Horde is loosing Zandalar?

Found the problem.


All lives matter, unless itā€™s horde or gnomes!

Anyway, there are some people that Iā€™ve grouped with, who share the same ideology ā€œif itā€™s red, itā€™s deadā€, which is refreshing :grin:

And people in our guild are expected to partocipare in PvP where ever they might quest. Weā€™re still few, but at least itā€™s something I suppose.

Well iā€™m pretty aggressive and kill horde on sight when 1v1. When iā€™m alone and they like 3+ i wonā€™t be suicidal, but 3+ horde scum facing lone player is always cocky here. I leave grey lowbies alone too. There is not fun or honor in one shotting people, who canā€™t fight back.

Had the exact same experience in reverse. Iā€™ve seen Alliance run away when alone but as soon as thereā€™s about 8 other Alliance in the area theyā€™ll be the first to start a fight, and if I fight back the whole lot of them will dogpile on me.

Alliance have no :baseball:'s in my experience and will never fight you on even ground. Only when in a party or when they basically own the questing area and know they can kill you without consequence because of situations like the above. :smiley: Or theyā€™ve been ?? level paladins in MC raid gear that go around whacking on people half their level for two hours in a random zone because they can. And as soon as you get another 60 on them theyā€™ll bubblehearth away like a coward. Or they abuse safespotting in neutral towns to kill Horde with no retaliation from guards (Which GMs consider an exploit and WILL ban you for, btw).

But my point is oneā€™s experience is completely anecdotal. Grass is greener and all that. Unless you find it literally impossible to quest, the factions are even enough to be ā€˜fineā€™.

I shall prove you wrong! I have a lot of baseballs in my bags and I will shoot them at you with my bow (ā€¦whatā€¦?) if I ever see you around!

And since youā€™re tauren, youā€™re not actually hard to miss! I can track you by those massive bovine ā€œland minesā€ that you keep dropping everywhere! Easy enough.

Also, Iā€™m pretty sure you actually mean that alliance is missing baseballsā€¦ right? :thinking:

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Should not beā€¦I have a steady supply of Wilson A1030sā€¦

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See Takatoa! We have them!

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Oh yeah? Well Iā€™ll see you in court!

:tennis: Wait wrong courtā€¦


In my experience itā€™s pretty even, and in most cases pretty mellow as well when it comes to farm spotsā€¦ 90% of the 60s wonā€™t fack with grey lvl players as well.
Not even 49-50 lvls who arenā€™t greyā€¦ Until phase 2 I guessā€¦

Seems ok to me!

Iā€˜ll just bump it.
Does it still seem okay and even to you? :smile:

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This realm is done 8k Alliance to 2k Horde online this evening.


Its fine 50-50 to me.

Good for you.

Do you have any sources for this? Thatā€™s really worrying if true.

Neither Horde or Alliance players have any long-term interest in having one faction dying off this early on in the game. We do not have cross-realms and our enjoyment of the world, PvP and to some extent even PvE relies on the other faction being alive and active.

No, I had conversation with reasonable person who wanting to stay on server and he came with this, (so take it with grain of salt, but I doubt he was making it up),. I transfered my 60, because dungeons groups were falling apart,and you can transfer to more balanced lower populated realms. I know that overall alliance players are dominated, so wonā€™t trashtalk alliance players from ZT. Its simple vanilla servers were capped for how many? 3-4 k players? right now is like 10k, i think even more. Even if your faction was outnumbered there was still space to breath, in Classic itā€™s mess, i think phase 1 was very nice, but hard to say what was Blizz thinking about phase 2. I remember playing on Defias, mainly because of gret AH ratio close to 50/50, not getting it here, no matter Alliance or Horde.

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Based on latest few days i would say that there is a pretty obvious numbers advantage for the alliance on ZT. Im not whining, just stating what my eyes tell me. We on horde probably need better coordination and effort, or we get stomped.

The thing that bothers me tho is that this obviously is in violation of #nochanges. The larger server populations has turned this into something that i do not recognize from vanilla at all. There was breathing room in vanilla because the enemy was not able to lock down all zones - everywhere, all the time. There were not enough players for that. I have a friend who plays alliance on one of the first announced PVP servers here in classic and he showed me how the game is for him atm. Not fun i tell you, and several magnitudes worse than we horde have it now on ZT. It was litterally impossible to do anything but corpse run. Lets hope ZT doesnt end up like that. Its not fun for any faction - atleast i cant imagine that it is.

Ive had some good pvp the last few days but yeah, the recurring pattern is that whenever we get a nice balanced fight going it does not take long before horde get zerged by alliance numbers.


From what I have seen so far, and I donā€™t play that much due to irl atm, the ratio seems to favor alliance by a big margin.

I donā€™t mind it, but I do mind not ending up playing the game because I am getting corpse camped by multiple groups that are trying to farm honor. I am not moaning, I understand that people are trying to gain honor and buy their items, but it shows that once more Blizz has messed up with issuing the honor system without releasing BGs at the same time, and having overpopulated realms.

I simply log out and move on to other games, and I am sure I am not the only one.


While all of this is true, I mostly fear the exodus of horde from ZT. I have seen it in Vanilla on Dentarg EU, when Bad Omen attracted horde players like a magnet and soon there was almost no life on alliance side. Yes, this is different but if this happens, itā€™s no fun to play alone. Some imbalance is okay as long as horde is still active.

No way! I played on that realm in vanilla too on horde side. What guild were you in? Bad Omen took our best players when they moved in, I was in Perfecktion. Sorry for the off-topic.

As for the topic, I already transferred away from this realm. It was a combination of alliance locking down everything, horde not really caring and Iā€™m gonna be playing with an old vanilla buddy from Dentarg on the new realm.

What you said about horde being active is true, but from what Iā€™ve seen most of them donā€™t care. They would rather watch people get killed in durotar than turn on pvp and risk dying themselves. When I called them pathetic horde for it, which they are, they told me to move from this realm if I donā€™t like it so I did. That is the level of these people. They would rather chase other horde away from the server than finding their balls and fighting back. Worse than being outnumbered is that the horde on this realm is really weak. I noticed this while leveling, but it became very clear now.

I tried doing pvp here by myself, but I found that there are zones where you find no alliance and zones where you find all the alliance, so I have to move around a lot or camp that one poor dude thatā€™s alone which isnā€™t fun for me. Iā€™m not about to be farmed by a raid every time I log in or hide in the city like those cowards.