wow is extremly outdated game compared to what is popular on gaming market atm .
you can really see the age of game if you see what kids / teens nowadays play
its quite obvious that some devs try to push to move retail into more modern direction with the implementation of modes like mop remix / failstorm and even earlie by combining wow with mobile app - but the opposition from other devs must have been immense - so those devs left blizzard now because they cba .
popularity of stuff like mop remix / anniversary timewalking farms etc shows that if blizzard wants to regain some of players they need to focus on easy very rewarding modes.
its something what i have been saying for over a decade now - they should have axed mythic raiding and high m+ keys years ago - maybe move it to dedicated tournament realms like chineese mmorpgs do this and focus solely on casual fun modes.
unfortunately untill Ion is fired - nothing in wow will change for better,
I think it goes beyond our taste getting refined as we grow up. If that was the case we’d all be playing “sophisticated” games like chess whilst discussing philosophy or something.
I think we need to look into why we play.
Kids just want to play a game. The need is intrinsic, thus it’s very easy to self fulfil. There are no further criteria, no graphics, no quality of plot, VO, gameplay, just playing the game. Is the kid having fun, yes or no? It’s that simple. I used to spend hours playing Dynasty warriors even after 100% completion. Nowadays I get bored of this game after 10 minutes.
Us adults, we mix up too many other things. Some of us procrastinate because we’re not up for whatever other important responsibility awaits us. Some of us hide away from problems, often of social and/or emotional nature. Another I’m sure you’ve either felt or heard before is to just wanting to switch off and relax. But does gaming genuinely do that?
And that’s why we got to find as many possible arguments to justify our actions. Time is very precious, so the more way we can convince ourselves that a game is worth our time the better. “Well you know game X has amazing graphics, very solid gameplay, fantastic VO talent, and has loads of replayability and you know gaming is a big hobby of mine” is much easier to justify spending time on.
The more I think about it, the more unhealthy I find our relationships with video games has become. It’s hard to believe an adult would have such insatiable need to play, something else is likely afoot.
We got to ask ourselves, why do we game so much? I asked myself this question a year ago and over time I found one too many answers that definitely needed addressing. I invite everyone to do the same. We’re all a work in progress, let’s make sure that video games remain a simple continuation of practical games that can be enjoyed in the right context and have blast. Let’s not let them make us miserable.
Yea that’s what happened… Bobby fired so many QA testers he managed to pocket himself 200 million and because you missed it, 50 yachts. Either Blizzard had so many QA testers that even the janitor was a QA or they had 5 QA testers who were so good that Bobby just had to fire them because they made all the other employees look so bad and to stave off a mass walkout of jealous employees the only thing he could do was fire these 5 god like beings and give himself a 200 million dollar paycheck and 50 yachts to quell the wrath of the other employees.
Lets give the dude slack its likely fresh thing, its normal
But I also dont agree with the thread cause I still enjoy wow like somewhere 2005, of course I wont enjoy everything all the time just like in life we have ups and downs. I consider it also normal.
There was once a man called Rick,
Who was blessed with an enormous Pick,
He used it to mine,
Dug up ore all the time,
But when nodes vanished it made him quite sick!
People or should i say gamers/players want to have fun .
The company took an aspect for pleasing the 1% of the players …
If you look at casuals the content they are getting is like 6-8 weeks … There is no more grinding or the gear become something worth grinding …everything is rng .
In 8 weeks i reached 619 ilvl playing 1 hour per day as casual and doing delves … as a delve player playing the minimum the game offer me 50 hours gameplay …
I’m paying a sub and buying an expansion so why should i be stuck with a limited condition on playing a time gated content that become useless once every new season starts .
I was looking to buy the 629(639 upgraded ) mythic shoulders for 300k … just to read that season 2 the veteran or should i say world content / hc normal dungeon gives me 642 ilvl…
The game is not anymore worth investing time in gearing or anything…
The elite ones??/ They are farming 8+ until they reach 639 ilvl do have the higher dungeon being a 10>D
Eh you can mathemathically find out if a song is good or not and how to make people like even the greatest crap. So while my friend says it is not that her music is good but just the publisher to the best to make people like it and the music being generic enough that it is easy to think that you like. Though on the other hand there is also the old saying:“The customer is always right in matter of opinion.” So while I personally would wish people would rather encourage good concert like music like Bohemiam Rhapsody or Nightwish but well everyone is free to have his own taste and opinion.
let be honest here - playing wow for 20 years is nothign else but severe addition - like the one to tabacco or alcohol .
most of us are wow addicts.
did you play games like GTA vice city / NFS Underground /2 HoMM3 original CoD / CS 1.6 etc and similiar masterpieces longer then 6 months ? highly unlikely - yet those games defined the generation of games.
Yes because these games don’t have expansions and you simply run out of content and move on to the next game, but I’m pretty sure there are lots of people who played CS for years.