Horde AV win speed

When rushing It seems like the Horde can win AV ridiculously fast. Any chance the back door exploit is still there?

We don’t go backdoor

the main reason is that horde spawns 1/3 of the way into the middle at start as oposed to way in the back as they should.

you can check the hyperlink below to see map spawns (apparently link did not work)

to put into comparison. a horde player walking out of the spawn cave and then running with 60% mount will still reach the exact middle of the map before an alliance player popping Swiftness potion at start followed by 100% mount equipped with carrot on a stick and mithrilspurs + mount speed enchant.

i know crazy advantage right?

the horde team also have the possibilty of starting vanndar sooner then the alliance team because Vanndar being a paladin only hits for about half as mutch damge and half the speed of that of Drek’thar. meaning fewer players are required on the horde team to secure a kill.

so while both team have different kinds of advantages, horde have far more and better advantages then the alliance team does to secure wins.


Ally advantage is not having to kill 25 mobs infront of drek and wait to drink they van just go there and pull a proper ally team wins faster


just keep sending mages to wipe the horde raid at vann and they’ll give up and farm kills mid

If anniversary:
It’s not backdoor.
Horde has an advantage in vanilla as far as i know, being abit closer to the end part.

But there’s quite abit of a strategic difference between horde and alliance.
Horde tends to want to rush more than allis. Horde always want to pull out and kite the marshals while killing the boss and pretty much never kill the marshals one by one.
While it seems like allis try to kill warmasters one by one more often than the horde does.

Also Alliance seems to be way more keen on defending and slowing down Horde which often results in these slow turtle matches.

With how vanilla works you’re best off to killing Galv, LT’s and rushing boss.
If you want to maximize honor that is.
But that’s just because of how it is designed.

wrong that is

Ok thank you, that answers my question.

I dont know what it is ,but they are at Belinda aprox 15 sec before Alliance is at Galv…i dont believe that they have faster mounts.

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It’s funny really, when Alliance makes it to the horde base often times Horde has already killed the Alliance boss and the BG ends.
However Horde seems to regularly skip free bonus honor and in the end it’s actually the Alliance that just lost the BG which ends with (sometimes significantly) more bonus honor than the Horde, so I’m not 100% if Horde actually has a shorter path or if they simply don’t dismount to kill the honor Piñatas and prioritize a win over honor.

You are wrong. I played a lot of alteracs grinding my ranks.

The typical alliance tactics looks like this: most players kill Galv and few leuts around. Then they move to IB GY and kill another set of leuts. Then they move to Drek, kill 2 more leuts and wait for everyone to arrive.

The game usually ends at this point, because horde won with less honor. So it seems that horde does not care about leutenants/commanders and just rush Van at all costs.

Sometimes horde does not win at this point. Then mage gets BoP, pulls warmasters and kites them around for a minute or two. At this time everyone zerging Drek. If mage failed to pull properly and warmasters return too early, it’s wipe. If DPS is bad, it’s wipe. If disarms are bad, it’s wipe, because Drek almost one-shots tank without disarm.

Now if at this point alliance wiped, usually it’s turtle. We burn towers, sometimes few people stay at south, sometimes they indeed pulling out warmasters and trying to kill them, constantly dying and running from GY. I’ve had few games where we indeed killed all warmasters and just killed Drek afterwards. But those games are pretty much an exception.


Horde will rush Balinda with the Lts dragged into the room, then rush north, kill commanders outside Van, and then pull immediately.

No idea why the alliance have started delaying/turtling recently though. They’re just gimping their own honor as they get farmed north. Last few games that alliance tried this tactic they ended up with 1.3k honor and horde finished 5K, but it took 30 minutes.

Compare that to each side getting 2.3-3.3k honor every 6 minutes, win or loss. Guess you can’t fix stupid though, and alliance have always been stupid in PvP. This is coming from a long time alliance player.

Bro alot of hordes have been camping drek last games i played. Its annoying😅

Oh no! PvP occurs in a PvP battlefield :dracthyr_cry_animated:

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Atm ppl are calling a 20mn AV a turtle and are literally begging everyone to not defend. And it’s only the R11 grind…