Struggling to find guilds on wowprogress that raid from 21:00 - 00:00 server time so thought I’d give it a go on here. Being from the UK, I struggle with the 20:00 server time starts, 19:30 is potentially possible.
My guild has unfortunately died after some internal issues that’d been building up for a while. I am an experienced Mythic raider and have been playing since Vanilla.
BfA Progress:-
Uldir: 7/8
EP: 7/8
Nya: CE
Current tier:
I am willing to server transfer if the times suit.
Thanks in advance,
Fandango / Lee
Hi Fandango,
Our guild raids:
Sunday, 19:30 – 23:30 (Progression)
Monday, 21:30 – 23:30 (Farm)
Tuesday, 21:30 – 23:30 (Farm)*
*Tuesday raids will be dropped each season once farm runs can be completed on Monday alone.
If this suits, please add me on discord, Acex#8137
If our timings work for you we may be able to offer you a home
Feel free to read the info and contact me for a chat if you have any questions at all. (Exodeo#2151)
[H][Aggramar/Hellscream] The Obsidian Order 3/10M 10/10HC Recruiting healers! - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (
Impaired is looking for strong ranged DPS, we are Alliance but if you were open to faction change our raid times sound like they would be perfect for you. We raid Wed/Thurs 9-12pm Server time, we’re a predominately UK based guild so understand the woes of trying to rush work/school/whatever and trying to get into raids in the early evening. Our forum post is here if you want to see more about what we’re about; New 2 Day Raiding Guild - Alliance - Ravencrest
If we sound like a good fit please don’t hesitate to contact Brukerr via Discord Brukerr#1325 or Brukerr#2705
Being from the uk as well, I know how it is with finding decent raid times, I represent the guild Jynx on kazzak. Our time’s maybe a little early for you, but Ill put in a pitch any way (you never know)
We are a two night raiding guild
(possibly adding a third but its tba)
On wednesday & Sunday from 7-10 ST (6-9 uk time)
We are currently seeking players that have the same drive and ambition as us for clearing content.
We are currently 3/10 mythic with lady on a 5%.
If you would like to know more about us please feel free to add me to discord or battlenet for a chat!
Airiain#4406 (discord)
Emmi2014#2825 (b-tag)