Homophobic threads have been blossoming on the forums lately

While I don’t agree with the hatred part, I do understand people’s frustration with wanting an accurate portrayal of their favorite character.

I was pretty sad when I heard Princess Jasmine was not being played by a Middle Eastern actress, but rather a Half white half Indian actress.

Still, Naomi Scott did an amazing job that she made me forget about it all. Her voice is amazing.

At the end of the day live actions won’t be anything compared to the original cartoons :wink: , unless it’s Cinderella (2015). That’s the only live action I actually favored over the cartoons, because they gave Cinderella and the prince more chemistry, rather than just remembering her shoe size lmao


I think he means sindragosa who is black ingame. I have not seen her before or know her backstory much. But if she was white and is now black i get that people are upset about it. Stuff like this is toxic

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Welcome! You’re new here then? Let me show you to the attractions.

Currently, Land of the jolly “Gay” dragons is very in season. It’s cold out, 't is the season to be merry they say. For which gay is a synonym, of course. Worth a visit for endless reading pleasure. Be sure to bring a big popcorn.

You could also visit my own attraction “Dragonflight’s writing is terrible.” I know it sounds dull but it’s just as exciting as the joyride you’re currently on. What sets it apart is my futile attempts to write block of text to reason with the other guests. Hahahah, such a merry delusion. But worth a visit if you liked the first attraction.

There’s also this attraction, which is in full swing as you can see!

In any case, we hope you have a great stay here on the WoW forums.

Disclaimer: Activision is not liable for any brain damage you might incur.


You made me want to watch it (haven’t seen it yet), BUT he hasn’t remembered even that as the poor dude had to go around the kingdom to fit the shoe on footsies all day long :rofl:

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It’s true though, there was 0 chemistry between them in the animated original. The king swinging his sword madly at the bed will be with me always though. That guy had problems. :smiley:

At least he was funny :rofl: and memorable!

No it’s a bad one. Identity politics are evil.


Amen brother.


Insert Homer simpson gif of him reversing into a bush…

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How so?
What kind of harm do they cause, exactly?

They may ban us from using Gifs without TL3, but they cannot ban us from using gifs


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I’m not sure what you mean by this. Things that are inside your heads are still real. Your perception of your body is real. This weird angle at ‘reality’ again is reductive, because when you need to define that reality further you’ll start to run into walls, if not eugenics even. What is a real woman? Is it just chromosomes? What about people who have different chromosomes then? Sex characteristics? What about people who don’t fit into that mold?

True, somewhat unfortunate timing I suppose - I cannot really control what random people say. I’m interested to hear more about what they wanted to say.

It’s more likely that it was invented because of your legal sex, I think. Hence the assignment - who does the assigning? It’s not some biological reality doing the assigning, but some doctor at the hospital. Sometimes they make mistakes, too. There are actually instances where cis people were assigned the wrong gender.

Most of the time, your sex assigned at birth is still your sex. A cis person is someone whose gender aligns with their sex (assigned at birth). It’s mostly synonymous.

Okay. Transpeople aren’t new either, or people breaking away from existing gender constructs. In the past, people still had gender as social constructs, whether they realised it or not. There are societies in the past that had more than a male-female gender binary, too. Native Americans are a good example.

Okay, but we’re dealing with chromosomes only. You’re not male or female, your XX or XY, or XXX, or XXY, or…

How is whether you’re fertile or not even relevant? Are infertile XY men no longer male? Are infertile XX women no longer female?

And what is that clear distinction between them? That boys wear pants and girls wear skirts? That boys play with action figures and girls play with dolls? What if a boy wants to wear a dress and/or play with dolls? Does that make the boy a girl suddenly?

Sindragosa is a dragon. Her arcane construct of herself is what we see in Dragonflight. We’ve never seen her being ‘white’ before.

(Might be wrong on this - would love a link or smth that shows otherwise, then!)


I think it is really the hypocrisy of Blizzard rather than anything to do with members of the LGBTQ community:

• The dracthyr being androgenous only without the option to be a more pronounced male/female. Lizards may be indistinguishable from the human eye in gender, but they aren’t playing the game. We are. Additionally, the dracthyr’s dragon form is somewhat feminine and people complained about it which has resulted in very little further options. It is inclusive to those who believe that gender doesn’t matter, it is exclusive to those who do. Why not include both options? Why not add a more muscular option or be more inclusive to those who have different preferences?

• The visage form is quite flamboyant, as showcased on Blizzard’s own YouTube videos. It is fantastic that this was added to those who like this, but there are few options/ways to remove the scales from the visage form face. You are also only stuck with one race and the art direction that blizzard wanted, which doesn’t feel very inclusive. If you don’t want a flamboyant/feminine looking dragon, then you are out of luck. Why are there not more options? It’s not inclusive at all.

