Homophobic threads have been blossoming on the forums lately

Oh no - these threads are about opposing something else.
In this game you are forbidden to say I’m a man, but you’re appreciated to say I’m gay.
That’s a situation that’s not acceptable to 95-99% of society.

Just a bit above, people express they want people to be called with pronouns they prefer.
At the same time, man being called “he, him, man” is forbidden.


thats the whole problem with this agenda. the people pushing it are not tolerant themselves at all. they want their agenda pushed. But screw anyone else with a different opinion/culture/religion wich dont agree with the agenda


Radicals are like this, no matter what they’re pushing and this is what someone doesn’t like. God forbid you’d have a different opinion… and dare to say it.


People having the right to exist and being represented in a game is an ‘extreme’? That belief is the problem the OP is talking about.

Also, the notion that science is ‘drivel’ is dangerous and people spreading it deserve to be silenced. There’s no such thing as binary biological sex. Every study that has tried to prove it has found the same thing - sex is a spectrum.

Okay? And how is that synonymous with sex?

I don’t disagree. It is a new thing. That does not mean transpeople or nonbinary people never existed. In the 50s or so, this was simply being put into words more. Now finally people could actually more accurately describe it.

What are you talking about? Who is doing this redefining?

How is that redefining sex? That’s still… sex. Male or female (and always funnily enough ignoring intersex).

Because people finally realised that the gender is not a binary?

Sure. How is this relevant to the topic of gender, which is separate from biologically. What I meant was that the entire concept of what you are biologically already is reductive. And well, what if you’re not XX or XY! If it’s just chromosomes, then XXY and XXX should be held at an equal weight as separate sexes, no?

But typically children (depending on age, I guess) don’t really talk about chromosomes, and when they do there’s often also information about chromosomal variations. This feels like some weird hypothetical that doesn’t happen.

My point is that the body type is not related to gender. You shouldn’t make it so. Your character’s gender is whatever you want it to be - hopefully better enabled through pronoun selector in future.

No, that is sex. You’re arguing about sex. Sidenote - there are animals that break away from that binary as well. Hermaphrodites exist on this planet!

See, this analogy is funny, because pine trees, spruce trees, and cherry trees are also a social construct. You said it yourself - we defined it. We made this up. We made this up to have a better understanding at the differences and whatnot. Vegetables are for example a social construct as well. They don’t exist. Carrots are roots, lettuces are leaves. Vegetables are more of a culinary construct, we made this category up to refer to parts of the plants that we can eat.

Now, what if this ‘cherry’ was instead a group of trees? For example, there are several cherry tree species. We all refer to them as ‘cherries’. That is now a social construct, as we’ve assigned certain characteristics to what a cherry tree must be like. If a pine tree says that they’re a cherry, they don’t mean they’re any specific cherry tree, but that they’re part of that social construct. When the pine tree takes up characteristics of cherry trees that we have assigned to cherries, it’s going to become a bit troublesome to keep referring to the pine tree as a pine tree, when they really do fit the mold of a cherry tree.


What ruining it all for LGBT + are those 100 + pronounces and wokers cos its somehow connected.
LGBT + its fineish, but those delusional pronounces are BS and cos of that, people switch to defence stance.

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That’s it right. We used to have a very visible radical right. Pushing ideologies and ostracising people who didn’t agree. Now we also have a visible radical left. Pushing ideologies and ostracising people who don’t agree. And most people are in the middle, being pointed and shouted at for not picking a side.


Not everyone of those threads was homophobic. Most of them are full of “too much, too fast, in your face and its everywhere now”. Something i agree with.
Would be nice to have this fantasy world politics free.
WoW is supposed to be an escape, not a reminder


That is a deranged take. Nobody deserves to be silenced unless they’re causing panic, slander, or libel, and opposing what someone has written into a paper is not the same as opposing science. There is A LOT of bad science out there stating things that are a blatantly wrong.

We got a good dose of it during COVID - if you’ll recall what was believed to be true of science one month was proven wrong and revised the next month, and anybody who had any opinion that wasn’t the latest scientific “consensus”, i.e. what the governments wanted but not actually necessarily what the literature said, even if that opinion then became the “consensus” a few months later, was silenced.

That was not good. That was not good at all. It crippled our response and in many ways it has destroyed the world economy.

Please stop. I beg you. I know there’s nothing I can say or do that will convince someone who can ignore something so obvious. It’s like teaching multiplication to a cat. But please try.

It came the same way - also from Latin, in this case meaning to cut or segment. If you’ll notice, the two meanings are very similar and through a process of thousands of years they came to mean the same thing.

I’m sure they did, but it’s still all inside their heads. The whole LGBT thing is about preference and imagination and feeling. I don’t mind these people doing whatever they want to do with those feelings, but it does NOT deny reality. It’s basically an opinion about their bodies.

How about people like Tyssera? You can ask her where she got it from - I already told you, but it’s nice to have a concrete example right here, right now, isn’t it?

They invent “sex assigned at birth” because sex no longer means sex assigned at birth but instead means… well, what gender meant just a few years ago. Otherwise they wouldn’t have to define this new phrase.

There were homosexuals acting it out openly in Athens 2000 years ago. This isn’t new, it’s not a new discovery. I know that - perhaps more so than you it seems to me. But it’s still not biological fact - it’s just a feeling. A very strongly rooted one perhaps and one that deserves respect and space, but nevertheless…

Oh, that’s perfectly simple actually. The Y wins, but in many of these cases the individual becomes incapable of reproduction entirely, so you get a male or female respectively who cannot reproduce.

You will let me know once the Z, W, Q, and U genes are found though, won’t you? Or perhaps a gene that’s right in between X and Y.

No, but they do talk about boys and girls and the clear distinction between them. In fact they often even hang out with kids of their own sex.


Gay people existing isn’t political.


I’m pretty sure he didn’t meant that…

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It was one character, which preivously was white, turned black, just for virtue signalling, because being black is the correct race, while being white isn’t. That’s quite racist.
If they made completely new character, that would’ve been different story.
Look at Men in Black. I, robot. Or more recently Suicude Squad. Did anybody complain about black characters? No. Because those were characters that happened to be black.
Those weren’t characters that changed their race to virtue signal the correct race to everybody.

No it just shows how disingenuous you’re. You come here, attack people for being homophobic, etc. They try to explain their position, you ignore it, because it doesn’t represent your values and take it as “proof” of you being right.
You didn’t address any of those points and insults doesn’t prove anything. The only thing you proved was that you got offended and you attack people for their opinion. Thus your own egoism and intolerance. That’s currently what you prove.

Listening to people is important.


You said it yourself, he is a radical, a fanatic. There is only hyperbole.

If something is grey, he’ll say it’s black. If you say it’s grey, he’ll accuse you of saying it’s white and assume you’re his enemy.


Which character is this?

You’re right, I’m going back to popcorn mode :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hands Eisara a bucket

Grabs the bucket in excitement and slowly starts munching

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This is the biggest bunch of garbage I have ever read :joy:

right and left has nothing to do with homosexuality.
how is being gay considered political thing ?

the problem is that everybody knows they arent there because the characters should be gay. they are there to shove woke agendas in gamer’s face. and we all know its because of the recent firings and lawsuits.
i cant forget how blizzard removed everything that could be considered ‘explicit’ from game, even in-game artwork. its all come down to lawsuits and firings.

people just want to play a game for fun without the politics of the real world.


The whole thing makes no sense whatsoever

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