Homophobia in rp needs to cease

Headcanons that are widely accepted in RP are rooted in canon lore:

Someone RPing a human paladin named Jon, who’s born in Stormwind and spends his days fighting Undead in the Plaguelands obeys the ruleset set by Blizzard and the canon, even if Jon is technically a “Headcanon”.

Meanwhile everyone here mostly agrees that someone RPing Batman’s younger brother Billy, born in gotham who teleports to Azeroth from a portal at the bottom of his estate to fight crime in the streets of Silvermoon, is also headcanon but everyone would ignore that character compared to Jon.


I don’t want to make assumptions but I’m still geniuenly curious while alot(or several) of the more…vocal dissaprovals who also displays alot of tendencies, or sometimes, straight up prejudice have also thrown in the “Im gay too, therefore I hereby declare all of your concerns invalid” as a handwavering?

IIRC there was a moment in that lore where human females could turn into metal and slap your bum around.

No, I’m asking if you cannot relate to the experience of homophobia, and see why that can be harmful to inject into media where it doesn’t belong.
You’re attempting to twist my words to again justify your weird RP.


Pee-poor take. Said it before and again; we call out racist authors. We call out homophobic authors. Authors will more often than not put their own thoughts/feelings into their work.

HP Lovecraft wrote a whole novel about how race mixing is dangerous (Shadows over Innsmouth). Practically every scholar of refute would agree he was a racist man, who wrote racist works.

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Alot of the RPG lore as a whole(Not just the parts about women, but its very noticeably there) reads exactly like it was made from those extreme horror story/stereotype D&D dudes.

Of course, there are degrees to the head-canon we permit, with differing degrees of what we accept that vary from person to person, I’m not saying there aren’t. Just some people seem to be putting forth the idea that there being no canon examples of something is a gotcha and that therefore, there is no plausible way that such a thing could exist within the game world.

I mention it only because the way some seem to be using it isn’t as good an argument as they seem to think it is.

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And you are misconstruing what I say in order to make me appear as something I am not. For whatever reason I don’t know.

Again, because we write something we must believe in it. What a world we’re in today.

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Lovecraft was from the 1900s.

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And we live in the current year.

the entire world is at war and that nerd was sitting at home writing books about squid monsters that sleep.

Look at it like this though, since it’s the subject we’re talking about:

If a setting has no accounts of Homophobia/a lead person proclaiming support for same-sex coupes/announcing homophobia isnt existant in the setting,

Do you -really- want to be the one person who writes that into the setting/headcanon it? What reason is there even to do that?

For the last question, so far in both these threads, no one has yet to answer this btw.

I would just like to point out that calling anyone in this discussion homophobic is just intelectually lazy.

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Not when they’re being homophobic though.

Nobody is being homophobic.

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What other reason do you have though to write in homophobia in a setting which doesnt have it?

You were quite a bit homophobic until your little vacation.

I think that’s also why you had one according to your friend?

I wholehearted disagree. Like my intentionally crazy example.
You can RP a Paladin and a Human because they have a pressence in RP, yea the character will be headcanon but the pieces you construct your character with is not, unlike giving it traits based from religions and cultures not existing in wow.

I’ve been acting in good faith for a fair few hours to attempt to understand where you’re coming from, but all I’ve seen is you go “I’m not rping a homophobe, my other character is one”.
Giving random lore examples (Some I’m pretty sure are not true by the way) of gender inequality in WOW which is not relevant at all to the subject of homophobia.
And again just generally you clawing so desperately to the right to be homophobic just reeks of bad intent in my mind, and when you’re backed into a corner you shout “But I’m gay IRL” which just makes it stranger as to why you think it’s so cool to inject into a universe where it doesn’t belong, or shouting “BUT THEY WILL GO ERP AND BREAK TOS” which is just an attempt to direct everyone to rant about how gay erp is bad, and yea sure it is. But it’s bad excuse to RP a homohpboic character.

I strongly disagree. With how strongly some people in here are fighting for the right to be homophobic in RP.


Not at all. I have already complained to blizzard about the suspension and how their accusation by virtue of suspending my posting privileges highly mischaracterized me as a person.

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Maybe, but zandalari do exist, so why shouldn’t I rp one, but homophobia doesn’t, so why must you make a char flaw? The difference in headcannons i guess, is that one exists in wow, the other doesn’t. And again, I base my char on zandalari npcs, not headcannon.