Homophobia in rp needs to cease

PSA: You do not have to be directly homophobic to ascribe to and/or encourage homophobia/problematic positions and arguments.


It is a good thing nobody here is supporting homophobia then and only having a discussion about a work of fiction.


Some people: You guys don’t understand the difference between IC and OOC. One is a character the other is real world. Don’t judge me.

The same people: Noooo, homophobia can logically happen in the real world so it can happen in the game as well so I’m allowed to be homophobe IC. That’s realism, ok?

Well which one is it?

Clearly you havent set a foot in that one for a while now

Unfortunately, he was genuinely not memeing, my fiancee had to cut ties with him as a friend because of his resentment of me and the racism he was displaying. He had never even dated her, in fact she was already dating me when he met her. But just the fact she wouldn’t leave me for him tipped him over the edge. He acted very much like because he was nice to her, she owed him leaving me for him. A typical “nice guy” it seems.

I’m honestly happy you’re here, this forum thread will remain a prime example of what encouraging homophobia looks like.


Supporting homophobia in roleplay is contributing to creating/maintaining an environment that makes a great many LGBT people deeply uncomfortable, and the refusal to acknowledge this basic fact suggests an unsettling lack of empathy for the experiences and struggles of others.


At least until monday when it gets deleted.

Don’t think you could’ve seen much from the guild IC, but if you mean OOC then that’s also not really tracking with your gaslighting attempt since I think they’ve just begun posting y-day lol.

There’s no homophobia in this guild, nor are there whatever “holocaust jokers” are meant to indicate.

As LGBT myself I am currently questioning who makes me feel more uncomfortable, the “homophobes” or the supposed “allies.”

Oh, Irelia is back. Welcome back, Irelia!

If that is your opinion. Even if it is not reflective of what is actually going on.

That can be said about lots of things in WoW. What if you have PTSD? And somebody emotes describing a traumatic wartime event? Should they be reported and banned for making a hurtful environment for somebody else?


By the same flawed logic, yes.

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The room disagrees.

Hello Coldshade. Long time no see in regards to IC. Hope all is well on both fronts.

literally what lmao

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Again, you are wrong and choosing to ignore the other people who have their own opinions on the matter.

Despite being depressing, it gives me a good list of people to avoid ever roleplaying with since they’d hate both me and my character, lol.


I… have to admit I don’t really remember you from anywhere else than this thread. Have we interacted before?


Well, apparently you don’t believe Danuser saying that there’s no homophobia in the WoW universe, so maybe we should ask for a divine intervention?

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