Hey all,
Don’t make the same mistake as me and arrive on your new realm with 0,00 honor gained this week hoping to get your new rank on reset.
damn it
Hey all,
Don’t make the same mistake as me and arrive on your new realm with 0,00 honor gained this week hoping to get your new rank on reset.
damn it
Do u lose honor on transfer?
That is absolutely ridiculous. After reading it seems like that was the case in classic because people who farmed easy honor on one server wouldn’t then compete with players on another server back when people still competed which each other rather than having a set amount of honor to grind.
I’m not affected but my friends are. In my opinion it should be fixed because it is not fair to screw over those that didn’t exploit the free honor from P2 STV tokens. I’m about to lose 3 in my friend group who are considering to just quit entirely
yes I lost all progress I made past week, 120k honor which would have gotten my rogue from rank 5 to rank 7. I dont think I will be able to do 110k honor in 1 day
They activated realm transfer for SoD?
@Dottie: Limitedly, see stickied blue post:
Yep. No idea why there is no clear warning….
Also lost 110k honor.
It made sense for the old system (brackets etc) - now its just ridiculous.
Sry to say this but before doing the transfer you guys should have read the official classic wow/SOD transfer rules and its consequences.
Doubt Blizzard will do anything about it since for one time it’s not their fault.
“* Honorable kills, honor points, and ranking you earned between the weekly reset and the time of your transfer will not carry over. We recommend you transfer 24 hours after the weekly reset”.
Hope you don’t quit because of this!
While I agree to an extent, it is not easily visible to see that this is such a restriction. It doesn’t show up in the shop itself. Besides that the restrictions that you can find when you google them are not correct for Season of Discovery. The amount of gold you can bring for example is incorrect, there does not seem to be a goldcap. So why would a pvp restriction from before the pvp changes a few months ago be correct info. It just doesn’t make sense.
Besides that there are a lot of things that are not blizzard’s fault. They also gave people free pvp ranks a few weeks ago when people didn’t bother to get 15 honorable kills after using all their STV tokens to reach 110k honor. Ideally they would fix this for the people that transferred. It can’t be a lot of work because the people that could possibly be affected are not a lot of people
Every argument blizzard give for QOL improvements are its a seasonal game. So we can probably use that argument to
I hadn’t seen that thread.
Well then, my ticket has been answered moments ago.
As I expected and feared progress seems to be lost and there won’t be a “fix”.
Will just have to do it again.
Hi Fonzie
For the migration, were you able to transfer all your characters, items, gold, bank without limit? I will definitely migrate to Wild Growth eu sod
I didn’t have any issues transferring other then my names being taken!
And ofcourse the honor issue, oh well…
The migration has been From the character select screen?
yes, from char select
You lost your honour because you lack honour and moved from PVP to PVE.
The horde do not tolerate cowardice. We will not be promoting you to Blood Guard.
Never did I say I went to a PvE realm, did I?
They could have easily prevented this from happening by providing us with an ingame warning screen that the following “x” things would happen when we transfer. Moreover, in some cases, transfer windows are only open for a short amount of time putting pressure on people to transfer quickly.
Finally, the information provided on the website is vague, since a) it is not correct for season of discovery and b) there is no separate tab for season of discovery (which is relevant, since several game systems were changed in comparison with classic).
The reasoning behind not keeping honor when transferring is about not influencing brackets / unfair competition. In the current ‘‘fixed’’ system it is not that relevant.
I also lost my honor progression for the past week after a server transfert…