Horde is loosing Zandalar?

I played on alliance side and transfered away shortly before TBC launch.

Not many have same level of passion to the game as you do. Today it’s all about efficiency, minmaxing. All the jump runs, AOE farming etc. PVP is one of the aspects of this problem. People know how it goes and how it ends. I guess we can’t play this game as we played it in vanilla. As for me I just try to do things in game I did not do back then and I have hard time finding likeminded people. I can’t force myself to raid therefore i’m probably not viable fellow.

You should write a book.

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after few days on less populated level I would say realm being overpopulated it’s main reason of problems (like with many others), with less people still there is a lot of ganking, but there’s plenty of places where you can quest without being harrased. On other hand I don’t get why people think bgs will fix it lol. Be prepared for gy camping by premades and 6 hours long wsgs…

just wait til you hit the high 40s and early 50s and then tell me how many places there are to quest / grind without being constantly being harrased, ive personally tried ungoro,feralas, searing gorge, felwood, WPL, which have been locked down by the Alliance more or less since the day Honor points was implemented. oh and if anyone is going to say “but you can just dungeon level” yes i could if the dungeon portals wasnt being camped at least the ones in the hot zones like BRD


I can’t even dungeon level because I would be forced to respec to deep prot and tank. Spent good 12 hours on level 52 already.

It’s awfull for the horde, I mean, really… We’ll try to fight back but it seem desperate at this moment…

The relentless gank squads in WPL are rather sucking the fun out of the game for me yeah.

As an ally, I kind of slowed down my playtime significantly. When I am out in the world, seeing these horde guys getting farmed (not really camped, but killed by 4 different gank squads in half an hour)… It kind of sucks off my will to play.
I know I am a softie.
I do like PvP. I do like ganking too. That’s why I am eager for BGs. But what I like even more is playing in a healthy environment / server. And I just feel like it’s not the case currently.

edit: My bias toward thinking bad for horde also comes from the fact that I play a class/spec that has an ok-time in WPvP. I understand not everyone has the luxury to evade PvP at will.


You know it’s bad when even the Alliance are finding it boring stomping horde.

Opening up free incoming horde transfer and free outgoing alliance transfers would be a solution.

Allowing horde to “give up” and transfer away for free has only compounded the issue.


Loving the horde salt “waaa we can’t outnumber 10:1 i want a refund blizz ;_;”

I believe my views only reflect a minority of people. Don’t read too much into it.

I’m loving the 1500 heroes having their day in the sun. Bask in the UV rays friend, at least while you can.

ok alliance rogue.


There isnt arena in classic noob

Òh no Tanv, you followed us here.

Incoming horde transfer and let the alli transfer away? lol ZT is the only alliance dominated server and its like 60-40 A-H, did you ever played on Shazz/Golemagg/Gehennas? Never seen a horde player saying even a single bad thing about those server’s balance. I would rather keep ZT alli dominated than making another unplayable horde server.

Can we all relax little? ZT is still probably amongst the most balanced servers. Playing at different times of the day (and different days of the week) can give different impressions but so far I see a rather even situation.
Sure, right now it’s become a bit of a mess with this “brilliant” idea by Blizz of implementing the Honor System without BGs but calm down people: comes Dec 10th things will considerably cool off. Just bit patient.