Horde bias are killing classic "slowly"

Advantage to 15x corpserun between searing gorge and BRD entrance, he’s right, most of horde players are hypocrites


And you’re the all seeing god who knows how people feel right ?

When you ask horde players, you have more whine answers (when they are blaming something good for alliance) and being toxic when alliance players encounter problems (git gud, go to retail, pvp happens on pvp server etc…)

Only few horde players are not toxic and truly understand the state of alliance

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There’s no wrong statement in “PvP happen on PvP server”.

Again, this is not against TOS and pvp happens on pvp server, what i’m saying is that there are a lot of horde players saying this sh*t and after this, whining against premades, hypocrisy

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Hey I see you’re only level 61, good luck in SOLO leveling to 120 and past 120 to your BiS gear on retail. In classic there’re no flying mounts, no meeting stones. So it’s obvious AF people have to run in groups. But instead they run SOLO and meat at the entrance, then come here and cry how bad it is. Ech… There were so many balanced servers, but after P2 all alliance snowflakes left back to retail to live peaceful life full of meeting stones and flying 200% speed mounts.
People didn’t adapt after retail, got spoiled and can’t take responsibility.

Typical sperg with engineer helm, all the same LULZ

This just basically states overpoweredness of one faction over another.

Alliance should get immunity to something important in pvp to get on par.

Oh wait horde have it all already, immunity to stuns and fear, most important control methods, both lol. How fair can it be.

Yes horde wins becouse they just better :wink:

Is it. It’s called “Paladin”.

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Lol no, i dont have paladin in my backpack.
You mean game is balanced around alliance rogue + paladin against orc warrior for example, if so it makes sense
now blizzard should give to every alliance player pocket pally, would be nice balance improvement

Love your posts. On every topic you manage to squeeze in a “classic is dead game” post. Ofc i remember you posting such things when queues on largest servers were 2hours +… :slight_smile:

We’ll manage Alliance. Horde will realize soon enough what this will do to their queue times. Sadly, they’ll probably cry about that too and the Horde player at Blizzard that’s responsible for all these Horde biased changes will step in.

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Another salty pve carebear here upset his free pve ride to r14 is endangered. Move to wsg and actually pvp. I’m sure alliance premades will still have great success stomping horde pugs in wsg. Don’t worry about the hordes AV queues, horde will just shift to WSG as well for the faster queues and the alliance premades will have plenty of horde pugs to feast upon. Every one pvps and everyone is happy, well except the alliance carebears that can’t actually pvp outside drek pulls. Time to augment some skill or be put on your rightful place on lower brackets now.


Hey you alliance players rejoicing how dumb the horde is because this will impact queues in a negative way for the horde : get a brain. Horde will just naturally shift to wsg where the queues already were much lower than AV and will get even lower now. Thanks. Worst case scenario it will be about the same and not worst. The only change in the queues if they don’t actually get lower will be clicking on a different battlemaster.

And Now Most Servers Don’t Even Have Queues Anymore. Or Even High Population.

Funny how things work out!

Who exactly is blinded if you say Alliance has as much advantage as the Horde?

Zalanji (the muffin vendor) 1247 posts

something tells me you do exactly that my good friend. and you’ve done it before as well.

And game is dead cause no queues? You would prefer to wait for few hours to log in? You re just another doomsday poster… Meanwhile there are tens of thousands player playing classic and having fun… there are billion other games if you dont like this one :slight_smile:

If you actually read my 1247 posts you’d know better. But you were probably busy posting your own, or reading others’.

In fact, I endeavor you to find even one post where I ask for advantages against the majority of my server (i.e. Alliance).

In my hundreds of games i NEVER won due to that. EVER. So, refine your exuses, this one is not good enough.