Honor not updating - Tuesday 11.2

After the server issues yesterday my and other ppls honor from yesterday is not added to the honor of the week. So basicly a lost day. Any info on that, if it gets fixed or is it just a display issue? Golemagg Alliance btw.

Thanks in advance


Can confirm that this is the case on Dragonfang as well.

Pyrowood Village as well , hope it gets fixed

Same on Patchwerk.

Hope you guys get this resolved. Last Wednesday this happened it took them almost 19 hours to respond to us in EU and give us any form of update.


Last week it did not reset and ranks where not updated until The day after… now a big chunk of honor just vanished

Same on Gandling(alliance).

Same on Transcendence

Horde on Earthshaker here and my yesterday kills are still shown on today’s TAB … but the honor is gone and it is NOT added to the weekly honor! This is insane and this is something not fixed and happening to a lot of people since week 1 ! FU blizzard u dumb , rich morons that cant handle 6 months old issue with all ur money and not providing the much needed support and faster response to players even tho … classic is popular!

Well it will be fixes around thursday or friday.

dude i’m playing my r14 this Week !!! we need a quick answer from blizzard now , not thursday or friday

Server : Finkle (fr)

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Exactly. Same here.

Mograine EU has the same problem.


earthshaker we have
same problem

Sulfuron, same. Please make it a priority, tomorow is wenesday …

Issue confirmed on Sulfuron as well!

Same here | Sulfuron

Please fix it ASAP blizzard!

Fix your game! This happened again before BG release and was ‘‘addressed’’ only by reply ~week after. However the promised fix were never implemented or announced afterwards!!!

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Same on Finkle (FR - Horde side)