So now the already minority faction lost their only advantage for being the minority faction, how will the big and smart blizzard balance out these changes which basically killed the pvp? Because it was 2 major nerf for the already weaker side and one major buff for the already overpopulated fotm side…
And yes if we are lucky just the pvp side is killed because if you horde players think that the 30-45min queu times were bad just wait now when the avg. games will be 30+ and a lot less will be opened because no more game dropping and ofcourse the hardcore rankers will reach r14 next week so even less alliance player wil participate.
Btw. Im waiting for the Transmog, Barber,and also Titanforging after these changes.
how will the big and smart blizzard balance out these changes which basically killed the pve?
Fixed that for you.
AV Shouldn’t even be the optimal way to get honor as it’s not a pvp battleground. There are tons of changes you’d need to make people play horde. Horde got all the on use pve racials, WF+WCB is way more fun than blessings, better transportation and travel. Even if you solve all these issues you’d still need to offer free faction changes, even that wouldn’t be enough.
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I mean, this will increase Av queue times for horde even more since many rankers will switch to Wsg
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Both sides can now legitimately join AV as a group, the more casual Alliance PvP goers will no longer get screwed over by selfish premades and there won’t be any more games starting at 20-40.
There is now a legitimate PvP solution to a PvP problem just like there should be.
But sure, Horde bias killing Classic, PvP is ruined, sky is falling etc etc…
BG weekends + AB would’ve solved this. Current changes are uncalled for and unecessary.
Why does this exactly make it “Horde bias?”
If anything, AV was biased towards alliance as we could join as a whole raid.
The amount of crybabies moaning that they have to actually PvP instead of PvE now lol.
On PvP servers, maybe. Alliance on PvE servers deserve all this and worse.
Also AV is by definition an equal-numbers battle. If you can’t beat the Horde consistently, crying “minority faction” just makes you look like a fool. I’m the minority on my server and I don’t spend whole day crybabying about it on forums.
I imagine if Horde were to call for DH in Classic that would happen in a snap too.
Maybe it was biased in alliance’s favour in VANILLA. But in classic it is clearly horde biased, just the amount of chokepoints, the 3 backdoor, the vann solo pull, the recall teleporting right at the ramp, and the fact that it sometimes impossible to cc the enemy healers, all these little things makes it nearly impossible to win on the alliance side if you dont have a well coordinated team.
So you need a premade coordinated team to defeat an uncoordinated team? xD.
Alliance also has drekk solo pull.
This just basically states that you’re bad at the game.
Yes everyone bad and you are the smartest person on the world and you know everything better anyway. Obvioulsy the whole 10k+ alliance player base is just bad at pvp because they chosed a different faction in game.
Ooh, he got offended.
You’re the one that stated that “It’s nearly impossible to win without a well coordinated team”
I don’t see how this is “horde bias”. After this, AV will have constant 1 hour queue for them, wouldn’t be surprised if it reaches 2 hours during off-time in a few months.
Queue time does not matter for ranking because it affect the whole Horde, not only you. Actually, with the 10% change about killing player (instead of 25%), you will have to do more WPVP between queue. That mean, this is the end of bot. Because bot who don’t do WPVP will be way under the curve.
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Yes its impossible to win if in classic we cant get a balanced map and as i said its way too easy to defend on the horde side even with a 5 man group. How can an uncoordinated group with 1 ret paladin healer push through iceblood chokes points? or clear horde base when the horde constantly recalling right in the middle and the trinket have practically no cooldown? You are obviously trolling or just stupid if you cant understand what Im trying to tell you. Anyway I talked with you enough you cant say anything else than “durr Im me big pvp palyer ally sux” . Have fun with classic “pvp” while it lasts.
You’re just a crybaby, I see…
Google “AV map advantage” - All you see is crybabies moaning about alliance AV until classic came out… then it became “Horde AV advantage”
Alliance can recall right in the middle as well, or do you not know that we have trinkets as well? lmao.
Alliance does not defend, horde does… there’s a massive difference.
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horde can afford to defend, alliance cant. It has nothing to do with map balance, it has to do with queue times.
Wow, I cant believe some Allys are crying about this… It’s unreal. The game will be so much better now.
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