Homophobia in rp needs to cease

Do you expect me to take you seriously. Honestly?
The several times anyone but Soulburn has made a non-meme post in the last few hours, you’ve just ignored them, so it’s clear you’re only in this to save your ego.

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You are posting

It’s called common sense for a population to want to repopulate after nearly being wiped out.

You have no self-awareness.

That’s a bold claim, are you sure you want to lock in your answer.

And you are too narrow minded to accept that there can be variation in how fictional characters minds may work.


I expect to not be slandered, is all.

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Denouncement of homophobic tendencies leads to a decrease in homophobic behaviours. Inaction or encouragement leads to a neutral or increased tendency towards homophobic behaviours.

At this point you’re just being aggro to people who are talking from a reasonable standpoint. I get lashing out at people who are being a little disappointed or experiencing frustration, but don’t put your foot in your mouth by brushing off a legitimate point.


My plausible reason for it’s existence is because people can grow to hate people for all sorts of bad reasons.

My plausible example of a bad reason for someone growing to discriminate against someone for their sexuality could be them being left by a partner for someone of the same sex as said partner. Similar to how earlier I stated I know someone in real life who is racist against the Welsh purely for the fact they chose me over them.

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I’m not sure you’ve really been keeping up with these threads then.


But you are the homophobe RPer, tho.

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I have no evidence that supports anyone here is a homophobe. So yes.

I’m not arguing with the point. If it is true, that is a good thing. Less people being homophobes to each other out of character is a good thing.

But when you make a claim, you then have to back it up with evidence.

I’m asking for evidence, not the opinions of an echo chamber.

idk, that given what i’ve seen from the guild and its members i’m not really surprised that aside from homophobia there’s also holocaust jokers in the guild

sure, so that someone would hate the entire sexuality for what some other person did? :grimacing:

your post history


As clever as you are trying to be, my post history does not in fact prove his point.

That alone is reason enough.

My partner has a pathological hatred of blonds because of a really petty reason from when he was about 3 years old at a birthday party doing pass the parcel. Another child there who was blond repeatedly “cheated” in his words when the music stopped. So he doesn’t trust people with blond hair.

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To be fair the only reason Blizzard don’t have any events most likely in the game or any groups of people, for that matter showing distaste to a selection of people such like homophobia as this topic is going off for e.g is to spare the pain of running the risk of it being distasteful, given the internet this day and age is basically more than keen to jump at developers necks over almost anything.

I’m fairly sure atleast, given from what I understand people were even triggered at nintendo for the Arms character they added to smash bros brawl.


Can you make a post without saying the word “evidence”?
You have a crazy case of confirmation bias where the only accepted evidence is what supports your stance.
Your entire post history is just cheering on people who break TOS by rping homophobia, attacking people trying to reason with you, and shouting “evidence” at accusations.
You’re in my humble opinion much worse than our resident Classic alt, because of said consistent cheerleading

That’s unbelievable when the second half of my post which you didn’t quote mentions the fact that someone I know expresses hatred towards the population of another country that I come from based on the fact he’s jealous?

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if the current video game market is of any suggestion, i’d say the opposite would be true

if you have a gay character in the game you’re immediately vilified (see: wowhead comments on upcoming expansion lore tidbits, not gna spoiler what was what but you’ll know what i mean)

i quoted what was pertinent to the post, but the person you know is probably memeing or if unironic, kind of a jerk too, yes

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Hard to gather evidence when you know for a fact that a majority of people who are homophobic aren’t going to admit they’re homophobic. The same way that people who are racist often don’t think they are racist, and people who are sexist don’t think they are sexist.

This isn’t some Ace Attourney coutroom where people shout OBJECTION to evidence provided. Nor is this a courtroom.

It’s simple. People are going to keep exhibiting certain behaviours unless that behaviour is checked. And I’m of the mindset that enabling or encouraging homophobic roleplay is going to lead to parts of Argent Dawn feeling more secure towards acting homophobicly both in-game and out.

So why bother? Just use other sources of bigotry in game. It’s not a difficult substitute.

From here on out I’ll not be replying further. I just find it utterly baffling that so many in this thread feel the need to protest so strongly in favour of a type of roleplay that is unpleasant at best and upsetting at worst.


Rather difficult when you’re having your name dragged through the dirt by the kangaroo court of clown morality, claiming that you believe things that are not true.

Sorry if I want people to prove what they are saying is true.

And this is wrong as I am asking for somebody to prove their stance, not my own.

I’ve never cheered anyone on. Again, you are a liar.

You have no evidence so I am going to say your theory is wrong. As much as it would be nice if it was true.

Sorry. In the real world, you have to be able to prove your claims.

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