits there are plenty to choose from that fit in with a fantasy game. If people are actively rping that they are homophobic, I’m assuming it is to cause drama. Please, don’t.


It actually does matter, because in DnD the only rules are the ones your friends by the table and the GM decide upon. In WoW, you also got the Terms of Service that we have to abide by.


I completely agree with this intepretation.

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Treating some one disrespectfully or RPing a char that makes some comments because they are slightly homophobic, are not the same. One is against the ToS, the other is not.

Yet, there is no mention of such thing and is against the ToS to make such a character, you don’t need it to make a good story.

Roleplaying chars must also abide by those rules.

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Is this the terms being referred too?

** Communication

When participating in communication of any kind (chat, voice communication, group finder), you are responsible for how you express yourself. You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.

Hate speech and discriminatory language is inappropriate, as is any obscene or disruptive language. Threatening or harassing another player is always unacceptable, regardless of language used. Violating any of these expectations will result in account restrictions. More serious and repeated violations will result in greater restrictions.**


Look, there is no homophobia in WoW lore, it’s against the ToS and you don’t need it to create conflit IC, so just don’t.

That doesn’t answer my question.


Making a statement not answering questions.

The ToS doesn’t differ that. I’m fairly certain that if you were to use, say, swear words in character and got reported for that you’d still get silenced for language.

She quoted a point of the ToS and asked if this is the one referred to. Why not just say “Yes” if it is the right one? :slight_smile:

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