Honestly... are we the problem?

I’m avoiding them all for Undermine, even though I am fairly certain I will hate it just because of the theme. I don’t want to predetermine it even further by spoiling it - gotta do the content at least once, may as well do it with my eyes closed.


I respect the hell out of that, honestly.

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saying something is good or bad always creates the question of compared to what
if the answer is compared to nothing, then there is no frame of refference.

For gollem, you could easily compare it to different LOTR games of the past
Objectively, it had less to offer against a higher price then past LOTR games. However, maybe the boy didn’t know any other LOTR games, so didn’t know there was better. Or maybe the parents thought other LOTR games would be to violent and bought Gollem specifically for its lack of combat

Some people judge with emotion wether a game is good but that doesn’t get you there, better to compare with past games from either the same IP or the same studios.

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Yes we are

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I definitely think so yes.

This is my own opinion / experience, but for me it feels like WoW has become this “race to the end”…
Early Access comes out, and people are already speed running dungeons, min maxing gear… Week 1, people are complaining that their max ilvl characters can’t get into M+ yet… Like… We seem to have lost that “adventure” sense, the “Hmmm where does this cave lead to?” now it’s weakauras this, addon that, auto accept macros, copy + paste premade talent builds

It’s a double edged sword, because for a lot of people the game “starts” at the end, so that automatically funnels us to rush to not fall behind… I mean… “catch-up gear” says it all…

My GF started playing WoW for the first time, and I’m having a blast watching her play… Her efficiency is 0, but man is she having fun :joy:
She doesn’t care about getting to max level, for her it’s about exploring the world… She called Kalimdor big… Then I made her zoom out to see the other places and she was baffled… When she learned she could port around? oh boy, no portal was left to waste of her zooming in and out of places :joy:


I think the honest problem is that WoW became attractive to alot of people who didn’t like playing WoW through collections. Now we’re in this mess of people who have no interest in playing the game, complaining that the game is too hard or too RNG based, against people who play WoW for the game itself and arn’t so bothered about collecting.

That actually made me smile hearing that, thanks for brightening my day ^^

It’s a mix of factors I guess.

For once, we’re older and more seasoned.

We’ve been playing games long enough to have efficiency deeply ingrained in our mindset. Mind you, this is true for real life activities as well.

This isn’t a WoW issue in particular, although playing this game for years certainly takes away from the novelty.

Gaming as a whole changed too. Most games emphasize performance and competitiveness. We are past the generation of clickers and keyboard turners. We’ve gotten better and we changed our priorities.

It is a natural evolution.

Pretty much like other real life skills that once mastered they just become routine.

:thinking: .why is that ? because choice of game or …

i think the next evolution will be in mmorpg you are using your hands and legs and limbs to move your character a vr kind of experience but in which you dont need to put that giant boulder over your head .

Might be, I’m sure my own kids would enjoy something like that.

The new generation enjoys mobile devices more than a computer. The accessibility and portability are the main factors of course, but also the fact that mobile games are really good these days.

I expect big development into these devices and why not, possibly VR as an alternative to classic gaming.

If this neuralink takes off who knows what kind of tech we will have in a decade or two.

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God I hope, sword art online here I come!

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I think the issue is we as a society take 7/10 score for a video game as being bad video game.
But we look at a 7/10 as being 3/10 in our heads.

Another good point

In fairness children typically don’t have refined tastes. Feedback and colour are frequently enough to entertain them.

But there is a broader point of a lot of players having bizarre or ridiculous standards.

I’m in a discord with a game players of a variety of ages, and I’ve found a trend of those in their twenties immediately dropping any game that poses the smallest amount of friction, or has systems that might need to be experimented with to fully learn.

Everything has to be on rails, unambiguous and relatively simple for them.

And if it isn’t: the game is bad and it definitely isn’t their fault.

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I think TWW is the worst expansion ever. I find it boring and dull , the story is trash. End game is trash.
Even Shadowlands had stuff to keep me busy.
BfA another stinker according to the community , still had things to keep me busy.

then you have people who like TWW and are having fun.

I’m right
They’re also right.
It is it what it is.

I also avoid Data Mining because I agree with you mostly. Most of the times a game whas good for me when I just heard general intended preview about it before release before I will buy it on launch day and then enjoy my sweet time with it without further knowledge. But with so many failed day 1 delieveries I tended to either wait until it is done or looked up way too much so I failed. I just recently bought myself the Pokémon Let’s Go Games because back then I avoided them as the internet badmouthed them so much because of their Go catch method instead of the usual wild pokémon battles.
While I agree that the game would have been better if they would implemented the option from Fire Red/ Leaf Green to enable rebattling most trainers instead only Red, the Gym Leaders and Elite Four, I really have a blast with them and actually would had it back then too. I also whas lured in to Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance with the Amazon Steelbook Pre-Order Bonus of having two unique bonus items this way and while the bonus items turned out to be useless for my kind of playstile, I am really grateful for the luring because I had so fun with it in a way I had not felt since Covid.
So yeah I think we just need to just look up for one selected game where we think that it will be worth to play on launch and then just enjoy the ride until we are done.
Or alternative look for something you always wanted to play as a child but not being able to. I for example also got Pokémon Colosseum for Birthday, game I wished myself since I saw a preview for it back in a store and I have to say, it whas totally worth the 156€.

You grew up, that’s what happened. Most of my friends and myself experience a similar thing.

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As much I loathe SL, I do had and still go back and have fun with the Ember Court
In TWW… the only saving grace is a miniscule of lore of the Nerubians, the race I love


Ignorance is bliss.

Give a child not exposed to video games today to play Pong they’d think it’s great. Then a NES game they’d think Pong was crap after.

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Eh to be fair, Pong despite being simple is still being great.
Even Tetris, Space Invader and Snake.