Horde is loosing Zandalar?

According to https: //wowpop. appspot. com/realms/zandalar-tribe Horde is only 39,3% of level 60.

Update: That addon (ClassicCensusPlus) is broken for two weeks now, so results are innacurate.

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I wouldn’t trust this statistics. This is unofficial site, so many census users did not even know about it. And now as its popularity somewhat rises, census broken, so it can’t be up to date.

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As the game hasn’t even been out for a month, a large percentage of players who are already 60 are of the more “hardcore” type.

The Alliance has an edge in PvE in Vanilla, so more people who intended to hit 60 ASAP and start raiding chose them over the Horde in my opinion. The fact that multiple Alliance guilds cleared MC way earlier than Horde did also might prove this.

McMoaning, why do ally have an edge in PVE?

Paladin, mostly.

Not that shaman is bad for PvE, but they are more difficult to manage. Put a few paladins in a raid and the blessings alone will skyrocket raid performance.


I quest in level 40-50 areas and I see a lot of Horde players doing the same. I would say, give it time. People are still levelling.

Also, I wouldn’t trust those statistics. There were threads about it in the General (Classic) Discussion forums that Blizzard broke it as they didn’t want people to access the data.

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Lvling to 38-40 I see more horde than alliance

Update: That addon (ClassicCensusPlus) is broken for two weeks now, so results are innacurate.

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The results might be inaccurate but leveling past STV and Tanaris there is clearly more alliance. Sometime alliance is more present and sometime it’s half-half but never have i seen horde dominating areas ingame on ZT like alliance does.

I did in Badlands. I saw way more Horde there than Alliance. In other areas it was about half-half. I would say it is mostly balanced based on my experiences.

i see more hore plenty of times. When i’m alone against 3+ Horde

in 50-60 area more horde for sure

So Horde has more players who were not able to hit 60 in a month. Filthy casual faction confirmed.

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Atleast we’re not fighting eachother! cough cough ASHES OF ANDORHAL cough cough

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Hey, it’s always refreshing to have a bit of civil war going on! :thinking::sweat_smile:

just go to wowpop appspot com

At this very moment there are 13 alliance and 7 Horde in Gadgetzan. About the same ratio as every time I look at it.

Be wary of guilds that claim to do basically everything under the sun tbh. They try to hit every market at once but then fail miserably at all of them.

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I’m fine with Horde being the underdog.

When it comes to W-PvP horde is winning so hard it’s sad. No one in Alliance want to PvP. They just pretend someone isn’t being ganked by 3 hordes, even if there are 8 alliance nearby.

Because oh darn it if this quest takes 1 minute longer to finish! Let them harass that poor gnome.

Asking for help is no use either, people just ask anyone helping to go play on PvE server or go “back to retail”. Like what? They ask for help, BECAUSE they’re on a PvP server and want to fight back.

Horde is winning and I’m so sad I couldn’t convince my friends to play Horde.