Honest Question

I want to create a new alliance character on Firemaw. I don’t particularly care about what the majority of the general WoW playerbase is doing, I just want a ‘‘decent’’ sized player base to maybe do some dungeons while I’m lvling and do raids when I hit max level. I’m mostly in it for enjoyment of the game atmosphere, old Azeroth feeling, class fantasy etc. Does Firemaw have a decent playerbase or is it like mostly dead?

Did you want to play TBC or Classic Era, the comments below are for TBC. You cannot move between the two.

It’s probably one of the fullest Alliance PvP realms.

Doing dungeons can be difficult on some realms, not sure about firemaw.

If you have any horde you would need to delete them first.

Most people are doing TBC content these days, so the level 1-58 experience isn’t exactly buzzing. Firemaw is no different.

I have been curious about Firemaw, since I play on a “mini version” of it (Ashbringer). Very balanced, as far as factions go, with the Alliance actually having a tiny advantage in terms of numbers. Good stuff. More corpses to eat.

I decided to try and compare the 1-58 experience on the two servers and found that the leveling experience is very similar between the two; even though, Firemaw has some 3x the population Ashbringer has.

There seemed to be more paladins and mages boosting low-leveled characters through dungeons on Firemaw, but that’s possibly due to the significant higher number of players there. However, if you did a /who and found people within the range of whatever dungeon you wanted to do, it was possible to assemble a group together and take on it. Again, this was the case on both Firemaw and Ashbringer.

On a positive note, with the faction balance being as perfect as can be, I encountered plenty of bloodthirsty Alliance players who made life difficult at times, which cannot be said about most PvP realms. This was the case for both Firemaw and Ashbringer. Good fun!

Personally, I prefer Ashbringer due to the lower number of players there.
While there is still plenty of World PvPing going on in Outland (levelers and people out farming), it isn’t overly-crowded and there are no layers (there are still layers on Firemaw, right?). So what you see is what you get.
There also seems to be a lower amount of “tryhards”, since most of those followed the streamers and otherwise “hardcore players” to Gehennas and Firemaw - the mega PvP realms - so the atmosphere is a bit more chill on Ashbringer, I feel.

All of this of course is anecdotal , so take it with a grain of salt. I’m sure if I logged on at different hours on Firemaw, things would be different. Because it’s a mega-server, I can imagine it is rather inconsistent when it comes to atmosphere and activity (depends on “raid hours” and other things), whereas Ashbringer seems to be more consistent due to the smaller population. And by consistent, I mean it’s rather quiet outside peak hours on weekdays, but very much alive at all hours during the weekends.


Firemaw is a mega-server with perfect faction balance. Probably the best PvP server if you care about a good faction balance and want to be on a mega-server.

Alternatively; try out Ashbringer - a mini version of Firemaw.

I know Mirage-Pyrewood-Nethergarde, the PvE cluster, is doing very well on Alliance. Don’t know about the PvP realms tho, but I don’t think it gets better for Alliance in those realms.

Yes I was referring to Classic Era in my post. For TBC I’m thinking of going Horde, but the thing is the option to buy a 58 boost made me so reluctant to level a character 1-58 on TBC. Just feels like a waste of time.

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Classic Era realms are connected into two PvP groups, neither of which are well populated. PvE are in one group, again it’s not well populated.

Every time I’ve been into Classic Era there are hardly any people, and I go by auctions to estimate population, there are 1,006 Auctions on the Firemaw Classic Era connected realms group. TBC Firemaw Alliance on it’s own has 63,000.

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… and using this criterion, how fares Retail?

My AH scanner only gives different items in retail, not total counts. But some items have over 10k of them on argent dawn.

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I play there, its not too bad. Its the pvp 1 cluster, much more active than pvp 2 (apparently).
Horde side you really only have one guild that raids and does stuff but they do clear everything each week and have done so ever since week 1 of the tbc pre patch.

Theres abit more allies on the server than horde (tbc allies quitting in droves, hvh bgs runing muh experuence lol), bit less organized alliance side they only just recently managed to start farming naxx.

Its not like its a ton of wpvp, its possible to find some. But like all of pvp 1 cluster put together we ammount to a low pop server.


There is a player base.
A player base buying and selling boosts.
Regular dungeons rarely exist.

It’s the solo Crusade up to 70 basically.

This is the vanilla forum mate :stuck_out_tongue:

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