• When you look at the story, where are the strong male characters like Varian, or Thrall? If you have no-one in the lore that straight men can easily relate to, it’s not very inclusive either is it?

• For people who believe that gender/sex is not the same, they added “body type 1” and “body type 2”, why not also include male/female below these options, by removing male/female, it isn’t being very inclusive to those who identify with being a male or female, is it?

• If you look at the art style, it is very soft compared to what the “sons of the storm”, the art the OG WOW artists used to produce. When I venture into DF, I don’t feel that sense of adventure I used to feel and much of this is due to the new art direction. I don’t feel “safe” when I’m in town or in an inn and it has nothing to do with the power of mobs either. Another element is taken away which I used to thoroughly enjoy, in favour of a narrative that lends to points previously made.

• The inclusion of quests focusing on relationships are almost always poorly received, but this is part of the softer tone/narrative that has come with DF.

• But more important than any of the above, is that the game had a different art direction/stylistic direction or narrative style which has been completely replaced, seemingly specifically to ensure that people like me DO feel excluded, by design.

You would think that people advocating for inclusion, which actually be inclusive. People are being mad, because you would be too if you were in their shoes. As Blizzard slowly excludes people who used to be a target demographic away from the game, you will probably see less complaints, and have less of a future for this game. It’s disappointing.


Scottish men have left the thread :cry:

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Can you please suggest a better word for genders than body type 1 and 2?

Or is it more important to you to label me as intolerant because you think body type 1 and 2 is better than male and female? (it’s literally the same in this case)

Shall we give “cat” another name too, for those people who are terrified of them? (yes, I know one of those, who have real phobia of cats) What about body type 3?

I am sorry, but body type 1 and 2 is an extremly poor solution to the problem. I’d say a better solution would have been no sections at all, both genders mixed into the same pool. Then you could have called it Body type, and it would make sense.

Body type 1 and 2 still refer to gender, in case you haven’t noticed.

Thanks for the insult btw. Very tolerant of you, espescially since you are attacking one that should be of your own(people who see people, not labels).

Thoughts are a real thing, but that does not mean that the contents within them correspond to reality. For example the thought that I am a Pandaren IRL is real because I just came up with it for the sake of argument, but reality is not that I am a Pandaren IRL.

If your thought does not contradict reality it can be said to describe reality or it can be said to just be an opinion. For example your thought is that you are a man and you’d like to be married with a man, that does not contradict reality - it’s an opinion about where you want your life to go, but it also isn’t really supported by any reality other than the thought itself.

Yeah… timing.

No, that’s usually called passport sex or similar. Also, here’s a fun fact: The government actually incorrectly designated me as the other sex on my birth certificate. :smiley:

Was easily fixed though, but the data was never deleted, just overwritten, which means it sometimes comes back to haunt me. I had the social security number of the other sex for a while until I asked to have it changed because it caused so much havoc all the time. But even now some outdated systems still have the old number on them sometimes.

So I know very well how annoying it is to have the government think I’m the other sex than what I identify as. It’s just… different. xD

The reason they don’t change it automatically, by the way, is that your loans and other things can depend on it. Stuff gets messy.

Of course not, but whether it’s new or not has no bearing on the core issue at play: whether your body is female or male.

It’s just not a new sex, either.

It can be summed up in a few words that are all, unfortunately, censored on the forums. :slight_smile:

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They teach people that their identity it’s the single most important thing about them which is wrong on many levels.

A person (or a character in a story) should be judged by their actions, and personality. Not by their race, gender or sexuality.

This is why you will see many LGBTQ+ people disagreeing with this evil agenda as well.

I could write more but identity politics also teach you that as a white straight man my opinions/words are worthless.


I did not mean to offend, just pointing out a fitting term to the body-type situation which is the “Euphamism treadmill”. Namely that eventually a word someone deems negative will get swapped out with another word and eventually that word gets swapped out as well.

Which is what seems to have happened with “male” and “female” choices in this game.

If it were me i would have probably gone for masculine/feminine instead. Since well… the male body is by default a lot more masculine than a female body and vice versa. And the topic is body type not anything else since as we know people aren’t locked into being only masculine/feminine.

Again, did not mean to insult anyone just wanted to throw out a relevant term here. (Although in hindsight the “x in action” term does pop up here and there to ridicule something which was my bad.)

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Yeah it’s sad. Forums are turning slowly into a right extremist place

Yaaaaas Queen/ King. :crown:

I also get this a lot in the disney fandom

“Oh your favorite character must be Aladdin or Jasmine”

Me: why is that?

Them: because your Arab

Me: well, I don’t relate to their personality. My favorite princess is Rapunzel.

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