Honor not updating - Tuesday 11.2

We need an update on that topic asap Blizzard!

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same problem on Sulfuron, again =)

If this honor does not update today, i might lose wayyyy too much RP.

same on german servers ^^

if i still playing i lose all the honor i make now ?

Pls blizzard.
Do something.

This is messy. Fix it, or post atleast that you are aware of the problem.

Dec 19th was the same, and that honor was never fixed. People didn’t really care that much back then because the decay was so little… but now?


In Ashbringer my yesterday’s honor still shows up as Todays so still there are hopes that not everything is lost.

Losing yesterdays honor means I have to PvP for one more week non-stop… sigh!

HydraxianWarterlord got their reset! A little bit of patience might solve it guys.

Still no update on Golemagg, missing yesterday’s honor, this really must be fixed before the weekly honor update.

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Yep no update on Golemagg. I just hope they actually read this forum and are aware of the issues.

I remember during world pvp there was a monday where all honor was lost. We were told they would do something about that and it NEVER HAPPENED. The post had hundreds of replies…
I really hope this doesn’t happen again cause it’s going to ruin bracket stacks.


srsly blizzard fix your shi!t, if our brackets get cuc!ked ill hunt you.

GJ Blizzard. Failing to update core pvp system in a 15 year old game. 2nd time iirc.
I don’t remember a single pserver that had problem with this.
Missing a days worth of farm btw ;/


You better not mess this up guys, two days worth of honor would hurt.

Same issue for me and a lot of friends. It already screwed so many of us over in december once. You better fix it this time around blizzard…

They better fix this!

Pls fix this quickly

Same issue here would really need this fixed asap!

Blizzard : we dont care about bugs in classic