Horde ban wave started/incoming ? :)

Fyi its not the totem redirecting the spell, its the buff

and youā€™re absolutely certain that is the same for both non-damaging spells like polymorph and counterspell and damaging spells like i.e frostbolt? because thats just not my experience at all. i saw the clip and all, but i just donā€™t recognize the way it works there. iā€™ve had mages spam poly at me without success due to grounding totem.

Yep on the first grounding at 3.09 he has buff up, first poly grounded, halfway through second poly cast you see the buff dissapear ( some delay due to latency or ui or batching ? Idk) then second poly lands

im gonna have to play around with this myself and figure it out for certain.
my apologies if it turns out you were correct this whole time.

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How dafak ban wave topic become horde/alliance; shaman/lock measuring dikā€¦
U guys need profesional help


Only harmful spells destroy it. It has 5 health. Redirects every 10 seconds. Lasts 45 seconds. Has a 15 second cooldown. Any other shaman spells you want us to teach you about?

And you need a grammar lesson.

What it means is that its pretty much useless to use against a sheep in that situation, better off saving it for later

Shamans are EZ. They think they are special but all rely on luck. They can look good if you cut down 40 hours of video to a 2 minute highlight clip I guess.


Wait till you get hit by a 4k + em cl shock combo with bwl trinket. 0 rng btw

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still need cauterizing band ring but its just legend 3 month never seen it drop :smiley: just done AV first week it was disgusting with 2 team just passing by for rush boss but I think AV now changed a little bit, maybe I should start playing with my priest again, I was lvling ally char on ashbringer too see ally side for information :stuck_out_tongue: but believe me it was horrible so many noob players till lvl 39 :smiley:

Well thatā€™s embarrassingā€¦

Honestly as an enh shammy you are an easy target for most classes, if you were elemental people would take you more seriously.

Worse version of Ret paladins and thatā€™s saying something!

ON TOPIC: Sorry missed the actual topic with all the nonsense Zmugzmug was spewing (should expect it by now). Iā€™ve not seen anyone as of yet be banned on Golemagg EU Horde but havenā€™t logged in since this morning.

Will double check when I get back and update this post.

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How quickly has this thread derailedā€¦ Damnā€¦

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fite me irl paladin scrub.

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you know the story of that certain bot i wonā€™t mention name! which Blizzard managed to sue itā€™s owner? that bot could be used in arena and manage to get you 2400rating :wink: that bot was performing in pvp better than players.

So donā€™t underestimate the Power of automated program :wink: all u have to do is make someone create a private bot for you allowing you to add scripts for conditions within it & then Good luck! you have AI which will play better than you. without a slight .1sec of mistake or hesitate

Thanks for the explanation! and that does make sense, if you can make a barebone bot you can just add if > then checks too you can basically create something rather versatile, neat.

Maybe Blizzard should have hired instead of sueā€™d, then maybe the AIā€™s in Retails brawl wouldnā€™t be pushovers


wtf dude? blizz should ban him for protecting his own health or something.

How do you check when someone in your server is banned? There are guys constantly since bg opened with 1m honor every week.